
Rosenthal, a band from the midwest, has hit it big. The unfortunate problem is that all of the members of the bands they are about to tour with are male, and Rosenthal happens to be fronted by a female by the name of Jenevieve. Considering she's one of the only females in a world of testosterone, she's in for a bit of a ride. Jen has always been comfortable in the presence of guys, but this time, it's different, and this time, she's worried that they'll start rubbing off on her. Or worse. She might actually connect with one over something more than video games.

Note: I always rate my stories as R for my utter lack of filtering out the f word. Ever.
  1. All I Know Spins Out of Control.
    Burn Out Brighter [Northern Lights] --- Anberlin.
  2. Forgive Me, I'm Trying to Find My Calling.
    Remembering Sunday -- All Time Low.
  3. Everybody's Talking 'Bout It.
    Elevator -- House of Heroes.
  4. God, It Just Feels So Good.
    Misery Business -- Paramore.