Status: slowly active

Dear Diary


Dear diary

23/April/2010 first day at new school

I woke up at 3am wondering how my new school would be if it led up to its reputation or if it is another school that I will not fit in or have any friends. Mum wheeled me to school and mad shore that everything was ok when we arrived I read a sign saying Erskine Park High School which gave me goose bumps.

Today was my first day at my new High school and as normal I have no friends there. My nickname is four eyes, I don’t like it but what can you do. First class I had all my books ripped up and throne in the bin, all the class laughed at me and through there stationery at me. Next I had sport and had to were the school sport uniform witch meant that I had to show my legs which I did not like to do because my legs had no leg muscles on them which meant I would have to do some silly thing because I can’t do sport.

By recess I was dripping wet and chained to the flag pole while my class mate through rotten tomatoes at me.non of the teacher standing nearby did anything about it. The teachers got me down after my school pears ran out of tomatoes.

A teacher named Mrs Rose tried to make some friends for me but all she was told was that I was a freak of nature and there was no point to being friends with some one that had problems in life. I was never the one to fit in at school anyway because I was different than any other 14 year old girls, some reason why my legs had no muscles on them, my arms have long hair on them and I can only move one side of my body (my left side) to top it all off I'm in a weal chair. My mum tried to tell me that I should go to a special school were I will fit in more but as normal I persuaded her that it was best that I went to a normal school like everyone else.

At lunch time I tried to stay in the library were I knew the teacher would look after me because Mrs Rose had informed all the teachers that I was a special kid that may need help from the teachers around the school. I found some books that were interesting and decided to spend the rest of lunch in the library were I found May things of use for me to do without being tormented. After lunch I had maths, I sat up the fronted were I had food and paper thrown at me. But I got over telling them not to do it anymore and decided to ignore what was going on in class.

When my mum picked me up after school she asked me how my first day of school was. I told her the short version and convicted her to move me back to ST JACKS but she said I would have to wait until she could get a job back in silver sin which is going to take forever.
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First story
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