Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

I Wanna Undo It.

We spent the day in my room, waiting for a response, taking turns getting snacks and drinks while playing 'Have You Ever...'.

"Have you ever..." Mia began, "gotten dressed and left not knowing that your shirt was backwards until someone told you?"

There was a puse, and I raised my hand, causing MiMi and Draco to bust out laughing.

"What's sadder is that I was wearing a v-neck and it was a random stranger that told me." I said, laughing.

There was a tap on the window again, and all laughter stopped instantly. I glanced at my clock, 8:47p.m. it read. It had been about six hours since I sent my letter.

We all looked at each other and I stood up off of the floor and went to my balcony. There was Valkyrie, perched on the rail of my balcony with a note looking just like earlier's tied to her leg.

I opened the window doors and she flew in, landing on my desk chair. I untied the note, sat on the edge of my bed, and read the note aloud.


My name is Howl. It truely is your mother and I that will be writing you. Do not worry, Nikki is asleep for right now; she's getting better. You will be able to see her soon enough, I promise.
If you have any problems or questions with your magic, feel free to ask. I am a good wizard and truely love my magic. It's always been a good chunk of my life. Your mom has used her connection with you to discover that you are wiccan, correct? I think we will get along just fine because I am too.
You will notice it'll take about four to six hours between letters; we are in the area, but still far enough away.
I'd say we can probably meet up in October, on yours and Nikki's birthday. Does that sound okay?


"Howl seems nice." Mia commented.

"He does. I'm glad my mama found him." I'm also glad that he has the Power to take care of her.

I went over to my desk and grabbed another piece of paper and a pen (how I ever learned how to write with a quill for school and how they ever even came up with that idea is beyond me) and began to write back.

Dear Howl,

Thank you so much for contacting me. I really want to see my mama soon. October sounds good, it'll be agood great birthday present for the both of us.
Bellatrix keeps telling me I have her eyes. Do I? Could you send me pictures of her and your or something? Apparently the last time I saw her I was like three and have no idea.
I've grown up all my life thinking Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha are my brothers. But again, that's also another story.

Keep in contact.

(apparently I go by that now. Okay. Haha.)

"Isabelle...that's a hot name." Draco said with his signature smirk.

Mia rolled her eyes and ignored his comment. "So you are gonna go by that now?"

I shrugged. "Why not? Since I'm in contact with my birth mother and her husband, I guess I'll take on the Bourdain name too."

"Isabelle Maria Bourdain, has a nice ring to it." Mia said. "Hm...Draco Lucius"

Draco glared and I laughed.

"Fine, just for you I'd take your name. Be the black sheep. Okay?" I told Draco, kissing him for insurance.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now it's getting good!Renee Isabelle is now in contact with her mom and step-dad you could call him.
What drama awaits this trio?
Comment and you shall see what drama unfolds in this fucked up soap opera(: