Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Six Feet Under Screams but No One Seems to Hear A Thing.

"Anna," I said cautiously, "whatever you do, don't, move."

I glanced at Anna who nodded slowly and I turned back to the glowing blue eyes in front of me. In this forest were many kinds of creatures. Perfect example: last month's run in with a Five-Tailed Wolf Demon. Something tells me I was about to meet another.

Slowly, I stood to my feet. The animal began walking towards me and I saw that it was black with a blue tint and looked exactly like Aki - my Patronus.

"Wh-what is it?" Anna asked shakilly.

I swallowed hard. "A Three-Tailed Cat Demon."

Anna gasped.

"So you've heard of it, than?"

"Of course! Those beasts are lethal! They say that if you get clawed by one that it will infect you and half turn you. But that's only if they accept you."

"And if they don't...?"

"They will bite and kill."

Now was when I really needed a strategy. But what could I do? My Patronus is the same thing and it's still an animal, so I couldn't hurt it unless it hurt me first. I refused to.

"Alright, Anna, if it lunges, you run. Don't worry so much about me, just run. Don't start screaming and crying until you're out of the forest. Do you understand?"

Hesistantly, she nodded. And hesistantly. I watched the Three-Tails dive for me and Anna run like she's never ran before.

This was so not my night.

Mia's POV.

"I just don't get why she took Malfoy's ring off." Adrian pondered.

Claudé rolled his eyes. "You're such an idiot sometimes, little brother. The note clearly says, 'And you know what to tell Adrian. I don't think I have to tell you that.' Come on! The girl is clearly head-over-heels in love with you! Isn't she, Mia?"

I didn't know what to say. It was only Izzy, Adrian, and I that knew what really happened at Court. I couldn't risk it coming out now. Could I...? Then my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mia, is Isabelle back yet?" Itachi asked. He sounded distraught.

"No, why? Is something wrong?" I was starting to freak out.

I heard Itachi swallow hard in the pause.

"Is it Izzy? Did something happen?" Adrian looked at me concerned as hell as I asked Itachi.

"No, she should be back soon. It's Sasuke..."

"Wh-what happened?"

"Mia, he got killed."

I dropped the phone and started to cry when I heard screaming.

Annaleise's POV.

I ran through the halls of Hogwarts screaming and crying for help. Sure enough, teachers came to my aid and students swarmed the scene.

"Dear child, what's the matter?" A woman who looked to be a teacher here said. "Why, Miss Bourdain is that you?"

I shook my head. "N-no. You are thinking of my sister. My name is Annaleise - Isabelle needs help now!"

"What's wrong with Belle?" Came Adrian's voice as he fought through the crowd. "Anna? Is that you?"

I nodded as he helped me up. "Isabelle is in the f-forest with t-the Three-Tails! L-last I s-saw her, she was being dragged a-away by the hem of her d-dress!"

"This is just not her night..." Adrian muttered.

"What happened?" The woman who first found me asked.

"Professor, this is Annaleise Rosette Bourdain. She's Isabelle's sister. Isabelle left tonight to find her mother and is currently being mauled by a Three-Tailed Cat Demon in the Dark Forest. And just two minutes ago we call from Itachi Uchiha saying their brother Sasuke was murdered.

"But Sasuke saved us from Lucius Malfoy!" I said. All went silent.

"Did you say...Lucius Malfoy?" The Professor asked me.

I nodded. "Yes, we were attacked at my parents' home and my sister said that the Death Eater who had confronted us was her boyfriend's father!"

"I'll go get Isabelle." Adrian said, ignoring our calls as he ran towards the Dark Forest.

Adrian's POV.

I ran with all of my vampiric might into the Dark Forest to rescue Belle. All night I had a bad feeling that something was wrong, now I could barely feel her at all.

I was relieved when my ears caught her heartbeat, and my nose caught her sweet scent of roses and cherries. ...Mixed with blood. A lot of blood. And her heartbeat was barely holding on.

I slid on the muddy ground next to Belle and held her limp form in my arms.

"D-Draco?" She asked weakly.

"No, Belle. It's not Draco."

She smiled. "Good, because I would have, kicked his, chimpmunk ass, into last, c-century!"

I laughed sadly. "Just hand on, Belle, I'll get you out of here."

"D-don't leave Lexi here a-all al-lone."

"Who's Lexi?" As I asked that, a little mini Three-Tails appeared and meowed, licking Belle's arm. It was then that I noticed the three gashes resembling claw marks on her right arm.

Isabelle's POV.
-Next Morning-

I awoke in the Hospital Wing and smiled at my friends and sister. We made it back in one piece - Mission A-fucking-complished.

"How do you feel, Belle?" Adrian asked, stroking my hand.

"Like I just got hit upside the head with a pipe." I said. Then smiled. "But I'm fine."

Mia looked at me, her smile quivering, then burst into babbling tears as James held her. My smile faded.

"What's going on? You guys are acting like someone died." Mia's babbling sobs grew louder.

"Belle, someone did die." Adrian told me gently.

"Oh my god...was it Howl? Is he okay?" I started sitting up, but Adrian gently pushed me back down.

"No, Isabelle. Howl is okay." Anna said.

"Then what's going on?"

"Belle, it's Sasuke." Adrian looked like he was even choking back tears. "Lucius Malfoy killed him and got away."

It took me a second to register his words, before I as well broke out in hysterical crying into Adrian's chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next update for Minutes to Midnight:
"Do You Really Want Me Dead Or Alive to Live A Lie?"
No comments lately so if I don't get a single comment tomorrow I won't update until I do :/