Status: On hiatus do to my lazy ass ^-^'' When my other half comes over, we'll be back on track(:

Minutes to Midnight.

Don't Ever Tell Me I'm Falling Apart.

"I, am Rosemary's granddaughter, the spitting image of my father, and when the day is done my mama's still my biggest fan. Sometimes I'm clueless and clumsy, but I've got friends who love me, and they know where I stand; it's all a part of me, and that's who I am." A girl sang as she twirled in her white summer dress in a field.

"You sing so beautifully." A boy commented, jumping down from the trees.

The two looked so similar - dark hair (dark chocolate brown on the girl, midnight black on the boy), very pale skin, and icy blue eyes.

"Well thank you." The girl giggled. She had a pure American accent. With a southern hint to hit that was just barely noticeable. Possibly either Italian or from Tennesee or something.

"You don't sound nor look like you're from here." The boy observed. A thick English accent mixed with possible Romanian if you listened closely.

"Oh, I definetly am not." She replied.

"Than where, may I ask, are you from?"

"Oakhaven, Massachusetts." She replied simply. She may have come from Oakhaven, but it didn't sound that way in her accent.

The boy arched an eyebrow. "Massachusetts?"

"That's in America."

"America? Than why are you in London?"

"Because I am starting a brand new school here. I'm quite excited. Mama and daddy not so much though. But no one will tell me why."

The boy smiled. "So than I was right."

The girl looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"My instincts never fail me. You are a witch, are you not?"

She gasped and smiled. "How did you know?"

"My name is Howl Brimstone. And I am a wizard myself."

"Howl...that's an unusual name."

"And what might yours be, m'lady?"

"Nikita," She smiled big, "Nikita Bourdain."

Howl laughed. "And how is Howl any more unusual than Nikita?"

"Because my name comes from my great-grandmother Nikola and her best friend who helped our family through so much, Akita." Nikita huffed.

"Really?" Nikita nodded. "I was named for my great-great grandfather, the Great Howlette Brimstone. He was a fantastic wizard; my parents say I inheritted it."

"Well, my father is the Great Obito Uchiha!" Nikita fought.

Howl was taken back. "Obito Uchiha? One of the two founding brothers of the great Uchiha Clan?"

Nikita nodded. "And Madara is my uncle. But that's all I know about him."

"Than why do you bear the name Bourdain?"

"Because that is the name of each Bourdain woman and the men take their wives' name in our family. And can I show you a secret?"

Howl arched an eyebrow. "Show me a secret?"

Nikita nodded, closed her eyes, and opened them to reveal her Mangekyo Sharingan.

I shot up, trying to breathe. I felt as though I had been sucked into some dimension and suffocated.

"Renee, Isabelle, whatever, what's wrong?" Mia siad, springing off of my floor.

"Just call me Isabelle. But my was..." I tried to say.

"About your mother." Draco said on my side.

"How did you know?" I asked him, finally catching my breath.

"Because I could see it as well. I don't know how, but I could. You get your Sharingan from your mother. Now we just need to figure out how in bloody hell she got it and why she didn't end up with that Howl guy in the first place." He replied.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHAT?!" Mia asked in slight yelling form.

I sighed. "In the dream it looked as though I was watching one of my mom's memories."

"What happened?" Mia asked calmly. I ran a hand through my messy morning hair and told her about the dream to which she replied by running downstairs.

I blinked in confusion and gave Draco a, 'what-in-the-hell-was-that-about?' look. He shrugged and Mia came running back up with a huge, ancient looking book in her arms.

"What, in hell, is that?" I questioned, pointing to the monstrocity.

"Long story short, you can call it a dream book." She replied, sitting on the bed and flipping through the pages.

Draco and I gaped at her. She had found, an ancient dream book? Was she for real or had she gone mental now too?

"Okay, uh..." She said, flipping through the pages. "Oh! Okay, dreams about memories - your own memories - often try to make you relive something for some important reason. But if they're not your own, than the person that holds that memory is trying to tell you something."

A thought occured to me. "What if it's supposed to be your memory, but you don't remember it ever happening?"

"Than something in your head is trying to show you and make you remember."

So clearly my mom is trying to tell me something...but what...?

I held the family pendant in the palm of my hand, spacing off into my endless pit of questions.

What was all of this supposed to mean? How did my mama get the Sharingan? Do any of my great-aunts or uncles have it? Do my cousins? Am I the only other one?

Why, if she met Howl then, didn't she end up with him to start? How did she get involved with my dad? How do I have some dhampir gene in me?

Why do these people that I don't even know keep trying to hunt down me and my family...?

"Isabelle?" My head shot up. Great, so I was answering to that now I guess.

It was Mia who said my name. "Izzy, you okay?"

"Yeah I was just - what did you call me?"

Mia smiled. "Izzy. Isabelle, Izzy?"

I chuckled and sighed. I had gone from Renee to NeeNee to Isabelle to Izzy with her.

"Guys, just do me a favour." The two of them looked at me intently. "Don't ever tell me I'm falling apart. Just bitch slap me and tell me to calm the fuck down." They nodded and we laughed.

Somehow, I was getting the feeling that that was going to be a nice little tip for them soon enough...
♠ ♠ ♠
The drama is slowly unraveling!
What's to come for these guys now?
And what could possibly happen to drive me to write two more books after this?!

I would like to thank these guys for never failing to comment since chapter one;;
Ashiee Northman

Thank you so much you guys!

And since I believe I had forgotten to mention it,
Story title creds go to Linkin Park's album: Minutes to Midnight.
Chapter creds;;
1: A7x's "Beast and the Harlot"
2: Christina Aguilera's "Fighter"
3: 3oSTM's "Closer to the Edge"
4: Christina Aguilera's "Woohoo"
5: The Millionaires's "Talk Shit"
6: Black Veil Brides's "Knives and Pens"
7: Carrie Underwood's "Undo It"
and 8: Lacuna Coil's "I Won't Tell You"

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