

“Caleb!” The blonde whined. “Move! I can’t see!”

The redhead rolled his eyes, but did as the other boy wished.

“Better?” He asked.

“No. Your big, ginger head is in the way,” the blonde pouted, his bottom lip jutting out, blue eyes widening in a way that Caleb simply couldn’t resist.

Caleb rolled his eyes for a second time, this time standing up as he did so. He moved to stand in front of the television set, blocking Kyle’s view completely. A disgruntled sounding noise came from the latter; he hated when Caleb did this.

“Caleb, stop it. You know I hate it when you do this,” it was lame, Kyle knew that, but really, Caleb’s action got old pretty fucking quickly.

The redhead smirked and switched the TV off, laughing softly when he heard the small sigh Kyle let out. He sauntered over to where the blonde was seated, hips swinging in a way which would have had Kyle drooling over him, if he wasn’t so irritated.

Kyle was spread across the sofa – arms and legs thrown wide, head resting on the arm, eyes shut – so it was shock for him when the redhead settled himself on his chest. His head snapped up, platinum hair flopping into his eyes. He shook it away, eyes narrowing at the boy sat on him.

“Get off, now,” the words came out in a snarl. It’s not that Caleb was hurting Kyle, it was more to do with the fact that Kyle was annoyed at the younger boy, and having him perched on his chest wasn’t really helping.

“Why? It’s not like I’m hurting you, am I?” Caleb’s smirk was even more pronounced than before, but a look of concern graced his features towards the end of the sentence.

The older boy shook his head and attempted to push himself into a sitting position. ‘Tried’ being the keyword, as the redhead was still using the blonde as some sort of cushion.

“No, of course not. Just…move,”

Again, Caleb did as Kyle instructed. But instead of getting up and moving to sit by himself – as Kyle had expected – he swung his leg onto the boy's other side, so that he was straddling him. Kyle definitely hadn’t expected this.

“Caleb, mo –“ Kyle sounded tired, and he was, he wished he didn’t have to repeat himself so many times, but he was cut off. Caleb pressed his lips to Kyle’s, silencing the boy with a kiss. It was simple and it was sweet, and it was what Kyle liked most about their relationship. He loved all of their relationship, but the kisses they shared when one was irritated with other, they were the best. Kyle liked to think of them as an ‘I’m sorry I annoyed you’, a ‘You’re really pathetic’ and an ‘I love you, no matter how much we fight’ all rolled into one. They pulled apart after a few seconds. Their make-up kisses never lasted long, but neither boy minded because they were pretty fucking nice.

“Still want me to move?” Caleb breathed, forehead pressed against Kyle’s.

“Nah, my show’s over now,” was all Kyle said, catching the redhead’s lip in another sweet kiss.