Status: Slow Active

Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am

Lick, Shoot, Suck


Bam bounded up the stairs and spotted her sitting on the couch and headed over to her. "You need to pick up that shit outside."

Ape stared at him through her glasses and over the brim of the skateboarding magazine she was reading. "What shit?" she asked cautiously, afraid of the answer.

Bam started for his room. "The shit all around and in the pool."

Horrified, Ape jumped up and ran to the sliding glass windows to look.

"No, no Ape, it's just Bam's clothes," Ferin reassured her. "And do me a favor, please don't pick them up."

Ape removed her glasses and sighed.

"Please don't," Ferin repeated. "I did it for a reason."

Ape smiled and finally returned back to the couch. Meanwhile Bam tore his room apart in search of any clothes. Unsuccesful he headed downstairs. Thank god Ape had done some of the laundry. He grabbed his boxers, black pants, and a black element T-shirt before heading back to his room to get dressed. On the way he announced rather loudly that whoever was going to ride with him should be ready in ten minutes.


Twenty minutes later Bam pulled into the parking lot of Duffer's and Johnny, Tony, Dunn, and DiCo crawled out of the hummer. Jenn had put up a hell of a fight about having to drive again, so Ferin was going to. And because of that, he handed over his Mercedes keys. He knew she'd look after it. However she was apprehensive at first, but after she was sure he wasn't going to call the cops on her again, she took them.

"So when do you think they'll get here?" Dunn asked referring to Tash, Ferin, Jenn, Raab and Jess. Rake had opted to stay home.

"Hopefully soon," Johnny muttered.

Bam made it to the door first and swung it open to reveal quite a crowd. The boys followed him in and they managed to find a empty table tucked away in the corner near the pool tables.

"What do we want to drink?" Dunn asked before he sat down, he reached into his back pocket and retrieved a cigarette and a lighter.

"Beer for now." Bam answered, knowing full well that if everyone got something different, Dunn would never remember what everyone wanted by the time he got to talk to the bartender.

Dunn disappeared into the crowd and Bam reached into his pocket when he heard his cell ring. Hoping it was Ferin, he flipped it open and answered before checking the ID screen. Unfortunately it wasn't and he spent the next ten minutes talking to some random chick. He never did get her name, but she had promised to call again.

"New girlfriend?" Tony laughed.

Bam rolled his eyes and returned his cell to his pocket. "Ferin gave this group of chicks my cell number."

DiCo laughed, "did she at least sound hot?"

"I don't know, and just because they happen to sound hot doesn't mean they are."

DiCo removed his hat and ran his fingers through his thinning hair. "When you're a bald man, you take what you can get," he said seriously.

Bam, Tony and Johnny broke out laughing. Some of the things DiCo could come up with were so random, but definitely funny. And he could be so serious about them.

Dunn returned and nearly lost two of the beer bottles before he could get them on the table. "Jesus," he muttered. "That came damn close to being alcohol abuse."

"I'll say man," Tony said as he helped him out.

"So what's up with Jenn?" Johnny asked suddenly.

Bam glanced at Johnny, "what do you mean?"

"Well she threw a shit fit when DiCo asked her to drive."

"Guess she wanted to drink," Bam shrugged.

Dunn laughed, "she drank last time when she was suppose to drive."

Bam nodded yes. That had been the time Ferin decided to stay with Riley rather than go with them.



Tash hurried down the hallway to Dunn and Ferin's room, "what?" she asked frantically.

"What should I wear?"

"God," Tash laughed and slumped against the door jam. "That's what you needed me for? I thought it was for something important."

Ferin rolled her eyes and pointed to two outfits on the bed, "which one?"

Tash shrugged. "I don't know....that one," she pointed to it finally.

"And shoes?" Ferin asked by holding up two strappy pairs of sandals with small heels.

Natasha pointed to the silver ones.

Ferin smiled sweetly. "Thank you, you can leave now," she laughed.

Tash shook her head and headed out the door. "You're welcome."

Ferin quickly got dressed in a black one shouldered top and a pair of ripped faded jeans. It wasn't anything too fancy, but after all she wasn't out to impress either. After applying some mascara, a little eye liner, and eye shadow, she ran some lip gloss over her lips and then pulled her silky honey colored hair into a pony tail. She checked herself one more time in the mirror she sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on the sandals Tash suggested and did up the tiny buckles. She then grabbed her purse, phone and Bam's keys then headed for Tash and Johnny's room. "You ready to go?"

Tash nodded and stuck her ID and bank card in her pocket. They headed downstairs and found Raab and Jess patiently waiting by the door. Jenn was still getting ready. "Well while were waiting I'll go get the car out of the garage," Ferin suggested as she headed outside. It was dark out, the sky was clear, and the stars were shining brightly. It was neither extremely hot, or extremely cold, a perfect night.

By the time she pulled up to the door, Jenn was ready and they all climbed into the car. When they got to Duffer's, Ferin parked as far away from anyone as she could. She wasn't going to chance having someone scratch Bam's car. They all piled out and headed for the door, except for Natasha who waited for Ferin while she grabbed her ID, some money and her phone before locking her purse in the car.

Once nside they were bombarded by the smell of smoke. Ferin was tempted to plug her nose and turn around and leave, but Tash was preventing that. She kept pushing her forward until they found everyone else. A few drinks later, Ferin not only handed the keys over to Tash who offered to drive home, but she found herself with pool cue in hand, waiting on Dunn to hit the ball.

"I can't do this," she muttered again.

Bam laughed, "you're right, you really do suck."

She grinned and nodded.

"Here I'll help you." He moved to stand behind her, his body pressed against hers as they both leaned forward, he helped her line up the ball and shoot, but it was useless. His breath against her ear made her more nervous than before.

"I'm hopeless," she smiled offering him the pool cue.

He nodded and quickly took over the game for her. Tash, Ferin and Jenn opted to watch Bam get his ass kicked from the sidelines before heading back to their tables.

"More drinks?" Dunn asked as he stood up.

Ferin placed her hand on his arm, "I'll get them."

She stood up and wandered over to the bar.

"What can I get you?"

Ferin smiled at him, counting in her head. "I need...nine shots of Tequila, lime wedges and salt."

The guy hesitated but soon pulled out nine shot glasses.


Ferin turned her head quickly and saw Scott approach her.

"Hi," she mumbled, she'd totally forgotten that he was going to be there.

"You goin all out?" he laughed as he watched the bartender place the shot glasses, the bowl of lime wedges and salt on a little tray for her to carry.

"Bring that back," he instructed her before helping someone else.

"Yeah," she glanced up at him as she picked up the tray. "You here with friends?"

Scott nodded and pointed to a group of guys sitting at a table across the room. "Way over there."

She laughed softly. "Well I must go deliver these before they get rowdy. But I can come talk after."

"I'll come with you."

She headed back to the table with Scott behind her. Jess stared up at the clear liquid floating around in the shot glasses. "Is that what I think it is?"

She nodded and laughed as she handed him the first shot glass. "Oh yes Jess, can't have you leaving tomorrow in perfect shape."

After she had all the shot glasses and lime wedges passed out, she licked her hand then shook some salt onto it before passing it on. When everyone was ready Ferin stood up. "Now we all gotta do this together." Everyone nodded. "Lick," she licked up the salt on her hand. "Shoot," she drank the tequila. "Suck," she mumbled before sucking on the lime wedge.

"You know what's more fun?" Dunn grinned after finishing his.

Ferin raised her eyebrows, "tequila body shots?"

Dunn laughed and nodded then pulled out his wallet and handed her some money. "Go get some more, we're going to do this properly."

Ferin glanced up at Scott, picked up the tray and they headed back to the bar together.

"So do I get to do one off of you?" he grinned.

"Perhaps...." she started but was soon interrupted.


Scott turned around. Ferin peered around him to see a brunette girl hurry towards them. She linked her arm with Scott's and stared at Ferin. "Hey I know you."

"Kirsten," Ferin remembered as she held out her hand. "I'm Ferin."

The girl's eyes lit up. "Yes," she giggled as she shook her hand. "I saw you this morning at the skate park on our way back to campus."

Ferin nodded, then turned her attention to the bar tender. "I need nine more shots of tequila and lime wedges."

Kirsten stared up at Scott then back at Ferin. "So I see you've met my boyfriend."

Ferin glanced up at Scott, who would no longer look her in the eyes. "Yes I did, just a few minutes ago." She covered his ass, even though she probably shouldn't have.

The bartender loaded up her tray again and pushed it towards her. "Well I should get back, you two have a nice night."

"Need help?" Johnny startled her when she turned around.

Ferin smiled up at him, thankful for the intervention, though she guessed Tash probably sent him after her. "Yeah actually," she passed him the tray. "Wanna carry these?"

He nodded and held the tray with one hand as he wrapped his free arm around Ferin.

"Bye!" Kirsten yelled.

"You looked like you were cornered," Johnny said when they were further away.

"Yeah," Ferin scoffed. "Did you see that my no longer cute admirer has a girlfriend?"

"Ouch," Johnny laughed as they returned to the table.

Dunn stood up when they reached the table and helped pass them out. "Okay, okay," he glanced at Ferin. "Since we both thought of this I get to do it off of you."

Ferin laughed, "don't get any funny ideas." She turned her bare shoulder towards Dunn. "Here."

Bam watched intently, a flicker of jealousy beginning to burn in the pit of his stomach as Dunn nodded and licked her collar bone, before applying the salt. He watched as Ferin then placed the lime wedge in her mouth and held it with her teeth by the peel. Dunn then licked the salt off her shoulder, drank his shot, then took the lime from Ferin's mouth with his own.

Jenn suddenly nudged his shoulder and Bam looked at her. "Wanna do one off me?" she offered him the shot.

Bam glanced at Ferin one last time and their eyes met. Well the only thing he could attempt to do now was make Ferin jealous, like she had him
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