I'm Never Okay

Frank Iero, Gerard Way and Mikey Way are best friends and outcasts together. Then a transfer to the school, Hayley, becomes friends with them. This is a het romance and there WILL be slash, but not for a long time.

Gerard is a senior.
Mikey is a sophomore,
Frank and Hayley are both freshman.

And yes, disclaimer says: I wish I owned MCR but I don't. Stuff in this story is all fictional etc.

Thanks for reading...comments, even if they're to tell me that I screwed up somewhere, subscriptions and ideas are greatly appreciated <3
  1. Locker trouble
    Frank gets beaten up by a jock and meets the new transfer
  2. New friends?
    Hayley walks to school with Frank...and meets the preps.
  3. Sandwiches belong in lunchboxes.
    Frank gets bullied some more, and Hayley...has problems.
  4. Hell, you're into Misfits.
    Hayley explains herself.
  5. It's called Cajun.
  6. V for Skittles!
    Sex [in a way]. I upped the rating to compensate.
  7. Life, death and detention.
  8. Pansy
    uh oh.
  9. No Candy?
  10. Bitter Revenge
  11. Just As Friends.
  12. Prepare, my ass.
  13. Misfits
    in a world of perfection
  14. Get a coffin