Sequel: Ready When You Are
Status: Finished.

About Falling


Cheyenne walked down the stairs of the apartment to her car. She threw her bag of clothes into the passenger seat and drove with her hands clenching the wheel tightly. She was furious and scared. Cheyenne couldn't believe she was still in this situation. Part of her wanted to stay, part of her wanted to make a run for it. She couldn't find the part of her that was strong enough. She tried to tell Jake goodbye. She tried to tell him to leave the apartment and take all of his shit with him. She didn't like the outcome that played through her mind.

Cheyenne hadn't noticed the rain or the thunder. She drove with a cluttered mind. She did however notice the stop sign and obeyed. But what she really didn't notice was the blue Hummer speeding down the road
On impact, Cheyenne screamed breathlessly and the car swerved and skid across the road. The Hummer, when compared to her car, was like a monster truck The last thing Cheyenne remembered was the screeching tires on wet pavement and the rolling motions of her car. Then came the darkness.


Bam had let Dunn drive the Hummer for the first time in awhile. He didn't always like to drive, sometimes it was nice to stare out the window. He sat in the passenger seat and CKY blasted from the speakers around them. Ryan commented on the rain and Bam didn't pay much attention.

"It rains too much." Ryan sighed and looked outside. "It makes everything feel gloomy."

"Yea." Bam simply shrugged and bobbed his head along to the music.

"Remember that girl from the craft store?" Dunn asked after a long pause.

"Yea, why?" Bam raised an eyebrow.

"She was hot." He laughed and Bam couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head.

"Dunn watch out!" Bam yelled frantically and the next thing they knew, the Hummer had already made impact with one unlucky soul.


Cheyenne's eyes opened slowly at first but soon widened when she noticed the unfamiliar lights, sounds and smell. She started freaking out and sat up too quickly which caused a scream of agony and the rush of nurses. Two of them pushed her back down gently and told her over and over that it was OK and to relax. She didn't remember a thing.

"Oh God, Cheyenne honey, how are you?!" The only familiar voice in the room called.

"Mom! What happened!?" Cheyenne breathed heavy and her eyes searched the room until they landed on who she was aiming for.

"You were in a car accident honey." She frowned and held her hand, sitting next to the bed.

Cheyenne examined herself. an IV, a cast, and a very sore midsection. She was still in panic mode and she looked around as if there was someone else missing from the room.

"What happened?" Cheyenne asked again and looked at her mom, not believing that this was true.

"Honey," She started and rubbed her daughters hand. "You were in a car accident, you have a broken wrist, two broken ribs and a concussion."

"Who did I hit? Are they ok?!" She looked at her with widened eyes.

"Relax, they hit you. Theyre ok, one has a concussion too and the other only a broken rib. Both have their cuts and bruises like you though." She explained.

"Where's Jake?" She asked quietly.

"He went home to shower and eat, he's been with you all night."

Cheyenne only nodded cautiously. And looked aroundm her gaze stopping on a vase of flowers. "Who brought them?" She asked.

"Oh, the mother of one of the boys." She answered and Cheyenne nodded. "Speaking of which, the two boys wanted to see you and see if you were OK. I didn't say yes or no, it's your decision."

"Um...OK I guess." Cheyenne carefully ran the hand with the IV in it through her hair, wincing. Her head was pounded furiously. "Just, maybe later."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here ya go guys(=
