Sequel: Ready When You Are
Status: Finished.

About Falling



"Yo Cheyenne!" Novak yelled. "Swim with us!"

Bam jumped into the pool and waited for Chey to shed her clothing and do the same. She pulled her shorts off and looked at Bam nervously, pulling her shirt up over her head and putting both items beside Bam's. Cheyenne slid into the pool and swam around alongside everyone else that was there.

Everyone had a drink or two and Ape and Phil joined them later in the evening to have a BBQ. Cheyenne finally felt at home or comfortable to be around such a large group of people. Like she finally found where she was supposed to be the whole time.

Bam and Chey sat in the shallows, Bam's arms wrapped around her waist from behind. "So this means that you're mine now, right?" He whispered in her ear.

Chey smiled and nodded. "Of couse."

Bam smiled back and kissed her cheek. "I'm gonna go help Phil."

"Alright, I'll go help April." Chey nodded and followed Bam out of the pool.

Shitbird, Novak, and Dunn were doing flips into the pool, competeing on who was better. Bam messed around with Phil while he cooked, rather than really helping. Cheyenne dried off and pulled her shorts on, going inside to help April cook other food.

"It's so good to see Bam happy again, he smiles all the time now." Ape smiled and handed off a few things to Cheyenne.

"He makes me happy, and I don't know how long we'll last but he's always going to be a huge friend."

"You make him happy hun, I doubt anything bad will happen between you two." April reassured her.

"Thanks Ape." She smiled and helped bring all of the food onto the porch.

"Dinner!" Ape called and everyone got out of the pool, some of them drying off, some of them just proceeding upstairs.

Bam sat in a chair next to Ape and Novak and gently pulled Cheyenne into his lap, drinking some of the beer in his hand. Cheyenne smiled and noticed how the atmosphere was also happy and calm. It was so relaxed and everyone was getting along and having a good time, the way it should always be.

"So this is the party we promised you?" Phil asked Cheyenne.

"Oh, I forgot about that." She laughed and shrugged. "Sure."

"If this is the party to make up for hitting you, then we need to go all out." Dunn laughed.

"Shitbird, do you have any fireworks?" Bam asked, turning to his friend.

"No, but I've got a buddy I can call to bring some over."

"Well what are you waiting for, do it."

"If you're shooting off fireworks then you better all be careful, we dont need to visit the hospital again." Ape warned.

"Yeah, we don't need to get kicked out of a township again either." Phil added.

Cheyenne laughed slightly and ate as everyone else did. She waited with Bam, adding into the coversation every now and then. She was excited for the fireworks, and even if Bam wasn't happy with it, she planned to try and set one off. If Bam got to be dangerous, she should at least try too.

"Are we getting back in the pool?" Angie questioned. "I want to get changed."

"Yeah, me too. It's already getting pretty chilly."

"You guys can change. Babe, do you want to bring all your shit inside now?"

"Sure." Cheyenne agreed.

Mostly everyone in a bathing suit went inside to change or to get dried off. Bam help Cheyenne bring her stuff inside and up to his room.

"I can worry about putting everything away tomorrow." Chey suggested.

"Yeah, I'll probably have to make more room." He laughed and grabbed some clothes.

Cheyenne pulled off her wet shorts and hung them in the bathroom. "I'll get changed in here."

"Alright." Bam nodded and proceeded to change himself.

He pulled on a pair of sweat pants along with a hoodie while Cheyenne changed into a pair of shorts and sweat shirt of her own. She tied her damp hair into a bun and sighed, not bothering with the makeup.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Bam smiled and took her hand.

Cheyenne blushed and pushed her bangs back. "Thanks."

Bam led her back outside where everyone had gathered around in the dark. One of Shitbird's friends arrived and had already brought over bags full of different fireworks. Cheyenne was as excited as Bam was.

Everyone shot off some type of firework and Shitbird handed out sparklers. Cheyenne wrote her name out with one and smiled as Bam tackled Dunn.

Chey noticed that Angie was singing and she listened closely, noticing the tune. Cheyenne smiled and for once had the courage to not only be herself, but to share her singing voice as well.

"Cause baby you're a firework,
Come on show 'em what your worth.
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky.

Baby you're a firework,
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down."

A couple of them turned to Cheyenne, including Bam, others just smiled. Angie sang along with Cheyenne, as well as Novak who only knew a few words.

This was going to be a great adventure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok guys, listen, I HATED how I wrote the chapter "Pool Party." so I deleted it and replaced it with this. Sorry guys, but I just didn't like my writing lol.

I had NO motivation today while writing this, it literally took me ALL day to write just this. I don;t know, I might add another chapter but maybe not =]

Song used: Firework by Katy Perry