
Chapter 6

Anissa stretched out on her comfortable reclining chair as her tired eyes closed. She could only hear the murmuring of the television and the clock on the other side of the wall ticking away as every second pass. She regretted not being able to do much worse things to the man but since time ran out, she would have to suffice with a bullet through his abdomen. A few minutes earlier, the news station broadcasted the mass killings that took place in Marty’s house. The police had said they were investigating it but Anissa knew that they weren’t going to do one single thing. They wanted to kill that man as much as Anissa had wanted to. One of the FBI stood in front of the press to clear things up, the killings that took place in Marty’s mansion yesterday was that of a professional or professionals. Since none of the drugs or any of the money were missing from the house, we have reason to believe it was a hired kill or another gang family. Anissa relaxed and breathed in. Overall, she was glad that the plan had worked and that none of the girls came out unharmed. Even though it was just a mutter, Anissa opened her eyes instantaneously when she heard the news reporter say Breaking News. She got up and turned up the volume so that she could hear clearly as the woman sitting her usual desk spoke sternly. “The body of a little eight year old girl was found today in the middle of our very own city park. Little Stephanie had been reported missing earlier last week by her whole family. Her body was found raped and decapitated…,” the woman reported. Anissa felt as the steam of anger and frustration rose from her feet and upwards. The television now showed a drawing of the man they suspected with his description on the bottom.
Anissa took her long coat from the hanger aggressively. The women were all working on something since none of them saw Anissa walk out of the building. The cold wind slapped her cherry red cheeks as she walked swiftly. She felt the Caliber next to her skin anticipate for its next kill. Her glasses threatened to slip away as she kept on walking and her wild black hair whipped eccentrically all over. She put it in a ponytail as she could see the October sun midway in the sky. Even though her destination was in another district, she continued on walking with the same speed as she never seemed to tire.
Anissa unfolded the crumpled up paper that was hidden in the safety of her coat as she looked at it for the tenth time. In the paper, description of the man was written down and the location he was last seen. As she looked around, though, she noticed that almost all the people in the district looked like pedophiles, crack heads, killers, hookers, and other different type of criminals. Anissa lightly touched her pocket on the left feeling the extra bullets she decided to bring. Maybe today there would be more than one justice. Anissa closed her eyes and pictured the man. When she opened them, it was as if God had helped out in a twisted way. The man was inside a white van starring at two teenage girls talking on the sidewalk a few feet away from him. Anissa clenched her teeth and looked at her wrist watch. Of course the girls weren’t in the safety of their homes since it was barely 7:00, still early in the city. Anissa hid behind a big oak tree, letting the shadows consume her as she kept her eyes on the pedophile and on the girls. One of them was a beautiful black girl. She had black hair curled and was roughly Kerli’s age. Her friend was a Hispanic girl with green eyes and the same age. They both reminded her of Kerli and through the time she has been living with them, she had grown very protective over her.
An hour had almost passed when the Latin girl went inside to get something. Anissa was a mere shadow behind a big oak tree so that when the pedophile looked around for any witnesses, he didn’t see any. The man swiftly put out the cigarette he was smoking and hurried over to the African American girl who was sketching in a notebook. “That’s a nice sketch,” the man said. The girl looked up once then went back to her sketch. “I’m sorry, but I can’t talk to unknown people,” the girl said plainly. “If we get to know each other, I won’t be unknown,” the man said with a wide smile. The girl quickly stopped sketching and looked up disgustingly at the man. At that moment, the Latin girl came out with a sketchbook in her hand. She looked at the man and looked at her friend with a confused expression. The neighborhood was mostly quiet and bare as everyone there had gone to the safety of their home. The others who were still out in the darkness didn’t seem to care about what was occurring and what the outcome of it would be. “Selena, we should go inside and work on this,” said the African American girl cautiously. “Darn, but then I won’t get to come,” he said with the same grin. “Yeah, you’re right Candy,” agreed Selena. Candy rose up from the sidewalk slowly. “I don’t think the two of you will be leaving without letting me in the fun,” he said. “Look man, fuck off!” said Candy sternly. The man laughed wickedly as he pulled out a gun. Selena shrieked as Candy gasped. “Now, both of you quietly follow me to that grey van over there.” The girls stood frozen. The man then grabbed Candy and pointed the gun to her chest. “Walk!” he yelled. Selena walked as she kept her watery eyes locked on Candy. Candy bit hard on her cheek holding back her tears and making sure that the gun never shifted toward Selena. Anissa followed in the shadow until they were about to reach the van. Anissa was about to come out when a man wearing a black coat said, “What are you doing to those girls?” Anissa could only see the back of the man. It was apparently a rhetorical question since he followed by saying seriously, “Let them go!”
Adam could feel the coolness of the gun that the pedophile held. The pervert who had two teenage girls close to his van was smiling in amazement. “Go away pretty boy. This isn’t your mess,” his rotting teeth showed as he smiled wider. The pedophile shifted the gun as to point it to Adam. The man pulled Candy closer to him as he placed the gun to her forehead. Adam began to step closer to them with the gun still pointed at the man. “One more step and I’ll blow her head off,” the man warned as his smile faded into a frown. Adam starred into the black of the man’s eyes and knew he would do exactly that so he stepped back. The man, thinking that he had won, threatened the girls to get into the van or he would kill them as he was going to kill Adam. Selena and Candy headed toward the van not wanting to stay and watch. As soon as Adam noticed that they were safely away from the gun, he rapidly headed towards the man. The man stupidly looking behind him to see if they had gone into the car didn’t realize Adam storming towards him. Surprisingly, the man was able to stop Adam from taking the gun that he held tightly. Adam battled to get the gun out of his hand as it fired once or twice out at the neighborhood. The man, being stronger than Adam, broke loose from Adam’s attempts to seize the gun and pointed it straight at his throat. Adam’s hands arose in surrender and defeat. The man chuckled lightly as he knew that he would not only get to kill a man but also get two girls instead of one. Adam starred at the man with a menacing grin as he felt the pressure and coolness of it. “What are you smiling ‘bout?” he demanded. Before Adam could say anything, the man was already on the floor and his gun five feet away. Anissa glared at the pedophile as she placed the heel of her shoe on his throat. “What the fuck?” the man stammered as he groaned in pain from the fall. Anissa pulled out her steel blade from the hind of her feet and placed it close to his cheek. “Give me a good reason as to spare your life,” she demanded with her stern face. The man was frightened as he tried to find something to say. Before the man could speak, Anissa placed the blade slowly at his throat and cut it in a swift motion. “Not fast enough,” she whispered as she let the gargling and desperate attempts for air fill her ears. Adam starred amazed at the woman who he had been searching for awhile. “Who are you?” he asked as he noticed that she began to walk away. Anissa ignored him and kept on walking. Adam noticed Candy and Selena starring at the woman as well. They were in awe.
Anissa had reached a mile from where the rapist now lay dead. She felt the man who had tried to help out close behind her. He had been following her ever since the scene. Anissa suddenly pulled out her small gun and pointed it at the man whom immediately stopped. “Keep following me and my bullet will pierce through your pathetic body,” she warned. Adam, hiding his smile, put up his arms in defense. “I just want to say thank you. I would have died if you hadn’t come,” he lied. In fact, he could have killed the man himself with the gun strapped against his stomach. “Maybe I should have let him,” she said keeping her stance. She cocked the gun to show that she was serious. Adam knew that this wasn’t the best time and so then nodded in agreement. Besides, he had already formulated a plan as to follow her. Anissa took one last look at him before walking rapidly away. Adam did not follow, as far as she knew.