Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

These Issues, They Choke Me Like A Noose.

Author’s Note;; I’m doing some MAJOR editing on my prewritten chapters because I officially can’t stand 90% of what I have written. So bear with me, my readers!


My feet echoed through the deathly silent halls as they pounded on the concrete. Draco kept calling back to me, begging for his life. I heard footsteps behind me and knew it was probably my friends.

But I kept running.

I was on a hunt, and he was my prey.

As I ran, I could feel my blood running ice cold but assumed it was just the adrenaline. I chased Draco all the way to an abandoned hall and cornered him. By now, my entire body felt ice cold.

“Do as you desire…” A voice chimed in my head.

“Deliver their soul from death, and keep them alive…” Another said.

“Choose your fate, choose your fate, choose your fate…”

“Do as you desire…”

“I-Isabelle,” Draco started.

“Choose your fate…”

“Do as you desire…”

“Deliver the soul…”

I couldn’t hear most of his words, or anything really. Everything appeared muffled and I felt like I had a weight on my chest.

“Isabelle…?” Draco’s voice appeared…worried, and not scared.

A dark aura came over me and my voice turned harsh and cynical. I was no longer in control of myself, but merely watching the events as a demon possessed my body and laughed hysterically at Draco.

I am going to rip your soul right out of your body and send you flying into the shallowest part of Hell.” The demon spoke.

“Izzy!” I heard MiMi call for me. I felt tears running down my translucent cheeks as I watched the events.

“Choose, your fate…choose, your fate…choose, your fate…”

I clutched my ears from the voices swirling around me. The claw marks that were on my body which were only faded in scars, turned into big, black markings. I shivered, feeling my entire body temperature dropping severely.

The Darkness was controlling my body, and I couldn’t do anything but watch…




“Stop it!” I called out to no one. But no one heard my translucent form.

I gasped as though something had run through me. I was slowly slipping away, and was slowly being submerged in the darkness. It was as though I was being drowned.

“Run free…”

I clenched my fists and knew I had to fight as I watched the demon advancing on Draco and tearing apart my body.

My body, and my boyfriend!


I ran towards my possessed self and ran into it, shoving whatever darkness was in me back where it belongs.

“Run free…”

I smiled and felt myself go weak, letting my body hit the floor.


“Hey, I think she’s waking up!” I heard. My eyes unstuck themselves, and opened slowly. I smiled when I saw my friends.

“Where is he?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

“Draco’s in his room, sweetie,” replied Mia.

I shook my head. “Where’s…S-Sas-uke?”

Mia glanced at the others confused. Adrian turned to me. “Belle, he’s—“

“Just fine.” I smiled, seeing Sasuke standing proudly in the Hospital Wing doorway.

“We resurrect, it’s like I’ve come back to life…”

Shut up, voices.

All of my friends turned and looked absolutely stunned. I started to laugh and held my arms open as Sasuke came over to hug me.

“I might have been slipping a-away while that d-demon was controlling m-me, but among the o-other v-voices, I’d recognize S-Sasuke’s anywhere!”

“How much pain medication is she on?” Mia muttered to Anna who shrugged.

“Belle,” asked Adrian, “do you remember what happened?”

“I remember chasing Draco…cornering him…then watching as some demon possessed me. I screamed into nothingness as I began to slip into the shadows, only hearing your voices muffled, and strange ones clearly.”

I could tell by the looks on their faces that they thought that was the medications talking. I pouted. It was true!

“Anything else?”

“I remember being really cold. And only getting colder and colder.”

“How about now? Do you feel cold now?”

“No, I feel fine now. Why? What’s going on?”

Sasuke put his arm around me. “Nothing, Sasame. You just need to worry about getting your energy back.”

“How are you alive?” Mia asked. “Itachi told me you were dead.”

“Yeah, I was.” Sasuke replied nonchalantly. “But I guess something in me wasn’t.”

“What’s that blood on your hands?” James asked.

Sasuke glanced at his hands and smirked. “Not my blood.”

Mia smacked her forehead (A/N: gonna use the term ‘facepalm’ from now on! :D). “It’s Draco’s, isn’t it?”

“All I did was leave him with a cut lip, bloody nose, and black eye.” Sasuke said with a shrug.

I smiled and shook my head.

“Well, well, well, it’s a family of miracles,” came Claude’s voice.

“What do you want now, brother?” Adrian said, very unhappily.

“I find it ironic how Fourth Year, Isabelle – Renee then – got his with the Killing Curse and lived, and now her brother as well.”

Adrian furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Claude, but it was MiMi who spoke. “And you probably have some demented theory, don’t you?” she said.

“But of course, my dear.”

“Well, let’s hear it.” Adrian sighed.

“The way I figure things, Isabelle – much like Mr. Harry Potter – has her dear mummy’s magic protecting her. Now, since Nikita’s magic is split between her two daughters of darkness,” he smirked at the each of us, “it’d be more likely for Isabelle to survive the Cruciatis Curse with little injury.”

“Where are you going with this?” asked Adrian.

“I’m saying that it’s not only Nikita’s Spirit fused with Isabelle’s, but also Sasuke’s, Annaleise’s, Mia’s, yours, little brother, and Malfoy’s.”

Anna and I exchanged, ‘What-the-hell-is-he-talking-about?’ glances. Claude groaned, getting irritated with having to explain everything.

“To make it simple, the love of your friends and family is what’s keeping you around. Your Spirit is what can protect you from harm and you just so happen to have a lot which is what most hunters are looking for. The more Spirit you have, the more power.
“Since your Spirits are partially fused together, technically each of you gets hit when one of you dies, or gets mauled, or whatever. As long as you have someone to live for, or something to live for, and you have the Spirit, you won’t die until that purpose is fulfilled.”

“You know your purpose, Isabella.”

I ignored the voice and Sasuke spoke up. “So that’s why I felt a jolt through my chest last year when she ‘died’?”

Claude nodded. “She’s spent most of her time around you, so you were the first to feel it. If I had to take a shot, I’d bet on Mia next.”

Mia flinched. “Wait, what?!”

Claude rolled his eyes. “You’ll all see in due time. For now, each of you obviously has a purpose for living. You must figure out your purposes.” With that, he vanished. And the voices returned.

“Choose, your fate…”

“Do as you desire…”

“Deliver the soul…”




“Run free, Isabella…”

Great, now I get to get into more trouble. Will my life ever just be chill? Seriously?
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so yeah, I'm getting agitated with what I already had written so I'm totally changing things up.
Most of the "voices" Izzy heard were quotes from Escape the Fate's newest video "Gorgeous Nightmare". I just had to throw in some more crazy shit(:
And yes, the name "Isabella" is in there for a reason. It is not a mistake.

On a side note, check out newarkhigh_wildcat15's stories because, well, they're cool and I said so! :D

Kay..comment for updates(: