Status: in progress

you warm my cold heart ( sesshomaru love story)

in our family portrait we look pretty happy

-normal point of view-
Sesshomaru watched as you walked away. He could sense that you were angry.
-what’s the matter with her?-

----modern japan----
Despite you thinking you traveld by yourself . you didn’t. Sesshomaru was watching you from the trees , just to make sure nothing happened.
He watched as you hop in the well to your regular time. Oddly to him, as he watched you leave he wonderd something - I wonder when she plans on returning.-
-your point of view-
When I got back to my time I went straight to my house. Dad was passed out drunk on the couch and my step mother was of course no where to be found an nor where my sisters. Which left me and my father alone. I sneked pass him up staires. “……..delly.” my father called me.
I crused under my breath lowly but put on a fake happy voice “yeah daddy?”
“c’mer” he orderd. I did as I was told and walked to the couch he sat up, rubbing his face. “where you been? You haven’t been home for awhile.”
“I went to kagomes house…sorry…I should of ca-“
“your not allowed to leave.” He cut me off. I frowned “daddy that’s not fair, when tiffany and Jamie go out you don’t punish them…”
My father grabbed my hand roughly and said with liquor coming from his breath “cause I love you…and you’re my favorite…you know that..” he smirked. “come here…”
“daddy stop it…please…” I try to pull from him. But he doesn’t listen. He pulls me onto his lap and rubs my butt. I try to pull from him but he gets angry “you fucking slut…I treat you like a princess and you act like a bitch in return? “ he pushes me roughly on the floor.
I get up quickly and try to get away from him. But he grabs my arm again “you look more and more like your mother every day…” he chuckles “your feisty like her to…” he was talking about my birth mother, me and her did look a lot alike. Only my eyes were a different color. Ever sence she would find his comfort in drinking. He wouldn’t do it when my step mother and my sisters where around. But when ever they left
He would get drunk, or start touching me, or hit me..
“delray…come here…you know I love you.” He murmerd “your drunk daddy get off of me!” I tried to pry his arm off of me , he pulled me to him and groped my chest “your breast are getting big…I wonder how they look…” he laughed as if this were a joke. He tried to take off my kimono top .
I don’t know what came over me, but I slapped him across the face. I felt bad for hitting my father…but that loosened his grip. I tore my arm from him and ran up stairs to my room. I locked the door behind me, and slid down on the door.
I wished more than anything that he would stop being this way…

-Back in feudal era rins p.o.v-
I called her, a man stood above her choking her. I started to cry. “Delray! “ I ran to the man but my hands went threw him as if I were a ghost.
Delray cried as the man choked her. He looked little like her, but it didn’t matter I just wanted him to stop hurting her. “LORD SESSHOMARU HELP Delray’s hurt!” I cried. The whole room grew dark, the last thing I saw was life slipping away from Delray, slowly and painfully.
I woke up crying. I looked over my bed side to see if Delray was there. But she was gone. I started to cry even harder. I hopped off the bed and ran out my room to lord Sesshomaru’s. I knocked “lord Sesshomaru…” I sobbed. The door opened quickly. Lord Sesshomaru looked down at me
“Rin..What’s the matter?”
I hugged his legs “Delray’s gone! And and…and…and” I couldn’t finish what I was saying, I was so scared. I wanted to see Delray now.
Lord Sesshomaru picked me up closing his door behind us. He set me down on his bed. “tell me what happened.”
“the guy..he was hurting delray.lord Sesshomaru we have to go get her!”
“rin delray is fine.”
“Shes here? Where is she?” I asked egerly. “no rin..she is not. She went back to her home for awhile”
Lord Sesshomaru could see this was upsetting me. He sighs “rin please its ok. I saw her leave and made sure she was safe.”
“no…lord Sesshomaru she could be anywhere now! Please lord Sesshomaru…can we go get her!?”
“rin we cant-“
“Why not?”
“Don’t you care about her lord Sesshomaru?” he paused when I said this and blinked rapidly.
“Do you?” I asked again. “………yes rin. I do. But we can’t just leave now…”
“…then if she doesn’t come back after awhile can you go get her?”
“Yes rin. I will go get her. Now you have to go to sleep.” I nodded. “Ok….can I sleep in here?” Lord Sesshomaru nodded. I got under the covers, lord Sesshomaru sat at a nearby chair in deep thought. He wouldn’t admit it, but I knew he was thinking about Delray just as much as I was.
(that’s delrays dad)