That Boy's Not Right In The Brain

Part the Sixteenth

"I still can't believe he asked you to come inside," Gerard said, shocked, for the fourth time since he had gotten in the car. For as long as we could remember, he had always been an utter jerk to me in one way or another.
"I think it's becuase he wants something? Maybe he thinks that if he's nice to me, that I'll do his work for him?" I was trying to make sense of it in my head, if not for my sake, then for Gerard's who seemed to look like he was going to explode.
"No! It's because he's finally seen sense! He's finally got it through his thick skull how amazing you are!"
"You know what else he asked?" I said in a strange tone, not knowing wether to tell him or not, what with Mikey in the car.
"What! What?" he grinned, he always was one for gossip.
"Well, it was on Monday, well first he said I looked pretty at the party and before I could respond, he asked me why I was kissing you on Sunday morning." his mouth dropped, and in the rear view mirror I saw Mikey's had too.
"You kissed Gerard?!" he shouted in astonishment. "What the fuck?!"
"Mikey, dude, chill the fuck out - she was just trying to cheer me up, she would have done the same for you." Gerard delegated. Mikey's face twisted.
"Ewww!" he squealed. "Eww! No, don't fucking say things like that! Yuck!"
"Jee, thanks for the boost in confidence Mikey.." I said sarcasically, I knew I wasn't exactly what you'd call desireable, but fuck, there was no need to rub my face in it..
"No! Fuck, not like that - just that you're like my big sister.." he started, before frowning again, "Which makes you Gerard's sister too.." he was pointing to us with his finger, back and forth, "but you guys... which means inces- Ewww!" Gerard and I both cracked up laughing, to the point where I had to straighten up or I might crash.
"Mikey, I can't give you my word that I'll never kiss Gerard again, so for the sake of not making yourself vomit, could you please think of me as your step-sister or better yet, just your best friend?"
"Done." he nodded, still grimacing slightly, "Yuck.." he muttered under his breath, "So, what was she like Gee?"
"Mikey!" I laughed, not wanting to overhear the conversation they were about to have.
"Loubi, come on, the boy has a right to know," I shrugged and sighed a heaved breath, "She was amazing, best kisser in New Jersey, and I'm not just saying."
"Yuck.." he muttered again, I turned to Gerard and smiled, he always knew just what to say.

"He's not here... Yes I'm quite sure... No it was locked when I got here... Alright, I'll come meet you." I said into my cell. Frank hadn't showed up, and I had turned up five minutes late and been here over half an hour already. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the bio lab where Gerard was waiting with Mikey, Bob and Harriet. "Morning Bob-ette." I said flinging myself at Bob, who expertly caught me.
"Louuu. Scared Frank off from class have we?" he laughed, setting me down on the building steps.
"No." I said childishly before turning to Harriet and hugging her warmly. She was a great girl, quiet, but once you got to know her, really funny. She wasn't exactly one of us, she had her own group of friends she spent her time with - she was a runner - but we loved her, because Bob did, a lot as it happened.
"How are you Tal." she asked, smiling broadly while tying her hair back.
"Pissed off that Frank didn't turn up for tutoring, I really thought I was getting somewhere with him. But it's his loss I guess." The bell tolled loudly, startling us, as it always did. Kids started bustling around with thier bags and talking quickly as they walked to class with their friends.
"Looooubi, let's go to art, I want to get started painting youuu." Gerard sang loudly, our class project was to paint your class partner, however you saw fit, on a large canvas that would be presented along the walls of the auditorium once they were finished. I picked up my bag, waved goodbye to the guys and began walking with Gerard hand in hand.

As we walked down a busy, locker lined hall, I spotted Frank ahead, laughing and joking with a bunch of his asshole friends. I tried to keep my head down and blend into the background, but Gerard decided it would be a good idea to grab Frank's attention. "Iero!" he shouted at him as we neared him and his gathering of friends.
"Hey dude, what's up?" he said, ignoring the fact I was standing right next to him.
"What's up is you didn't go to tutoring this morning."
"Yeah? What's your point?" he asked innocently.
"The point he's trying to make is," a blonde girl started, I looked up and recognised her as being the bunny girl from the party, "on behalf of little loser Wednesday Addams there, too afraid to say that's she's devestated you didn't turn up for class."
"Don't fucking talk to her like that Kerry." Gerard barked at her, she laughed as did her equally slutish friends.
"I'll talk to the social regect however I want to, she makes it so easy."
"Who are you calling a social regect?" Gerard shouted, I could tell he was about to snap, but I didn't say anything - I had momentarily frozen up.
"That hideous thing. But like you'd know all about it, you fat goth freak." she snided. I snapped out of my frozen state and was now boiling with anger that she would so personally attack Gerard like that.
"Keep your fucking dog on a leash Frank! Or I'll put it down." I hollered, causing a mixed reaction from the group that intimidatingly stood before me.