Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

But You’re A No Show, No Go, Looks Like I’m Flyin' Solo.

The longer Anna and I clasped hands, the more it seemed like we had some kind of freaky bond like Lissa and Rose had in Vampire Academy. Turns out, we do.

D-do you know that guy? Because you're hesitant. I heard Anna think in my head.

Yeah, I do. He's my loser of a boyfriend's dad.

Are you serious?!

I'd recognize that hideous hair anywhere, believe me. Platinum blonde hair and cold gray eyes are custom in the Malfoy family.

Malfoy family? I thought you were with Adrian!

If it wasn't for Lucius Malfoy pointing his wand at us, I would have turned and gaped at her. What the hell goes on outside of Hogwarts?!

"Who do we have here?" Lucius taunted us.

Don't, say, anything. I can handle him. I thought through the bond.

Are you certain?

...I hope...

From my free hand, I dropped my wand down my sleeve and into my hand. The sleeve was long enough that Lucius didn't even notice. Perfect sneak attack if he tried anything.

"In some cases, Sasame, you can't be reckless. You actually need a strategy." Sasuke's voice rang through my thoughts. I hated with all my might to admit it, but he was right. Because at the moment, Lucius had the upper hand. I needed help, and I needed it now.

I remembered back to my dream that I shared with my mom and how she said something about opposites being destructive. Maybe it wasn't just my magic that could get us out of here.

Anna, how much does it take for you to get really pissed off?

Not much, father always said I have such a short temper. Why?


"Hm, so neither of you are going to speak?" Lucius taunted us more.

"I will!" I said, trying to disguise my voice and raising my hand. "The girl next to me is a complete dumbass."

Anna turned to me, her face dark. "I am, am I? Well the girl next to me is a reckless fool clearly with no taste in men!"

That was a little bit low and a little bit true.

"Oh yeah? Well the girl next to me is as dainty as a fucking tulip because she's never had to fight for anything in her damn life!" I yelled at her, unlatching my hand.

"Is that so? Because the girl I'm staring at clearly has no brains what-so-ever and must not mean much if her own mother sent her off from one war zone to another with more people that could have killed her!"

That was way to low.

At least it was a good diversion for Lucius.

"Yeah? Well this bitch I'm staring at must not be worth much if she was sent to be stuck at fucking Court doing God knows what!"

She gasped. "I was a seamstress to pay off my parents' debt!"

"They wouldn't have any debt if it wasn't for you!"

"Would you two bloody shut up?!" Lucius yelled at us.

"NO!" We screamed at him, causing trees to catch fire and explode all around him. Sweet!

"Come on!" I said, grabbing Anna's arm and running her away. Once we were a safe distance away, we stopped and she glared at me.

"What the hell was that about, you two-timing whore?!"

I gaped at her. "Jesus Christ! Calm the fuck down! I just needed a diversion and I wasn't sure how good you could act so I didn't tell you my plan. It worked."

Now it was Anna gaping at me. "I'll be damned, you are good at what you do."

"Thank you. And for your information, I am damned the way I'm going." I rolled my eyes casually. "We need a way out of here." I took out my phone and nearly screamed in pure joy that I got service. "I am the only girl that I know that can get service in the middle of a forest in the middle of no where in England when my plan is from America."

Anna cocked her head to the side.

"Cell phone...?" I pondered to her. She shook her head. "Ugh, I need to bring you back into this century, sister."

I ran into my contacts and down to MiMi's, hitting the dial button as though it was my only lifeline. Well, it pretty much was.

"Oh my god, Izzy! Are you okay?!" She said frantically. So she did read my note.

"Yeah...for the most part."

"What the hell does that mean?!"

"It means me and my sister are being attacked by fucking Death Eaters and if you don't have some smarticle way of getting us the hell out of here, we're good as fucked up the ass sideways. Understand?"

"Yeah, I got it. But I don't know how!"

"ARE YOU FRIGGEN KIDDING ME?!" I yelled into the phone.

"Need some help?" I heard behind me.

I spun on my heel, pointing my wand at the sound. Then I sighed in relief at Sasuke.

"Oh, it's only you. FUCKING YES!" I yelled.

"What's going on?!" Mia asked.

"Sasuke. He's here."

"So you'll be alright?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine." I hung up my phone and slipped it back into my pocket then turned back to Sasuke. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Dunno, just got a feeling you had gotten yourself into trouble again." He responded with a shrug.

"You mean like when I was eleven and on my first mission with you guys? Like the actual mission instead of those stupid little things we did around the village?" I laughed a little.

Sasuke smiled lightly. "Yeah, when Naruto and I were stuck in the ice mirrors with Haku and I heard you scream. I just knew Zabuza had you."

"Can we please go over pleasent memories when we aren't about to be dead at any second?" Anna chimed in.

"Oh yeah, sorry! Sasuke, this is my twin sister Annaleise. Anna, this is my brother, Sasuke."

"But...we don't have a brother." Anna said confused.

"It's a long, long story for later." I told her. "So long as Sasuke gets us the hell out of here!"

"I believe you were looking for a tree with the Bourdain crest on it, right?" He said.

Anna and I nodded.

"Well, I can get you there and not get killed." Anna and I clasped hands and let Sasuke lead the way.

"Just go!" Sasuke told us when we reached the tree.

"What about you?" I asked him.

"I'll be fine, I promise." He smiled at me. I didn't take that as a very good sign. "Just go!"

Anna nodded and I did hesitantly, touching the tree and spiraling down, landing in the Dark Forest with two very bright blue eyes staring at me.

I don't remember eyes being able to growl.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh jeeze, more trouble on the works.
What could possibly be happening now?
And what's gonna happen to Sasuke?
So many questions, so little answers.

Chapter title creds;;

53: Paper Gangsta - Lady Gaga
54: New Perspective - P!ATD
55: Best Damn Thing - Avril Lavigne
56: Familiar Taste of Poison - Halestorm
57: Hero - Skillet
58: Hurricaine - 3oSTM
59: Mama, You're a Liar - Kerli
6o: She's in Parties - Kerli
61: Naruto Opening 4: Go!!/Fighting Dreamers
62: We Stitch These Wounds - BVB
63: Fucking Perfect - P!nk
64: We R Who We R - Ke$ha
65: Reach Down - Scarlet Haze