Status: Slow Active

Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am

We'll Let You Swim For Free

"All right," Ferin finally gave in. Like Glomb had on Viva La Bam, she was going to swim for help.

"That water looks so cold." Tash shivered involuntarily.

Ferin knelt down by the water, sticking her hand into it, feeling the goosebumps emerge all over her body. It wasn't so much that the water was cold, it was that it was really dirty. Way dirtier than the river she and her brothers had often swam in near their house. Swimming with all of her clothes on was also going to be a pain in the ass.

"Hurry up already, we coulda been home and ate by now," Vito stated as he hobbled back and forth along the waters edge.

Ape wasn't saying anything but Ferin knew how she felt.

"Okay. If Im not back in like half an hour, it means I drowned," Ferin tried laughing to lighten the mood.

"Yeah real funny," Tash smirked.

Ferin smiled and rather than prolonging the agony she walked a few steps out into the river and dove in.

When she surfaced she looked up at Ape, "And when we get back, I'm going to kill your son."

Ape actually smiled, "when we get back I'll give you permission."

Ferin smiled and began swimming away from them. She worked out a good rhythm of swimming for a good while, then allowing the current to carry her as she rested, then swimming some more. She was glad for those swimming lessons her mother had made her take as a child. However, if she had known that this was how she was going to be putting them to use, she wouldn't have came to West Chester for a vacation.

She glanced at her watch and cursed at herself for not remembering to take it off. Oh well, maybe part of her pay back will be making Bam buy her a new watch. But regardless she was nearing her time limit of half an hour as well as nearing the shore. Thankfully she could see people.

"Are you alright?"

Once the water got shallow she stood up, gripping her pants in her hands to keep them from falling down she waded her way into the shore. As she got closer she realized the three males standing there only got better looking the closer she got.

"You wouldn't happen to have a boat with you would you?"

The guys looked at her like she was crazy. "You just got out of the water, why would you want back in?"

The shorter one smiled as he looked her over. "A boat is the least of your worries."

One of the guys went back to a black truck and came back with a big towel, "here."

Ferin smiled and thanked him, she pulled her sweater and long sleeved T-shirt over her head, hoping her tank top would dry quicker. She then pulled off her wet shoes and socks and sweat pants. Then she slipped her barefeet back into her shoes and wrung out her hair.

"I'm Scott," the guy that offered her the towel introduced himself. "I have an extra pair of shorts in the truck if you'd like them."

"I'm Ferin," she smiled as she looked down at her soaked PJ pants and laughed. "And if you don't mind I'd love them," he shook his head and she followed him to the truck.

She jumped inside and traded her PJ pants for his dry board shorts then tied the strings tightly to keep them from falling off. She joined the boys back by the shore.

"I'm Luke," the tall blond informed her, "and this short guy here is Kent."

Kent nodded instead of actually saying hi.

Luke sat down on a nearby picnic table, "can I ask why you were swimming in the Susquehanna river?"

Ferin wrung out her clothes and peered up at him, "do you know Bam Margera?"

The boys all grinned.

"Yeah he's awesome. My brother knows him, they use to skateboard together when they were younger," Kent smiled.

Ferin frowned, "well I hope youre not too attached because I'm going to kill him when I get back."

"You know Bam?"

"Unfortunately," she muttered.

"Do you think you could get him to meet us?" Luke wondered aloud.

She glanced at her watch and tried to smile. "Listen, I would love to cater to your needs, but right now my best friend, Bam's mom and his uncle are all stranded on that island," she pointed back out into the water. "And I have to find someone with a boat to go rescue them."

"My dad has a boat," Scott offered.

Once they rescued Tash, Ape and Don Vito and loaded up the cooler and the chairs they began heading back to where Ferin first met the boys.

"You guys want a ride back to the house?" Scott asked them as he helped Ape outta the boat.

"If you don't mind," Tash said as she jumped down. "I really don't feel like walking all that way."

"I sure as hell ain't walkin," Vito muttered.



Bam leaned over the upstairs railing, "what?"

This couldn't be good, they weren't gone yet and Phil was already home. Now they really were gonna catch shit.

"They aren't there!"

Ville and Dunn appeared beside Bam, "what do you mean they aren't there?"

Phil stood near the pool table looking up at the boys. "Raab and Rake and I looked all over and they aren't there."

Dunn started laughing, "well they didn't swim, cause Vito wouldn't be able to do it."

He had a point. Bam glanced at Ville and he shrugged. He pulled out his cell phone and called his uncle's number.

"Yeah where the hell are you?"

Bam cringed and held his phone away from his ear. Vito couldn't have been louder if he was standing next to him.

"They are outside?" Dunn said confused as he hurried down the stairs two at a time, past Bam's room to the red and black heartagram front doors, he opened them and was surprised to see a jacked up black chevy silverado pull into the drive way.

Vito carefully climbed out and Dunn giggled to himself as he imagined them trying to get Vito into the truck in the first place. Tash jumped out after him followed by Ape and a clearly unpleased Ferin.

"Where is Knoxville?" Tash growled as they neared the door.

Dunn quickly stepped aside, whenever Tash called him Knoxville instead of Johnny she was pissed.

"He's with Jess and DiCo on the couches in the lounge," he smiled. "Hi Ape," he said cheerfully.

Ape glared at him and headed into the house.

Dunn waited as Ferin talked to the driver while two other guys unloaded the cooler and chairs then she slowly made her way over to him as the truck turned around and headed back down the snake run driveway. She was carrying wet clothes over one arm and had wet shoes and socks in the other. He also didn't recognize the shorts.

"What happened to you?" he laughed.

She glared at him and considered smacking him with her shoes but she refrained. "What do you think happened to me? I had to swim for help!"

Dunn couldn't contain his laughter, her expression coupled with Ape chewing Bam and Phil out in the background was quite humorous. What really got him though was how hot she was when she was mad. So much for his theory.


Ferin was nearly upstairs and around the corner when Ape yelled at her, "sweetie make sure you have a hot bath, I can't have you getting sick."

Ferin smiled and nodded, a hot bath was definitely on her agenda.

Eager to get rid of her clothes and still disappointed with having to stay with Dunn she wandered into his room and closed the door, listening carefully to those passing in the hall as she dropped her clothes then wrapped up in a towel.

Ape knocked and Ferin let her in, "if you give me your clothes I can wash them for you."

"That's okay Ape I can do it."

Ape smiled, "I have to do laundry anyway."

Ferin rounded up all her clothes and passed them to Ape who disappeared around the corner and back down the stairs. Armed with her bath salts Ferin wandered across the hall to the nearest washroom. Ville stopped her just before she closed the door. At the current moment she was in no mood to care that she was only in a towel.

"I'm sorry love."

She smiled, "it's okay Ville."

He shook his head, "no I should have made Bam wait."

Ferin sighed as she leaned against the doorjamb. "Bam doesn't listen to anyone once he's made up his mind. You of all people should know that," she laughed.

Ville nodded in agreement, "it would do you and him good if you got back at him."

Ferin laughed softly, she had most definitely thought about it. "Yeah he may have some serious hell coming his way."

Ville laughed and placed both of his hands in his front pockets of his jeans, shifting his weight back and forth nervously, an awkward silence flowing over them.

He finally looked up at her and smiled, "well now that I've interrupted your shower, I came to say that it was a pleasure to meet you love, and hopefully I will see you again soon."

Ferin looked up at him puzzled, "you're leaving already, I thought you weren't going home until tonight?"

He shook his head, "nope my flight is in about two hours. Bam is taking me there now."

"Well I could get dressed and come with you."

"Even though you're mad at Bam?" he asked.

She nodded, "I'm mad at Bam not you."

"No," he said finally, "you need to get warmed up so you don't get sick. I'll be back."

"And if Im not here?" she challenged.

A grin spread across his face, "you'll be here."

She cocked an eyebrow as she studied his expression, "and you know that how?"

He laughed softly and pulled her into a hug. "I just know, but if for some reason you aren't," he let her go and pulled out his cell phone. "You should give me your number so we can keep in touch."

She told him and grinned, "since you're going by anyway, you should stop by Dunn's room, my cell is on the bed and you should put your number in it because I don't answer any calls I don't know."

Ville agreed and kissed her hand softly before allowing her to go back to her bath.
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