Status: In Progress

Cold Mornings

Chapter Two: Soaring Amongst the Clouds

The drive to the airport was a quick one, as I only lived about half an hour out of the centre of the city. Since it was still early in the morning, the sun still fresh in the sky, there weren’t many other people on the roads, so it was as I liked it. Quiet.

At the airport itself I found a park in one of the weekly spots and paid for a ticket. It would last for two weeks. I doubted I would be gone for that long, but I knew I’d be gone for longer than a week. I put my camera bag inside of my shoulder bag, as I wouldn’t need it for the moment, and locked my car.

Inside the airport, only two of the terminals were opened, but there were still only a few people at each. Standing inline, it only took a few minutes before I was at the counter. “Good morning, how are you?” I greeted the lady behind the desk, flashing a smile.

“Whatever.” She replied back with a blank expression. “What can I do for you?”

Wow, I thought taken back. Not a morning person. “Uh, okay. I’ve pre-ordered a ticket under the name Robin Mathis,” I said, handing her my drivers licence, “for the flight at seven.”

Clicking a few keys, she typed in my name, and then looked from me to my card several times, looking for differences in the picture. There wouldn’t be any as I hadn’t changed my appearance in the last year since I got the licence renewed, so I smiled at her again. A few moments later, she handed me back my licence, and a printed copy of my plane ticket.

Then without a further word, she signalled the next person in line. My smile slipped. “Have a nice day.” I mumbled, walking off. Not exactly the best start to the morning, but oh well. I wouldn’t see her again, for a long time hopefully, so as I reached the queue for the metal detector, I was smiling again.

When it came to be my turn to walk through, I put my bag onto the conveyor belt, and put the rest of my belongings into one of the open trays. “Good morning.” I acknowledged the guard, stepping through the detector. It didn’t go off. The guard nodded in reply. Shrugging to myself, I collected my belongings. It was a nicer response then the lady at the desk. “It’s very quiet this morning.” I commented, baiting for a reply.

None came. People were moody this morning.

It was quite warm inside the airport, I noticed as I walked over to the wide windows. On the tarmac outside, two large planes waited at the terminals. People were moving about around them, possibly refiling the fuel, and doing maintenance checks. It didn’t really matter, as I really had no clue as to what they might be doing. I hadn’t read any books about it.


Jumping, I turned around. A girl stood a few steps away, hands held before her, and her head slightly tilted to the right. She was kinda cute, and not much older then I was. “Hey.” I replied, and she quickly smiled back, her light grey eyes seeming on the verge of sparkling.

“Do you know where the bathroom is?” She asked, and I couldn’t help it, my smile faded and my shoulders slumped.

Pointing off to the side of the room, I sighed. “They’re over there.” Bobbing her head in thanks, she hurried off. Turning back to the window, I rubbed my eye and unfolded the plane ticket.

I had a window seat?

My morning just improved again.

Suddenly, static flared from the overhead speakers, before clearing into a young, bored nasal voice. “The zero-seven-hundred flight to Maiodaens is now boarding. All passengers of the zero-seven-hundred flight to Maiodaens, please proceed to terminal two on the North side of the airport… I repeat -” No longer listening to the announcement I glanced around before drifting over to where people were filing up at the gate.

Standing off to the side, I studied the other passengers. Oddly there weren’t very many. Normally there was at least three times the amount here, but it didn’t matter. I’d still get there fine. I wonder if that girl is on this flight… as my mind wandered, I found myself looking around, seeing if I could find her. Strangely, I was disappointed when I couldn’t.

“Sir?” one of the attendances asked.

For a moment, I just stood there, looking at her blankly, before it hit me. “Oh, god, sorry,” laughing awkwardly, I moved forward, handing her my ticket. “Sorry again, I sort of drifted off there.” All the other passengers were already heading down the corridor beyond the gate, towards the plane. “How are you this morning?” I asked, and winced at my voice.

She didn’t appear to have noticed how hopeful my voice sounded. “I am wonderful, thank you. You can proceed.” Handing me back the ticket, she motioned with a hand towards the gate. “Have a lovely trip.”

“Thank you.” Smiling once more, I hurried down the hallway.

On the plane, my seat was simple enough to find. Around me, there were mostly free seats, which was a first, not that it bothered me.

My seat was just at the front of the right wing, which I hoped would present a good view. I pulled my camera bag out of my larger bag, before stuffing the larger bag into the over head compartment.

Looking out the window, I watched the wings, wondering how they were made.

Twenty minutes later, the plane was on the runway, taking off. Leaning as far forward as the seatbelt would allow, I started out the window, watching as the ground rapidly fell out from beneath us. It was fascinating, watching the wings of the planes straighten, instead of drooping low as they had been earlier.

Pulling my camera out of its bag, I fished out the fifty-five by two-hundred millimetre lens, and twisted it into place, thumbing on the power. The camera started up, then beeped at me twice, and turned off. What the?

Glancing down at it, the screen displayed the outline of a battery, flashing red. The battery was dead. Damn it. With a sigh, I put the camera away again. There would be no photos until after I had a chance to recharge the batteries. Leaning back in the chair, I gazed back out the window. The plane was just starting to rise amongst the lower clouds.

Disappointed that I had forgotten to charge the batteries, but still admiring the clouds outside the window, I shifted so I could sit more comfortably. It was only a short flight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Megasaurus is my lovely Goddess. ^_^
Ehehe. <3