I Gotta Make Up For What I've Done.

The Move.

Lacee wiped away the extra mascara tears that rolled down her cheeks. She rode in the front sit of her older brother’s old beat up Chevy truck, on her way to the airport. But before she could leave she had to stop at her friends’ house; Scarlett Sanders. They had been best friends since 1st grade, when they had to share the crayon box. Ever since, they hadn’t left each other’s side. Lacee’s biggest problem was she and her brother had to be at the airport in less than an hour and she still had to tell Scarlett that she was moving.

When I arrived at the Scarlett’s house, my whole body started to go numb. I crawled out of the truck and walked up to the front door. I knocked and Scarlett’s dad answered it.

“Hello, Mr. Sanders. Is Scarlett here?” I asked, in the sweetest tone.

“Yeah, she is up in her room. Just go head up.”

“Thank you.” I told him, as I started running up the steps.
I arrived at her bedroom door. I knocked and her face lit up as she opened the door.

“HEY!!! What the f-…what the h-…what the heck are you doing here?” I chuckled and Scarlett raced over to me for a giant hug.

“Before you get excited, I need to talk to you.” I told her in a serious voice. She looked shocked and sat down on her bed. I took my usual place in the pink bean bag chair and started looking around the amazing room. Since Scarlett had never moved her room was covered with pictures and posters and different crap she never used or even bothered to open. There were only 4 things in her room that I had always admired. I loved the family picture she had one her dresser. It consisted of herself, her dad, her mom and her two older brothers; Matt and Ben. I also loved the big fluffy bean bag chair, hence why my butt was always in it when we were at her house. The bulletin board above her desk, it was covered in ticket stubs and pictures from all of the great times we have had at concerts and the movies and the mall. My eyes started tearing up again, thinking about all the great times I have had with Scarlett. And then least, but not last was the stack of Alternative Press magazines that sat under Scarlett’s night stand table.

Once, my brain was cleared and I could talk I started explaining to Scarlett why I was here.

“Scarlett… I came here to tell you something, something very important.”

“Okay, just tell me. I can’t stand the waiting.” Scarlett said with a smile. She wasn’t going to be smiling after I told her this.

“I’m moving…to Las Vegas, Nevada.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this sucked, but I just wanted to start the story. But there will be many, many wonderful adventures between Scarlett and Lacee. By the way, I’m @Toy_Story_is_Badass and i will be doing Lacee's POV and my delightful co- author EmmaxXEctasy will be doing Scarlett's POV Please leave comments and/or subscribe! :D Thanks, luv ya, huns!! :D