Status: Slow Active

Pin-Up Paper Rockstars



"Yes? No? Maybe so?"

Ryan hovered in front of the fast food establishment waiting on his bandmates to either agree or disagree with his suggestion on where to grab supper. No one's expression could mimick that of Jillian's.

"Yeah, feel free to go in there, but I'm heading down the street to the sushi joint."

Dustan laughed. "The sushi joint?"

Even though he was making fun of her, she had to admit that it was nice to see him smiling in reguards to her. After appearing in that magazine topless and scantilly dressed, he'd made it pretty clear that he wasn't impressed with her decision. However, now that the smoke was clearing, he was acting more like himself.

"Yeah, I have no idea what the real name of the place is," Jill began walking again. "I saw it on the way in, and that's where I'm headed now."

"Not alone you're not."

Dustan, the protector has suddenly shifted gears. Jill glanced down the street. In the darkening sky, it was illuminated by only street lights and buzzing with all walks of life. The very stubborn part of her, which in fact made up over three quarters of her being, screamed to deny the fact that she might not be alright on her own in a city she'd never been in before. But, that other small part of her knew that he was right.

"Fine I'll call, Johnny, or Zack, or Brian, or maybe Matt or Jimmy." She dug her phone out of her jean's pocket.

"Dont' do that," Dustan protested as she dialed.

She avoided hitting the send button so she could hear what else he had to say.

"I'll come with you." He glanced amongst the rest of their bandmates. "We'll see you guys back at the bus."

Jill shook her head and pressed send. It wasn't what she wanted to hear from him right now. She pressed the phone to her ear awaiting to hear the voice she'd come to recognize quite quickly. "You don't even like sushi, Dustan."

The response from the other end of the phone came quickly. "Yo."

"Hey," she smiled sweetly at Dustan before turning around to talk. "Feel like going for sushi?"


"Your bandmates don't like sushi?" Jimmy asked as they walked down the sidewalk to the small sushi shop buried amongst the larger franchised retaurants.

"No." Jill opened the door and Jimmy grabbed onto it above her head, holding it open for her. "And they didn't want me going out alone."

"Makes sense," Jimmy replied as he followed her into the packed room.

"This is gonna take for fucking ever," Jill groaned. She was hungry, and tense.

The last time she and Jimmy were alone together, they were half naked and making out. Yet part of her wouldn't allow herself to phone one of the other Avenged Sevenfold members first.

"Why don't we find an actual sushi restaurant?" Jimmy asked.

"This is a sushi - "

"Joint?" Jimmy finished her sentence and laughed. "I mean if we're gonna do this, lets do it right. Let's go out for dinner, not just grab something to eat."

Jill froze on the spot but Jimmy's warm hand caressing and gripping her own seemed to unthaw her.

"Come on." He led her out of the building and back out onto the busy sidewalk. With his free hand he dialed up someone and pressed the phone to his ear.

Jill shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She knew she should probably pull her hand from his, but she couldn't quite make herself. Which was a very bad sign. She couldn't fall for Jimmy. Not now, not ever.

"Oh my god!"

"Rev, you're fucking hot! And you're an amazing drummer. Can we have your autograph?"

Jill watched him. He continued talking on the phone, but he did look over at them and smile softly.

"Can you sign my chest?" the bolder, flashier of the two females got straight to the point. She continued to approach them while pulling her tank top down a little more revealing the tops of her breasts as her friend produced a felt marker.

Jill could tell they'd been drinking, but rather than questioning how much they'd swallowed, she found herself wondering about the marker, and if people just carried them around on the possibility of bumping into a celebrity.

"Rev." The girl demanded his attention again.

Jill straightened a little when she realised he'd indeed squeezed her hand. Whether he was looking for help or not she wasn't sure.

"He's on the phone right now. Wait a minute."

Both girls looked taken aback, and the drunker one released her shirt letting it go back to normal. "Who are you?"

"His girlfriend," Jill snarled back. She was getting defensive, there was no way these two were gonna walk all over her.

"His girlfriend? Yeah right," they both chuckled.

"How come you're never in any pictures with him?"

"Because I'm not interested in being a whore like you two," she replied quickly and tugged on Rev's hand, beginning to pull him through the crowd. He didn't protest, but instead he followed quickly, and a few feet later he was flipping his cell closed and tucking it into his pants pocket.

"So girlfriend, where are we going?"

Jill slowed down and glanced over her shoulder. The shit eating grin on his face was hard to ignore. "Away from them."

He chuckled and pushed his glasses further up his nose with his free hand. "Well we have dinner reservations," he smiled at her. "But they're in the other direction."

She stopped walking all together and sighed before turning around to face him. "A cab?" She had no intentions of going back near those girls.

He nodded and hailed one right away, and like the gentleman he was proving himself to be, he opened the door for her, and let her climb into the backseat of the yellow cab first, before climbing in behind. her.

Jill fidgeted with her cell phone in her lap as Rev relayed the directions to the driver before turning to her. His long legs spread wide apart as he aimed to make this ride a relaxing one.

"So how are you enjoying the tour?"

Jilly closed her phone and looked up at him. "It's awsome. Noise and Chaos tour baby, how much more fitting can you get."

He nodded in response. "And you like traveling with us?"

"Of course we do." She looked him over, searching for anything. Hopefulness, regret...but she couldn't get anything out from behind the expensive sunglasses.

"Good." He replied sharply.

The ride had went from awkward, to being almost unbearable.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" The minute she asked, she felt like banging her head on the case in front of her portraying the drivers lisence and credentials.

Way to make small talk, she prided herself.

"No," he replied. "I did but she couldn't really handle my schedule. Which is understandable. But, we hang with some pretty cool understanding chicks. I mean, I'm around the other guys girls enough to not really need my own girlfriend. They look after all of us ya know?"

Jill knew all to much what that was like. On tour for her, was madness. On top of juggling her own wild streak, she was also babysitting four guys.

"So what's up with you and Dustan? You two seem pretty close."

Jill told him the story, omitting a few details here and there. The truth was, everyone saw them getting togther, and staying together forever. Everyone but her. She loved Dustan, but the not the way a girl loves her guy.

"So there's nothing there?" he pressed as the cab rolled to a stop near the curb. Jill wasn't able to respond as Jimmy thrust some money at the driver before they both climbed out.

"This place looks expensive," she hesitated near the door.

He reached for her hand as he looked down at her. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing," she responded. "I'm excited, I haven't had good sushi in a long time."


"Rev took her out for dinner?" Matt asked again. He was pacing the small area to the left of the table.

Syn nodded as he tried to get the noodles from his syrofoam takeout container to his lips via chopsticks. Like Matt, he'd opted for take out, while Zacky and Johnny went out for supper with their techs.

"What do you think about her?" Matt slowed down before taking his seat across from Syn. His food had since grown cold, making it that much less appealing.

Syn shrugged. "I dunno, she's hot dude. And it's cool that she's in the same business as us you know. That would make dating her that much easier."

That's what Matt was afraid of, and Rev was getting a headstart.

"Plus she's fuckin wild to dude. Un-tameable that one." He dipped his chopsticks back into his noodles, stirring them up a little before taking another bite.

Matt sighed and picked up his own chopsticks. Maybe Brian was right.


"Try this one," Jill picked up the piece of sushi with her chopsticks, bringing the rather large piece to Rev's lips.

"Wait a minute," he stopped her. He grabbed onto his own pair of chopsticks and grabbed a piece of the pink ginger from the small bowl, popping it into his mouth before eating the piece of sushi she was offering him.

"I think I like the stuff wrapped in seaweed less." He spoke after he'd swallowed. The piece she'd offered him had simply been rolled in black seaseme seeds.

"Really?" She asked before eating a piece wrapped in the green seaweed.

He nooded and watched her. She eyed him once she'd swallowed and smiled. "I like them both the same. Sushi's just amazing."

"What about sushimi?" he asked.

Jill pretended to ponder it as she dipped another piece in soya sauce. "Yeah, the whole raw fish thing turns alot of people off. But I don't mind it. Ever had blowfish?"

"No." Rev shook his head. "Isn't that fish poisonous?"

She nodded and took a sip of her drink. "Yeah. So if you don't get a good chef, you're going to die. But even a good chef, leaves just enough poison in the fish to make your tongue and lips tingle. It's actually very good."

"I wouldn't fuckin touch that stuff," he crossed his arms over his chest and laughed.

She rolled her eyes. "Aren't you the guy who ate that snake overseas and drank the blood?"

He nodded. "Yeah, they sauteed it. But it wasn't that great. I'd rather have let the fuckin snake live.

She smiled at him and ate one more piece before putting down her chopsticks. "It's amazing, but I'm done," she laughed sheepishly. "I ate a shit load."

This time it was Rev's turn to roll his eyes. "Yeah, right." he muttered as he waved down their waitress for the bill.

"I'll pay for half," Jill offered as she got up from her crosslegged position on the floor. She was much smaller than Rev, and even she was uncomfortable. She didn't even wanna know how he felt.

"No you won't." He got up off the floor once the bill came and they headed to the counter. Minutes later they were stepping outside into the muggy arizona air.

"I love being on tour," he stretched before draping his arm across her shoulders, "but I love days off."

They began to walk down the sidewalk. The supper rush was gone, and it was mostly vehicle traffic now. They were once again alone.

She stopped walking and turned to him. "Jimmy I..."

"Yeah, we probably shouldn't. For so many reasons." He locked eyes with her, letting her know they were on the same wave length. But that proved to be a mistake. She loved his eyes.

"Maybe we could - "

She was suddenly silenced by his kiss.
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Thanks for reading <333