
Chapter 3

Adam walked impatiently with a cigarette in his mouth to the computer genius, Red. “Did you get the image results?” he asked once he approached him. “Yeah and I think you’re going to be surprised,” said Red as he pulled out the file from the computer. Adam starred at what the video camera had captured the night Blake had disappeared. “A woman did this?” he asked. “Not just any woman. Apparently she’s some type of agent or something,” said Red. Adam shook his head as he put the cigarette out. “Any type of cop wouldn’t kill the man.” Red focused in on the woman’s face and printed it out. “You think you can find anything on her?” asked Adam as he picked up the printed picture. “Well, not every woman in this city looks as hot as her but finding information on her will be difficult,” replied Red. Adam starred at the picture mesmerized by her beauty. “So who’s going to tell Bella?” asked Red searching for files. “I guess I’m going to,” said Adam as he finally looked up. “Good luck! Weren’t they engaged or something?” asked Red. Adam nodded before walking away.
Adam breathed in and knocked on the office door. “Come in,” said Bella. He found her leaning back on her chair smoking a cigarette and looking at the diamond ring on her finger. “Has he caught the little tramp?” she asked still looking at the ring. “I don’t have great news to tell you,” said Adam simply. Bella finally looked up at him and asked, “What do you mean?” Adam breathed out and sighed. “The girl got away and Blake-,” he started to say. Bella’s eyes grew wide at the sound of her fiancée’s name. “Is he hurt?” she asked. Adam shook his head and said, “He’s dead.” Adam expected her to scream with anger and start throwing stuff, but instead, Bella’s shoulders slumped and tears formed in her eyes. “Who did it?” she asked inaudibly. What?” he asked. “Who the fuck killed him!” she yelled. She was now standing up and had her fists tightened. “A woman. We have the video of everything and the woman’s picture,” he said. He was about to hand the photo to Bella before she said furiously, “I don’t want to see the bitch until she’s on the floor gasping for life.” Adam folded the photo and replaced it back into his pocket. “Red is already searching for info. Do you want me to ask one of the guys to do it when we find her info?” he asked. Bella sat back down and starred at the floor. “No. I want you to do it,” she said softly but loud enough for him to hear. Bella’s tears started falling on her bare legs. Adam didn’t move. “Why me?” he asked. “You’ve killed many before without any questions. Why are you asking this now?” she asked as she glared at him. Adam didn’t say anything. “Just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean anything. She’s a killer too! Don’t tell me you like her,” she said. When she saw that he didn’t say anything, a wicked smile grew on her face. “I have a great idea of how you’re going to kill her,” she said standing up. Bella approached Adam so her face was close to his. “Make her fall in love with you,” she said simply. Adam starred at her confused. Bella starred deeply into his light green eyes captivated. Adam backed away shaking his head. “How am I going to make her fall in love with me?” he asked. Bella sat on top of her desk smiling. “C’mon Adam, you and me know that you can get any women down on her knees with those pretty eyes of yours.” Adam looked at the floor and up again. “I’ll fool her but not kill her. You or someone else can do that part,” he said frankly. Bella smiled and nodded, “I’ll do it. Now leave me alone and tell everyone not to bother me for the rest of the day.” Adam nodded once and left.
Red’s eyes matched his name at the night. He had been working hard on finding the woman for almost a month and Bella was losing her patience. He was close to finding something, though. He felt every pump of his heart as he typed closer and closer to some information. Adam, who was on the other computer, looked lost in his thoughts. He had watched the video for the tenth time before falling into a reverie. When Red hollered, “Yes,” Adam snapped out of it and looked to him. “You found something?” he asked. “Yeah!” said Red eagerly. Adam walked over to his computer and looked. “A location?” he asked Red. Red nodded, “that’s all I could get but it’s something. I also know that it’s a type of company.” Adam focused on the location trying to figure in his mind where it was located. “It’s here but I don’t know that street,” said Adam. Red nodded. “I tried finding directions to it but it doesn’t show up.” Adam grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from Red’s desk and began to write it down. “We have to ask around if they know anything about it. You said it was a company, right?” he asked. Red nodded. “Well, every company does something.”
Kerli starred at the picture that hung on the wall as she sat on a desk of the second floor. Next to it was a vase of colorful flowers and in front two candles that burned silently. The woman in the photo was smiling from ear to ear. Her brown hair was in a pony-tail and she wore a summer dress. The woman was beautiful. Kerli’s curiosity started boiling over until she turned around and asked Alexia, who was looking at the bubbling liquid in the beaker. “Who is this woman?” she asked pointing at the photo. Alexia rested her safety goggles up on her head and looked to what Kerli was pointing at. Alexia breathed in slowly and smiled a little. “She was our friend, Leila. She used to be our receptionist,” she answered. “Used to?” persisted Kerli. Alexia nodded and breathed in again. “She died a couple of months ago. A man tried to rob here and…um shot her.” Kerli lowered her eyes to the photo again. “Why do people do those types of things?” she asked softly. Alexia thought before answering, “They like seeing other people suffer other than themselves.” Kerli thought about it too. “Anissa killed the robber, didn’t she? Why does Anissa like assassinating?” she asked. Alexia answered almost immediately, “She does it to punish the people who deserve to be punished. The law is a good stability to this world, but it is sometimes unfair. She does what she, and even we, think is fair.” Kerli looked to the office of Anissa which was secluded and started to ponder about everything she learned since she’s been there; about what their “job” was. Alexia started working on the chemicals again and faintly heard Kerli say, “I want to be like her.”