Status: active-!

Afraid to Fall

chapter 3

"Brighto-on Loui-i-isa!" Chels sang my name from the bottom of my spiraling staircase. Her patent leather flip flops padded across the floor and she swung her floral cardigan over one shoulder.

"We're gonna be late for le cin-e-ma!" Her solid vibrato filled my house and echoed off the high ceilings and I heard her keys jangling in her bag, so she was clearly bouncing up and down.

"Chelsea, calm yourself, one sec!" As she began to hum The Maine lyrics, I quickly checked my phone for the 500th time, in case there was a new text from Noel. He was coming back today (in the car now) and I was a little more than excited. Slightly sad at the realization there was nothing new, I tossed my Blackberry in my Chanel. Spritzing some Viva La Juicy, I sped down the stairs, my knee high riding boots making elegant little clips every step. It was almost Christmas now, and thus I nearly collided with my tree every day, of course today being no exception. Oh the curses of a clutz. After veering out of the way of that roadblock, I had a near crash with Chelsea.

"Chels! What! Sorry, sorry, preoccupied. Let's um, let's go, right? Yeah, let's." My nervousness over Noel's return clearly had side effects.

"B." Chelsea called me B for Brighton, and also because I had a tendency to become hyperactive, much like a bee.

"...Yes?" I put on my most innocent smile, but to no avail.

"You need to calm down. It's one boy. What about Drew? Hm?" Oh, yeah. Drew was the boy I sort of liked, we had a "thing" I guess you could say. His hugs were like lavender bubble baths and his lips tasted like peppermint. He was a sweet boy, not to mention extremely attractive. But there was something so mysterious and wild about Noel, something Drew couldn't achieve no matter how hard he tried. Normally this didn't bother me, but knowing Noel was coming back made it seem much worse of an issue. I just couldn't shake off my feelings for Noel.

"I'm not that excited. What about him? We should leave, I don't want to be late. Shotgun!" For normal people this would mean I got front seat, however for me and Chelsea it meant that the other person got passenger (we both always wanted to drive). She subtly rolled her eyes and headed out the door, confident I was following close behind.

Soon enough, I swerved my blue Mercedes into a parking spot at the local movie theater, breathing in the intense aroma of buttered popcorn and rich kids. Chelsea immediately spotted some friends and ran over to say hi, I awkwardly leaned on a railing by the stairs. I loved Chelsea half to death but some of her friends were killing me. I didn't really mind though, I just wasn't about to tag along and say hello. Conveniently, my phone buzzed, right when I was going to pull it out and pretend I had a very important call to make, too!

New Text-
From: Noel
Just got into Raleigh. C u in a bit QT pie. Can't w8!!! ;)

I got the warm fuzzies all over and grinned subconsciously. Noel made me happy, whether he knew it or not. Chelsea was still in a gripping conversation (I'm assuming about who hooked up with whose boyfriend recently) so I had time to respond. Ending the flirty reply with a smiley face (and I'm sure a smile on my face too) I dropped my phone in my bag before Chelsea saw. I was hoping to avoid a firestorm of questions, and most likely some lecturing about Drew, both of which I knew I would get from her if she saw the text. She waved goodbye to her friends and hopped on over to join me.

"Shall we, princess?" She questioned in a mock Prince Charming voice.

"Oh, we shall! Onward!" I replied goofily, sounding like Gisele from Enchanted on helium. Giggling, we linked arms as she led me up the staircase. Chelsea's bubbly personality was infectious, and we were both laughing like idiots throughout the movie. When it was over, Chelsea went to the bathroom and I checked my phone, turns out I had missed a message from Noel.

New Text-
From: Noel
Cnt hang tonite. Leadership training, I guess. Rly stupid if you ask me. I will see u 2moro, Bri. Sry.

My heart painfully limped its way down to my stomach. Figures, just figures, I thought. He knew how much it had meant to me to be able to see him today. I looked at my outfit. I had tried today, and my hair was actually cooperating, for once in a blue moon. Obviously, it was all for nothing. I guessed I'd have to do it all the next morning, until another thought struck me. Why waste this beautifulicious-ness on an evening with Elf and some hot chocolate, when I could arrange a date with Drew...and if I was gonna go out with Drew, we were going to have the best darn time two teens could have in North Carolina. And I was going to do it without Noel.