Little Room To Bite


I have a normal life, well had anyways before they announced my father’s mysterious death all over the news. I drank myself to sleep that night. I had every right to be mad, I hadn’t seen my father in ten bloody years and now he’s dead never again to right the wrongs he committed with his family, or what family he had left. Needless to say the media was quite happy with this news, they hadn’t had a juicy story in years. And the world’s richest man found sucked dry in a forgotten alleyway was a pretty damn good statement. I had to hand it to the paparazzi they knew how to sell them, but now I was stuck with no family, a fortune that I didn’t want, and a mysterious death that even the investigators found chilling. I wasn’t one to believe in ghost stories so I took it upon myself to find out what happened to dear old dad and when I didn’t find a single thing I knew it was time to go to Jim.

“What do you mean you can’t help me? I’m in a very bad predicament here!” I shouted into the phone. It hadn’t been but two minutes into the conversation when Jim called me out on my dilemma and the fact that he no longer worked for the C.S.I.

“Look Kat there isn’t much I can do to help you now. Besides you do know their saying that your dad committed suicide, don’t you?”

I huffed, never let a man do a woman’s job, their screw-ups are just irrelevant. “Suicide! Jim, he was drained of all his blood!” I said whispering harshly into the phone.

“Look we both know there is nothing I can do anymore, but that never stopped you before. You can do this Katrina.” Then he was gone. Ugh, men!

That was another one of my problems, I hadn’t had a decent relationship almost as long as I hadn’t seen my dad but I figure I was just to picky or stubborn. Either way I wasn’t in the mood to handle one right now anyways, I had a funeral to host tomorrow and I didn’t think the first time I’d see my dad after ten years would be in a coffin, it was just slightly depressing. I let my clothes slide to the floor as the steam swirled around me, a hot bath was just the thing I needed right now. I lit a few candles and slipped a foot in then another, soon I was lying in a bath filled with bubbles. The apartment I lived in was usually grade a noisy, what with the boisterous college students and their parties and then right down the hall were two parents with a monstrous load of kids. The holidays were rather unbearable. Not tonight though, everything seemed disturbingly serene, until till my doorbell rang. I huffed and got out hastily; my few minutes of peace were quite over now. I threw a towel over me and walked towards the door and stared out the peephole at the hallway, everything was silent. I unlocked the door and threw it open. The hallway was very empty, not a one in sight.

“Stupid kids.” I muttered walking back into my room and locking the door. I turned slowly to get back to my bath before it went cold, and was greeted with two glowing blue eyes. I gasped, “Who’s there?”

I looked around my apartment searching for any sharp object that would suffice as a weapon. “No need for that doll face,” a charming voice rang in my ear. I twirled around, and there was nothing.

“Who are you?” I said loudly, filling my voice with confidence. And how in the hell did you know what I was looking for? I added in my head.

“Well which question is it, doll?” his voice came from all corners of my apartment. My heart stilled, and then I shrugged my shoulders; lucky guess.

“Well for starters you could grow a backbone and show your face” I said boldly, I had seen a lot of things in my life not a lot of them happy, nothing scared me anymore.

A figure stepped out of the shadows, I gasped. The man was beautiful; his tanned features lightened the shade of his bright blue eyes and his jet-black hair hung around his face and over his left eye. He laughed suddenly, and his smile showed his blinding white teeth off quite well, and this time I gasped for a totally different reason. He had fangs.

“Yes that’s right Love,” he said flashing me his pointy canines, “I do have fangs. Are you sure your not scared of anything, because your face says otherwise.” The words flowed of out of his mouth with elegance.

“Look if you’re after my father’s money, you’ve got the wrong girl. I wont get the money until the will is read and then you can have as much money as you want, hell you can have all of it.” I muttered with a wave of my hand. The man stood for a moment, the room all but blazed with his gallant aurora. What a man. What was I thinking? This man just found his way into my room and with no explanation, sure he was gorgeous. But he was also very dense.

“Look girl. I’m not here for your father’s inheritance. I’m here to tell you that you’re in grave danger.” I sighed, he sounded like a cliché. A very, very cute cliché.

“The only danger I see would be trespassing,” I leaned into the wall and attempted to look powerful, “and I’m not the one committing that crime.”

He coughed and a sly smile crept over his lips; he was dumber than he looked. He eased his way over to me, to which I eased my way back. I found myself trapped between the door and him and there was no way I was walking out in the corridor with only a towel on. He groaned and gently moved me out of the way to the door.

“If you’ll excuse me, it seems I’m trespassing.” I smiled with relief, back to bath. “I didn’t say I was leaving. I’ll just ask to come in.” I rolled my eyes, do they ever quit? “And then I’ll say no.”

He stepped a foot over the threshold, “would you like me to be trespassing again?” he said airily. Then he slid through the cracked door and into my room again and ran a hand through his dark hair, “look I was friends with your dad, okay?” I snorted but I quickly covered it up with a cough as he smirked at me.

“My dad doesn’t have friends.” He shook his head and his hair fell over his light blue eyes again, my knees went weak. “Oh, he had lots of friends. Your dad!”

He laughed softly as in remembering memories, memories I had wished I could share with him, but I didn’t know my dad and now I never would. I almost fell over in shock as tears pricked my eyes but then I put my foot down. I will not cry over that bastard. The guy looked up at me suddenly and took a hold of my arm and pulled me into a hug; it wasn’t uncomfortable like I imagined it would have been. The gesture was that of compassion, something I hadn’t felt from a man in a long time, I found myself wishing my dad was the one hugging my instead. As much as I hate to admit it, I missed him.