Status: in progress

you warm my cold heart ( sesshomaru love story)

fall then rise of suspicion levels

"you disappoint me.." daddy shook his head at me as if i had disobeyed him.
In fear of what he'd do to me next , i slammed my foot into his area making him bellow over in pain.
THIS was my chance. i took full advantage of it and sprang up satires to my room then began to pack. i was NOT going to stay here at this vulnerably moment were he have his way with me however he wanted. i knew i couldn't pack i just packed the stuff that i needed the most.


Before i knew it was in front of sesshomaru's palace. i remembered a couple of landmarks, thank goodness, that helped me recognize my way around more easily.
when i got inside the palace thankfully rin, jacken or sesshomaru weren't around. but i knew it would be a matter of time. for a big castle word got around quickly. sort of like high school. *shudders*
whenever a maid did notice me, i made sure they didn't see my semi swollen face.
"hello miss delray..-"
i darted right by them "hello, have to go."

Finally in my room,
i changed clothes


i Looked in the mirror to fix my hair. but i halted when i saw my face again. how was i going to cover this? better could my dad do this to me...
i shook my head of those thoughts. it was done, get over it.
my door opened quickly with out a knock
"DELRAY!!" i heard the sound of little feet running to me, then felt small arms wrap around me. i didn't have to turn around to tell who it was.
i smiled widely "hello rin."
i pretended to look int rested in the mirror, even though i wanted to hug her back. "i missed you more i bet." i teased.
rin let go of my legs and got in front of me, trying to make eye contact. thankfully she went on the side were you couldn't see my bruise. "nuh uhhh! delray we all missed you...will you stay for awhile?"
i nodded "yup for a long while this time i promise."
rin ran to my bed and began to jump up and down "YAY! DELRAY IS STAYING!"
i couldn't help but look at her and smile.
big mistake. rin stopped jumping up and down. her smile disappeared.

"......................what happened to your face!"
".....rin..." i looked left to right. and walked closely to the bed "you cant tell anyone how i got this OK?"
she tilted her head "not even lord sesshomaru?"
"ESPECIALLY not sesshomaru. not that he would mind I'm sure...but i just want to keep this between you and i."
"me and my daddy got into a little fight...he hit me." i said cleanly, leaving out how he tried to force himself on me. i didn't want to worry her as is.

"your daddy hit you? that's not nice! we should tell lord sesshomaru. when the villagers use to hit me...i use to always go to lord sesshomaru and he made me feel better. then one day i just decided to stay with him forever...." rin gasped realizing something " YOU CAN STAY HERE FOREVER."
i held up my hands "whoa Nelly. rin your over doing my doll. and wow i didn't know that's how you and sesshomaru met? and NO were not telling him... OK? rin you have to promise me."
rin sighed sadly ".....ok...i wont tell. but lord sesshomaru will see during dinner...what shall i say? or what will you say?"
"well...were going to make something up...."
rin shook her head 'oh no i cant lie to him! that's not nice!"
"rin...its not a lie. its a white lie. you see white lies are lies we tell for good. not for bad. so technically he wont be mad that we lied to him." i smiled proudly even though i was sure i confused the child.
but she seemed to get the jest of my point.

-knock knock knock-
"come in " i shouted.
a maid walked in "malady, rin. lord sesshomaru has requested you both come down for dinner at this moment."


From the moment i walked into dinner i could feel sesshomarus eyes on my face. jacken blinked allot as he watched me.
rin and i sat next to each other. we all began to eat. except sesshomaru.
every now and then after taking a bite of my food i would sneak a look at him, only to find him looking right back at me.
the silence was beginning to make me feel antsy. like really antsy.
sesshomaru said after awhile.
i looked at him as if there wasn't anything wrong. maybe if he saw that i wasn't bitching about it , he would leave it alone?
"what has happened to your face."

"well..." i started. i hadn't really thought up a lie yet....
"she fell." finished rin with a smile.
sesshomaru raised an eyebrow "fell?"
jacken squints his eyes at me "HM...that mark looks as if its been inflicted by another human being."
DAMN IT jacken. he had to open his mouth.
"master jacken, she fell. she wasn't punched in the face."
"rin, no one said she was punched in the face." this time i couldn't get angry at rin even though she raised the suspicion level to 58% all the way to 90%.
sesshomaru stood up from his seat. "delray, come with me."
saying no will only prove that i have something to hide. so i went along with him,


Sesshomaru sat at his desk eying me closely.
just to throw things off i said "like the kimono? its nice...i just found it in my closet."
surprisingly sesshomaru replied
"after you left i had wardrobe of kimonos your size sent to your room upon your next stay. I'm glad it fits you well." could of fooled me honestly because the sound of his voice and the look on his face was unreadable. he looked his regular emotionless self.
"how did you know my size?"
"after you wore one of the kimonos you left here it was easy for me know your size."
silence again.
i sat down at the chair in front of his desk, an smoothed out my kimono. i was trying to distract my self from appearing nervous.
"delray, who hit you?" he certainly didn't wait.
i shook my head "no one." then smiled at him. he didn't smile back.(no shit.)
"why would rin say no one punched you in the face so sudden then. it was as if she were making it up along as she went. the two of you must be hiding something. "
i grew quiet. we were caught. that much is true. a terrible feeling washed over me. i couldn't describe it, i felt so bad. very bad. as if i might stand then collapse on the floor and cry.
"why do you care?" i asked him suddenly.
minutes went by without him saying anything. just staring coldly at me.
"i don't."
♠ ♠ ♠
well that was just mean of sesshomaru Image