Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Do You Really Want Me Dead or Alive to Live a Lie?

Adrian’s POV.
-Two Days Later: October 16th-

"She still won't come out?" Mia asked me, still worrying like no tomorrow.

I nodded. "She prefers to be alone but every so often she'll let me in."

"Has she eaten? Please tell me she's not starving herself!"

"Periodically she eats, yeah. I bring her stuff and sometimes she picks at it, but she's upset and hurting and confused. Her appetite isn't the same as normal."

"Will she ever be okay...?"

"Soon. Just give her time." When Becca came running up to us, we knew that was a bad sign.

"Isabelle...Isabelle's gone!" She panted.

"What?!" Mia yelled.

"I went to check on her and her door was open and she's was gone!"

"I'll find her, don't worry." I said running off towards her room.

Carefully, I walked into her room and picked up her scent. Looking around, I found that she was still crying when she left. I followed her familiar scent all the way outside and down to the Black Lake where I saw her, knees to her chest and Lexi by her side, crying still.

I went down to her and pulled her close to me to comfort her like I have been.

“You know,” I said as I stroked her hair, “your friends are pretty worried about you. When Malfoy heard, his face went green and petrified.”

“Why would he be scared? It was his father that tried to kill me and Anna!” Belle replied, calming her sobs a little bit.

I chuckled. “He’s afraid for his life of you.”

Belle looked up at me. “Why?”

I smiled sadly and wiped away her tears and falling eyeliner. “Because he knows you’d want revenge. And he knows you’re going to make it your life’s goal to make him pay. Well, if you ever stop crying that is.” I tapped her nose.

“It’s not my fault,” she muttered, looking at the lake, “I never expected to be this upset over Sasuke’s damn death. Hell, I always thought I’d be dancing around to ‘Hello My Hate’.”

“Probably because as much as you hate to admit it, you loved him and he was your brother. Not by immediate blood, but he was still there.”

“I just…I just wish I had listened to him sometimes.”

“About what?”

“Several things. If I had listened to him, he’d still be here and alive right now and we’d be chilling back home acting like siblings should.”

“Belle, don’t—“

“It’s true!” She looked at me with pleading eyes. “He told me to stay far, far away from the Malfoys. Did I listen? No. And I forgot the most important cardinal rule: Lucius. Malfoy. Is. A. Fucking. Death. Eater.

“Belle, stop worrying so much—“

“Can’t…can’t you bring him back?”

My smile vanished. “Belle, I could never—“

“If you can’t for Sasuke…than…than could you…?”

“You want me to turn you…?” Hesitantly, she nodded. “Why?

“Because I’m just so damn sick of everything! I can feel the Darkness spreading all over me,” her voice was shaky, “I have the constant fear that I can die and not be able to put up a fight, I just have this rage that I can’t control, hell, I can’t control anything! I always have to be guarded and protected and—“

I couldn’t help myself. As she started to ramble, I just kissed her.

Isabelle’s POV.

“…I always have to be guarded and protected and—“ As I started to ramble, Adrian just…kissed me. He cupped my face in his hands and just full on kissed me.

Slowly, my eyes closed and I put my hands on his chest, As we pulled apart, he looked away ashamed.

“I’m sorry, Belle, I…I shouldn’t have—“ As he started to ramble this time, I smiled and reached up and kissed him.

“Don’t be sorry,” I murmured against his lips, kissing him again. Much like we had at Court, we found ourselves lost in each other’s embrace.

Mia’s POV.

“Did Adrian find Izzy?” I asked Becca.

“Oh…he found her alright…” She replied solemnly.

“What do you mean…?”

“Follow me…”

Becca led me down to the cliff over the Black Lake and pointed down. I gasped when I saw Adrian and Izzy making out like a love-struck couple.

I could literally feel my jaw hanging almost to the ground.

“Well, at least it’s Addie…” Becca said, nervously rubbing her head.

“I cannot watch this!” I said, turning and walking back, my cheeks turning pink in embarrassment.

I wasn’t sure if this was good or bad, but part of me was kind of happy…

Isabelle’s POV.

I don’t know how long it was before Adrian and I finally pulled apart, not letting each other go.

“Are you serious about wanting me to turn you?” Adrian asked.

I nodded and he sighed.

“Please, Addie?” I begged.

“You know it’s not gonna be like when I did over summer, right?” I nodded. “It’s going to hurt. A lot.”

“I don’t care. I’d rather be bonded to you for eternity than being with Draco.”

“Really?” I nodded. “Because I can’t make you my bride until I’m sixteen.” I pouted. “But, I know a way to make it happen.”

“How?” I asked curiously.

“If I turned you now,” I could hear the pain in his voice, “than I could bond you to me on my sixteenth birthday by what would be considered turning you again.”

“I’m not sure I follow.”

“To turn you, I need to drink your blood and you need to drink mine. To bond you to me, it’s the same but on sacred ground. Like a cemetery.”

“I could do that.”

“Are you positive?” I nodded. He sighed. “Alright…we’ll…I’ll do it tonight.”

I smiled and tackled him to the ground in a hug. “Thank you, Addie!”

“You’re welcome, Belle.”

I sat on his stomach and just looked at him. My face went serious and he looked puzzled.

“I…” I started to say.

“What is it, Belle?”

“Adrian, I…I love you.

[A/N: Okay, am I the only one that’s getting back into the HP hype and getting Draco happy again and sick of this Adrian crap? x.x What the fuck was I on when I wrote this shit?! Haha.]

Annaleise’s POV.

Something surged through me and I knew it had to be with my sister. I found Mia and asked her what was going on.

“Last time I saw her…her and Adrian…” She either shuddered or shook her head.

I leaned against a wall and focused. I managed to see into my sister and see through her eyes.

”Adrian, I…I love you,” she said. Oh my fucking God… I thought.

For a moment, Adrian just looked at her. Then he smiled and stroked her cheek. “I have always loved you, Belle. And you don’t know what it means to me to hear you say that, but—“

“Addie, I mean it. Even if you didn’t say you’d turn me, I’d still have told you I love you.”

Back in my own body, I gasped. Then I cut my eyes at seeing Malfoy. His eyes went pleading as he hugged me.

“Isabelle, I’m so bloody sorry! I didn’t know my father would do such a thing! But it’s not my fault, I swear! I love you, I always have and always will! Just because I’m following Umbridge’s rules doesn’t mean I’ll stop loving you! I’ll bloody do anything for you!”

“Than get off me!” I said, shoving him hard. “You twit, you have the wrong Bourdain!” With that, I stormed away, muttering to myself.

Draco’s POV.
[A/N: Ugh, is anyone else getting irked with all these POV changes? x.x haha.]

I stood in my spot, staring. What in bloody hell just happened?!

“That’s not Izzy,” said Mia, also walking away.

“But…?” I said to no one.

“Draco!” I heard Blaise call. I turned to him. “Ash mate, I’m so sorry.”

“For what?” What was the git talking about, now?!

“Isabelle! You bloody lost her!”

“But, apparently that wasn’t—“

“No, not her you twit! That’s her half-sister. You bloody lost Isabelle to Cromwell! They were just at the Black Lake together.”

I lost it right then and there.

Isabelle’s POV.
-hour later-
[A/N: Well, at least the chapter’s almost over. ._. This is the last POV change for this chapter! Haha.]

Smiling for once in a while, I wandered the grounds with Lexi at my side, padding along. I sighed heavily when I remembered how I used to do this back at the Academy. Sasuke would always find me and make me go to class. I huffed and headed towards the school.

I only had Potions, Transfigurations, and Charms left, but when haven’t I skipped half of the day?

I summoned my book bag and started walking to Potions, not giving a damn about my outfit. (outfits will now be displayed in author’s notes at the end of chapters.)


I got into class, surprisingly smiling, and then it happened when I saw Draco sitting there.

I fucking snapped.

I ducked my head and dug my nails into my books as the entire room went silent.

“Isabelle…” Draco whispered. I didn’t budge. “Isabelle, I’m sorry! I didn’t know my father was that low! Dammit Isabelle, will you bloody look at me?”

Resisting a sadistic laugh, I glared up at him. “I will give you a ten second head start to run for your fucking life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who missed me? haha.
Well, I thank all of you who commented in my absence and here is your reward(: I wrote this back in like...February and can't believe it's taken me FOUR MONTHS to update! D:
So here ya go(: I'll try to keep this going as often as I can, and since summer's coming, it may be going pretty good with Lauren whipping my ass! X]
So..comment? :3

Isabelle's outfittttt
Anna's outiftttt

P.s. Anyone who knows who the song 'Hello My Hate' is by WITHOUTT looking it up, will have the opportunity to be a new OC as whoever you like(: First to tell me who the song is by, I will message asking for details about their character(: