Status: Slow Active

Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am

Goodnight Wishes

Glomb arrived in two hours instead of one. The rain had only gotten worse and by then everyone was restless and sick of listening to water drip into the rapidly filling buckets. Ferin had just finished dumping the two on the bed out the door when her cell rang. Hoping it was Ape or Phil she shoved the buckets into Raab's arms and pulled her phone from her soaked sweater pocket. That probably wasn't a good place for it.


"Hey, how are ya?"

"Good," she cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder as she pulled the buckets off of Raab and Dunn's heads.

"What are you up to?"

She placed the buckets back on the bed and realized it was Trace. "I am currently on my way to Illinois." Wait till he hears this story she nearly laughed.

"Well not yet," Bam corrected her in the background.

"Who was that?"

"Bam," she replied as she looked out the window over the table at Glomb who was cursing Johnny out for being so helpful.

"So why are you going to Illinois?"

She filled him in on their situation and their plan on hitting up the concert.

"Jesus, you want me to come pick you up?"

She stood up straight and glanced at Bam. "Where are you?"

"Owww you fuck!" Dunn yelped.

Raab was nearly rolling around on the floor laughing. Apparently he had found a mouse trap and tested it out on Dunn's ear. Ferin grinned, it looked like it hurt, but it was kind of funny.

"I'm in Columbus, Ohio for a race tomorrow."

She smiled and sat down on Natasha's lap. "I didn't know you were coming up here."

"That's what you get for phoning so often," he laughed.

She grinned sheepishly and realized she better go help Glomb. "Trace I have to go do something, but Tash want's to talk to you," she thrust the phone into Tash's hand and laughed at her shocked look.

"Please," Ferin smiled as she headed for the door.

"Where are you goin?" Bam turned around in his seat at the table as she pulled her shoes on.

"I'm going to see if Glomb needs help." She stepped out into the pouring rain and closed the door behind her. It was getting dark out and surprisingly the traffic on this particular road was dismal.

"Thank god," Johnny muttered as he left her and Glomb in the rain and headed back into the RV.

"Need help?" she asked.

Glomb was on his knees in the water. "Yeah wanna hand me those lug nuts and hold that flashlight so I can see?"

She grabbed them and placed them into his palm as he needed them and held the flashlight steady in her other hand. Once they had one tire changed they went on to the other one. That was when the other Phil and Ape's RV arrived, with no traffic coming their driver pulled a U-turn and parked behind Glomb's truck.

"What happened?" Ape yelped as she and Jimmy Pop basically jumped out of the RV and hurried towards them.

"What does it look like?" Dunn asked sarcastically.

Ferin spun around to see Bam and Dunn standing behind her. Their hoods of their sweaters pulled up over their heads and their hands buried deep in their pants pockets.

"We tried calling you." Dunn stated.

Ape glanced up at Phil. "Our phone never rang."

"You were probably too busy humping," Bam laughed.

Jimmy Pop's face scrunched together as he shook his head. "No, no, there was no humping going on in that RV."

"Did you make it to Harrisburg?" Ferin asked.

Ape nodded and shrugged her shoulders, the drops of rain sliding effortlessly down her black leather jacket. "Yeah."

Bam laughed. "You were in Harrisburg and you drove all the way back?" he was shaking his head.

"Because we didn't know where you were!" Ape yelped.

"I wasn't worried," Phil grinned and Ape glared.

"Well that was fuckin stupid Ape," Bam stated.

Ape rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Fine Bam, the next time you need help I won't bother."

"Come on," Jimmy piped up. "We're all friends here we need to feel the love," he looked directly at Bam and smirked. "Can I kiss you?"

Everyone started laughing even Glomb whom thus far had been quiet. After a few moments Dunn shivered almost violently. "Well this is stupid I'm going back in." He turned around and left. Bam wrapped his arms around Ferin from behind and buried his face near her neck. He loved just holding her even though he wasn't to sure if she enjoyed it. He figured she was probably still just a little bit weirded out about having to witness Jenn and him break up.

When Glomb was finished he packed up and made his way back over to them.

"Thanks for inviting me on the little trip you ass," his comment was directly aimed at Bam.

"You are on this trip," Bam grinned. "And now we have to get going."

"I don't wanna drive my truck," Glomb argued.

Bam had a hold of Ferin's sweater pocket and he was now pulling her towards the door. "Well then give Phil and Ape your fuckin keys, and you can ride in the other RV with Jimmy Pop, Evil Jared, Rake...," he opened the door and grinned. "And Vito."

Glomb groaned. The thought of riding with Vito wasn't too appealing, but he handed his keys over anyway. April was much happier. She and Phil could now ride in peace in their own vehicle and she wouldn't have to put up with Vito's bullshit.

"Yo Bam Bam."

"What?" Bam yelped from behind Ferin as they shed their shoes in the doorway.

Raab now stood in front of them. "So we have no driver."

Shit he'd completely forgotten about Ferin telling him about that.

"Dunn you're hired."

"For what?" he come out of the washroom doing up a pair of dry jeans a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"You're driving us to Harrisburg then we'll get a hotel," Bam explained.

Ryan looked like he was going to protest but he didn't, which was kind of scary. Ferin had heard stories of Dunn flipping a fair amount of cars. But to everyone's relief Dunn drove them the rest of the way to Harrisburg safely and stopped at the first hotel he spotted. They all grabbed their things and hurried inside.

"We need seven rooms," Bam announced before he'd even reached the front desk.

It was a nice hotel, nothing fancy but definitely not high class which was completely fine with Ferin. In the fancier hotels she was even scared to touch or use things for fear of them breaking. The girl behind the desk batted her eyelashes at Bam while she processed his request. Ferin couldn't blame her though, she'd felt the same way when she first saw him too.

"Here you go Mr. Margera," she placed the key cards on the counter.

He picked them up. "Thanks," he turned his back to her. "Okay Ape and Phil, Jimmy Pop and Evil Jared, Raab and Dunn, Glomb and Rake, Knoxville and Tash," he handed out the keys then turned to Ferin. "You and me and the last one for Vito," he passed it to his uncle.

"Issit Gunna Bea nice room Bam?"

Ferin stared at Bam, watching him watch her as he ignored his uncle's question. She thought it was quite nice of him to ask her what she wanted. However his grin slowly faded away the anger. She wanted to be mad but she couldn't. She had no complaints with have to spend the night with Bam. She glanced at Vito. It was definitely better than staying with him and she knew that if she protested, Bam would make them roommates.


"I need to get out of these clothes." Ferin and Bam were standing in the hallway as he unlocked the door to their room.

"Hey can I have your autograph?"

They both turned around to see a group of kids blocking the hallway. Instead of telling them to get lost like she thought he was going to do, he set his stuff down and obliged. While he was out in the hall she went inside the room and found that he'd gotten them a room with one bed. She glanced back at the open door but she couldn't see him. Either this was all they had, or he had an ulterior motive. She wondered if everyone else got single rooms.
"That kid just said you were hot." Bam closed the door behind him and walked further into the room. Realizing what she was staring at he grinned. "It's all they had."

"Yeah huh," she laughed softly as she dug in her bag for her PJ pants and a tank top, when she found them she headed to the bathroom to change, locking the door behind her. When she came out Bam was sitting on the end of the bed flipping through the channels on TV.

"They've got porn," he grinned.

"Oh god," she folded her clothes and stuck them in one end of her bag. "Well you can't watch any until I'm asleep."

He swung a pillow at her and it knocked her to the bed. She stared up at him a little shocked and he laughed. "You're a fun hater."

"I am not," she protested. "Now get off the bed so I can get into it."

He got up and headed to the bathroom and she climbed under the blankets and slid to the far side of the bed. Bam stripped down to his boxers, tossed his clothes on the top of his bag and glanced at the bed. She was on her side facing the window. Smiling triumphantly he climbed onto the bed beside her. Even though she was only taking up a quarter of the bed he crowded her, sliding his body up against hers. She never moved and he realized she was nearly asleep. He watched her a few minutes before whispering her name. "Ferin."

"Mm-hhmm," she never opened her eyes.

"Roll over," he slid back a little giving her more room.

She rolled onto her back and slowly opened her eyes. He was propped up on one elbow leaning over her. His hair was slightly covering his eyes but she could still see the beautiful blue. She smiled softly as he leaned down pressing his lips to hers. He tongue sliding over her bottom lip as she opened her mouth to him, welcoming his tongue. Reaching up with one hand she ran her fingers through his hair. She didn't know how long they stayed like that but when he pulled away she whimpered in protest.

He smiled and pulled her into him. Wrapping his arm around her waist, holding her tight as he kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Ferin."

At that moment in time there was nowhere else in the world she'd rather be.
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