Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

With Knives and Pens We Made Our Plight.

I laid on my bed, staring at my ceiling, just thinking. I had to figure all of this out somehow, someway.

"Renee!" I heard Mia exclaim as she ran towards my room.

"What?" I replied monotone and using my magic to open my door for her.

"You know that's illegal, right?" Mia chatisized me.

"Wrong magic. The Ministry can't bitch at me for being Wiccan."

Mia sighed, but regained her energy and jumped on my bed. "I figured it out!"


"I've put together a family tree for what we have so far!"

I arched an eyebrow and sat up. "Show me."

She nodded and opened her sketch book, turning it and showing me her Mi-Scratch in family tree form.

"It starts at your grandparents 'cause I couldn't find your great-grandparents at the moment. I'll do some more digging later, though." Mia started. She's so doing this work to avoid Bella. "Your grandmother's name is Angel Gwendalyn Bourdain. She married Obito Uchiha and had three children - Evan Micheal Bourdain, Ember Lynn Bourdain, and Nikita Sin Bourdain.

"I also managed to track down records of your cousins - Matthew Eli Bourdain and Becca Amber Bourdain - Evan's children, and Damian Lucifer Bourdain, Kora Sophia Bourdain, and Vera Roza Bourdain - Ember's. Then there's you."

"What if she met someone?" I suggested.


"What if, after she gave me up or even before for all I know, that she met another guy and I have half siblings?"

"I guess we'll find out eventually, won't we?" Mia smiled.

"I guess we will." I sighed and something tapped my window. Mia and I exchanged confused looks as I went over to my window.

I moved my black and red curtains and saw a big crow with a little note tied by a crimson ribbon on its leg.

I unlatched the lock and stepped onto the balcony; as if on cue, the crow few up and sat itsself on my right arm.

Mia gasped. "Renee! The crest that's on the note is the Bourdain family crest!"

I gaped at her. What could this mean? Was it a note from my mother? Is she still alive and okay?

I walked in with the crow on my arm and set it on my bed, grabbing the note. I was so preoccupied with the note that I hadn't noticed a pendant in the bird's mouth. I only noticed it when it placed the pendant over my head.

The pendant, was the same crest as on the note.

"Well? Open it!" Mia pushed.

I nodded and opened the note, reading aloud,

"Dearest Isabelle, I'm sure by now you are discovering your true bloodline. I am weak, but you may also write to my husband, Howl. I wish to see you soon, but not now. Please, keep sending me letters with Valkyrie. It would give me the strength to hold on. Valkyrie has been my pet for several years now. I am also passing down the family pendant to you. Keep safe, my beloved Isabelle Maria. All my love, -Nikki"

"So she did get remarried." Mia said. "Or married...she has a husband."

"She...she knows about me...and everything..." I breathed.

"You're her daughter, she must have been able to use magic to find you. Some witches are capable of that because of either their magic or connection to their children."

"I have to write back." I said, rushing to my desk. "I have to talk to her..or Howl..or someone!"

"So write back. Want me to call Draco?"

I nodded. "Yeah, he'll want to know."

Mia nodded and left, leaving me to my letter.

Dear Nikki,

Wait, so are you really my mama? Because if you are, I really want to talk to you. I don't know what's going on, but these people are after me and something about my dad and Bellatrix Lestrange is apparently my legal guardian and I just wanted to find you.

P.s. I also go by Renee. But that's another story.

As soon as Valkyrie took off, Draco came rushing in with MiMi right behind him.

"She contacted you?" Draco asked as he hugged me.

I nodded. "Yeah, and I replied. Now I'm just waiting to see..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated in SO LONG!
But I've been so distracted.
With any luck, I'll update once more today.
You all make my day even when I haven't updated(:
Comments will ALWAYS make me try my hardest to update(: