December 6th 2007

Cool Stuff That Happened But I Don't Remeber When

Cool Stuff That Happened But I’m Not Sure When:
1) Cool chick in front of me started fighting with English chick, almost getting them both kicked out…but it was cool.
2) Frank spat off the stage, my mouth was open. If I consentrate really hard I can almost taste it again.
3) Gerard was singing, Mikey was standing waiting for his cue to start playing and I was screaming every single word but pointing at Mikey while screaming them. Mikey looked down at me singing/screaming/pointing at him I thought to myself “Holy shit! Eye contact?!” Then Mikey gave me a thumbs up. I screamed “FUCK YEAH!!” and spazzed a little bit, Mikey smirked at me then started playing.
4) Gerard was walking towards Mikey while we were singing a certain part of a song and Gerard gave Mikey a look that simply said “Oh my god, wow.” and smiled at him in that Fuck-this-crowd-is-amazing way.
5) Frank was lying on his back on the stage floor, playing guitar then sort of propped him self up on his feet. So he was playing guitar while bent over backwards.
6) Tiana was crying and I was like patting her head (cause that was all my arms enabled me to do) and Gerard came over and was singing. He looked down and I sort of pointed to the top of Tiana's crying head and he saw, and he winked at us.
7 ) Frankie wore Chloe’s handcuffs on his guitar strap
8) Ray had his bum pinched by Frank. I laughed while everyone else squealed.
9) Frank drooled all over his mic and then licked it off then managed to fit the whole thing in his mouth
"and all the non-believers" That purple blur in the bottom corner? My cellphone.

[11,148 at my no-life-ness]
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Ok, I swear Im done now...