Status: in progress

you warm my cold heart ( sesshomaru love story)

how to piss a girl off : compare her to someone she doesnt like


-Your p.o.v-
Sesshomaru seemed to like my dish. I was happy.
I continued to eat mines while he ate his silently.
“So…you’re getting married?” I asked.
Sesshomaru answered “no. “
“But isn’t she your wife to be..?”
“Supposedly. It was more of an arranged marriage. I don’t want to have any part of it. She and her father fail to realize it.”
Relief washed over me. I mentally slapped myself. I don’t know why I’m feeling relieved in the first place. “oh…” I said then ate some more. I was still thinking about it though.
“Are you leaving tomorrow?” You heard him say. You looked at him. “..Where did you hear that?”
“I heard you and her talking.” I blushed. That meant that he heard when she said that he’s treating me different. I’m surprised that didn’t bother him when she spoke those words. Maybe he felt that he was treating me different. “Um..yeah, I have to get back home. Just to check on my family.”
“You have family, meaning children and husband”
I shook my head quickly “oh no! no way! Hahahaha I look like a parent?” I laughed. “the way you handle rin ,it’s hard to believe you aren’t one.” I smiled at him flattered “thanks, but no I don’t have kids. Or a husband for that matter. I meant by my mom and dad and my sisters. “
“I see.”
“…do you have any brothers and sisters?” I ask. Sesshomaru just looked at me. The look he gave me was of course UN readable. “i-..Im sorry. That’s none of my business.” I picked up my bowel and picked up his empty one, and started to wash them. When I was done I walked to the door “good night Sesshomaru.” I said quickly. I decided I’d sleep in rins room that night.

I didn’t get much sleep done either way . I woke up , I looked at my watch and saw it was around 6 in the morning. Rin slept close by my side. I got up out the bed slowly and got dress
Just as I was about to leave I looked back at rin. I felt bad for leaving her. But I knew she’d be fine with Sesshomaru. I walked back to her softly and gave her a kiss on the head.
“…I love you.” I whispered to her.
Then walked out of the room. It was dark a little but I made my way down stairs to the front easily. As I walked away from the palace I felt terrible... Like I was walking away from a piece of my heart… I tried to shrug it off…but it wasn’t working. “Leaving without saying goodbye.”
A deep voice said. I stopped walking and turned around, Sesshomaru stood there looking at me.
I gave him a sad smile “sorry…I didn’t want to wake you guys.”
“That’s stupid.” Sesshomaru responded. “How is it stupid…?”
Sesshomaru walked to me while saying “rin will throw a fit. And Jacken will become more annoying. As you can see you just up and leaving won’t turn out so good.”
I looked down at the ground, kicking the dirt. “What about you…” I muttered. He listed how everyone would be Un happy. Everyone but himself….I wanted to know if anything would change for him if I left.
“What do you mean?”
I put on a fake smile “nothing…nothing. “
“Delray.” Sesshomaru called me. “Look at me when you speak.”I did as I was told. “Sorry…”
“Stop apologizing. “
“Ok….” I wasn’t sure what else to do or say. “What did you mean,” he asked again. “About what?”
” don’t play stupid. You know what I’m talking about.”
I chuckled “oh that? I was joking. Either way, I’ll come back in a few days or so. So rin and Jacken have nothing to worry about. I’ll be on my way now…” I turned around to leave.
“Delray.” He called me again. This time I didn’t turn around. Despite how he told me to look at him when we spoke.
I didn’t want to though, not while I was leaving. “do you know your way back.” He demanded. I nodded. Knowing good fucking well I didn’t know my way back all too well. But I didn’t want to bother him.
“You’re a terrible liar.”
… "bye"
in a cheerful voice i said “I know my way. Go back to the palace. I’m sure you have worked to do.” I started walking before he could say anything “are you trying to get yourself killed. You walk out of western land territory then I won’t be able to save you like last time.”
I shrugged “I have to die sometime.” In a flash Sesshomaru was in front of me. I stopped walking. “O_O how did you..?”
“Why do you insist on making things difficult?”
“Sesshomaru I can d-“
“you and zumie seem to have a lot in common. Neither of you like to listen.” I gasped when he said this to me. How dare he compare me to that…that…BRAT.
I glared at him. Sesshomaru didn’t show it but I could tell he was surprised by my sudden mood change.
“I have nothing to say to you. Goodbye.” I walked around him.