Status: Slow Active

Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am

Revenge Is Sweet

Ferin tried to ignore soft whispering around her but god they were persistent. Blinking a few times trying to clear the fog in her head her vision finally settled on Dunn and....Tony Hawk???

"You awake?" Dunn asked, he was clearly up to something.

Ferin looked around and discovered that she was still on the couch, Bam was fast asleep on the other, and there was a little boy rocking back and forth in the recliner near Bam.

"What are we doing?" she whispered, assuming that's what they wanted her to do.

"We're gonna wake Bam up," Tony smiled.

"So do I have to get up, or will I be safe over here?"

"You'll be fine over here," Tony smiled.

"We just didn't wanna scare the shit out of you...well I did but Hawk wouldn't let me," Dunn corrected himself.

"Gee you're such a sweetheart Dunn."

He grinned and walked away, she rolled back over, snuggling into the pillow and blanket that she had acquired sometime during the night.

Dunn handed the boy a container of flour and instructed him to throw a handful as hard as he could at Bam's face, and when he did Tony and Dunn quickly tipped the couch over backwards.

"What the fuck!" Bam muttered, he was now sprawled out on the floor near the pool table.

"Morning sunshine," Dunn grinned.

Bam wiped away the flour from his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair, "Birdman?"

"Goooood morning," Tony smiled.

Bam noticed the boy too, "Riley."

The boy smiled, "hi Bam."

"What's going on out here?" Ape asked as she leaned over the upstairs railing.

All the commotion must have woken up Jenn to because she emerged from Bam's room.

"Tony?" Ape asked as she slowly made her way down the stairs, tying her robe up as she walked.

"Morning April," he smiled as she enveloped him in a hug.

Bam climbed up off the floor and suffered Jenn's acute attention to him.

"I'm fine," he said finally before wandering off to the nearest washroom to wash his face.

Ape looked past Tony and noticed Ferin on the couch, then looked worriedly at Tony, "you're not going to get her to are you?"

Ferin heard her. "No I'm up Ape," she rolled back over.

"Do you assholes realize it's five am?" Bam asked as he came back into the room.

Tony grinned, "yeah time to get up."

Ferin sat up and her eyes met Jenn's. She was having a hard time deciphering the look on Jenn's face. "Jenn do you want to help me in the kitchen?" Ape stated rather than asked before heading down the stairs to the pirate bar.

Jenn sighed, but kissed Bam before following Ape down the stairs.

"So what are you doing here?" Bam asked as he leaned against the pool table.

Tony smiled, "figured it was time for a visit and I brought Riley along so he could see the house and check out your driveway."

"Ahhh hell yeah man," he smiled at Riley. "You bring your board, we'll go skate it."

"Right now?" Riley glanced up at his dad.

"Yeah we'll go while Ape and Jenn make breakfast."

Tony, Dunn, and Riley started towards the front door.

"I'll be there in a minute," Bam yelled after them.

"You're going skateboarding already?" Ferin asked as she folded her blanket up.

He nodded, "I am a skater."

She smiled, alright, so it'd been a stupid question. "Thank you for the blanket and pillow."

A slow smile spread across his face, "how did you know it was me?"

She laughed softly, "because no one else was awake."

"Well you are welcome," he smiled. "Are you coming to watch?"

Ferin shook her head, "no I think I'm gonna head upstairs and lay down for a little while longer."

Bam shrugged his shoulders, "all right suit yourself."

He strode around the couch and headed out the front door. Ferin slowly made her way back upstairs and flopped down on Dunn's bed.

When she rolled back over again the clock read 11am. Shit, she hadn't meant to sleep that long. Crawling out of bed she realized the house was quiet, not a good sign. She wandered down to Tash and Johnny's room checking others along the way but it was empty too.

Sighing she wandered downstairs, and check out the vehicle situation, indeed the hummer and PT Loser were gone. Ferin looked around, she had the house to herself.

It was eerily quiet and if she were to yell she was sure the house would echo. She made her way down the stairs into the pirate bar and did something she hadn't done in years. She made herself a cup of coffee. She then made her way back up to Dunn's room, grabbed her cell phone and went back downstairs and out onto the deck.

Resting her bare feet on another chair and crossing ankles she picked up her phone and dialed Trace's number. She had promised to call her brother earlier and she hadn't yet.


She smiled at the sound of his voice. "Hi Trace."

"Ferin?" he seemed to perk up. "It's about damn time."

She laughed, "yes it is me, and I'm sorry that I didn't call earlier, it's been an interesting couple of days."

Trace laughed, "I can just imagine, Tyson sat me down and made me watch Jackass and Viva La Bam last night, I don't know if I like you hanging out with those guys."

Ferin laughed and caught sight of what use to be Fast Eddie's Tree Top Casino, "more like living with them," she corrected him. "Did you see the episode with the tree top casino?"

The phone line was silent for a moment, "yeah that was pretty cool, and what do you mean living with them?"

"I'm staring at the casino right now," she smiled. It was surreal. "And yes I'm living with them because Bam talked Johnny into us staying here for free rather than paying for a hotel."

"So has this Bam character been treating you and Tash well?"

"He made me swim down the Susquehanna river yesterday," she took a sip of her coffee, that still made her mad, she would have to sit down sometime and come up with some serious revenge.

"The bastard is lucky I'm not there," he growled in response.

Ferin grinned, there he went again, playing the mean big brother. Although Tyson was usually better at it. She missed her brothers, she rarely ever got to see them even if she was back home. If Tyson wasn't on the road chasing rodeos he was hard at work on his ranch, and if Trace wasn't on the road to motocross races he was working in his mechanics shop.

"How are mom and dad?" She rarely talked to her parents at all. Since she left home at sixteen they basically forgot all about her. She was on her own, and there were times she wouldn't have made it if it hadn't been for her brothers, they became closer than ever then.

"Aaahhh mom's the same as always, laid back and border line uncaring, Dad on the other hand is furious that you would just up and leave your job and take a vacation in Pennsylvania of all places."

"Oh lord," Ferin muttered.

"Yes, what can I do for you my dear?"

Ferin nearly choked on her coffee. "You are definitely not god," she laughed.

"Oh but the ladies seem to think so."

This brought another smile to Ferin's face. He was right. In the women department he'd always spent more time chasing the ladies away rather than actually dating them. Unfortunately once he got older and realized what that could do for him, he became the love em' and leave em' type. Come to think of it, him and Bam had alot in common.

"So are you dating this guy?"

Ferin's eyebrows furrowed together, "Bam?? No I'm not dating Bam, I did however go on a date last night with a guy named Scott."

"One of his friends?"

"No Bam doesn't like him, Scott helped me out of the river yesterday."

"Well as long as he treats you right."

Ferin took another sip of her coffee. "Mmhhmm, how's Tyson? Is he riding this weekend?"

Trace's twin brother stuck to their families rodeo roots, but both boys had taken on an adrenaline pumping occupation. She had become the wimp of the family which was alright with her, being a massage therapist also helped out her brothers when they were in pain.

"I don't know," Trace said. "He has a broken bone in his riding hand, so he doesn't know if he can cut it."

"Well he should definitely take some time off then."

"Yeah but you know what he always says."

Ferin nodded as if Trace could see her. Tyson always reminded them that if he didn't ride, he didn't get paid. And riding through pain was what most cowboys would come to realize as everyday life. She just didn't want him to attempt to ride and risk a more serious injury, or his life. But part of that was cowboy pride. Tyson also often reminded them that it wasn't tragic to die doing what you love.

"Well I'll call him after."

"Yeah, when are you coming home?"

She sighed, "I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be too much longer, I have to get back to work."

"You seem happier," Trace blurted out.

This caught her off guard, "excuse me?"

"You haven't been thinking about Cody over there have you?"

Since before coming out here she had finally been getting back to her normal self after battling nightmares and slight depression. But since being here she hadn't really had time to think about Cody other than the other night with Scott, and even then she hadn't broken down into tears. She was getting better.


"No I haven't."

"That's good then, and sis don't worry about mom and dad, if it's helping you, stay there as long as you need."

Ferin smiled, "thanks Trace."

"Well sis I gotta roll, Jay is going to be here any moment so we can load up the bikes and head off to the track."

She heard a vehicle coming up the driveway. She stood up and headed back into the house to the front door to see who it was. "All right Trace I'll call you again soon then."

She smiled when she saw Tash emerge from the PT Loser behind Phil and Ape, and frowned when she saw Jenn. Now she was going to have to talk to her.

"Who are you talking to?" Tash whispered.

Ferin giggled, "Trace, Natasha says hi."

"Hi Tash," he laughed, "and Ferin please make sure you call your other brother or he'll get pissy with me."

"Will do," she laughed. "Love you."

"Love you to," and with that he hung up.

"Boyfriend?" Jenn smiled, she was pleased she wouldn't have to worry about Ferin coming onto Bam.

Ferin shook her head and smiled, "brother," she corrected her.


"When did you wake up?" Ape asked Ferin as she squished the juice out of the lemons that Ferin was cutting in half for her.

"Around eleven, where did you guys go?"

"Bam took us all out for lunch," Tash grinned as she sat down at the island across from Ferin. "I was going to stay but I didn't know how long you were gonna stay sleeping."

Ferin shook her head, "thats fine, it gave me a few minutes to call my brother anyway."

"How many kids are in your family?" Ape asked curiously as she set to work using the lemon juice to make ice tea.

"Three," Ferin replied, "twin older brothers and then me."

Ape smiled, "so you're the baby."

Ferin laughed softly, "yes I am."

Glomb suddenly walked in the door and joined them, "where is everyone?" he asked.

"At Rex's," Ape replied.

Ferin suddenly smiled, "Ape where are the extra set of keys to Bam's hummer?"

Ape looked at her skeptically, "hanging up over there."

She went to the wall and plucked the keys off the hanger near the door.

Tash grinned, "are we doing what I think we're gonna do?"

Ferin nodded and smiled, "oh yes, revenge is sweet."
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