Status: Slow updates but comments speed everythign up.

Raised by Barakat

Marley and Jack

“Jack, are you sure you want to stay home with her, I can take her to work.” I suggested.

Jack had insisted that he would be able to take care of Marley by himself. She was only three months old and I would admit that when it came to her I had separation anxiety. Even if Jack was her dad. But I couldn’t help it.

“Yes, Jerry, go to work. Now.” He said getting her from my arms.

I sighed and looked at her as he patted her back gently. “Ok.” I said giving him a kiss. “Just make sure you both stay alive when I get back.” I said still not wanting to leave.

“Jerry, go.” He laughed.

“Fine.” I huffed grabbing my bag and heading out.

This was the first time Jack would have Marley by himself all day. I didn’t know if it would be a complete disaster or if he would be able to do it on his own. I had faith in Jack but all the same I was nervous.


I sat at my desk tapping my fingers and looking at the phone. It was noon and surprisingly, no calls from Jack. I kept telling myself that everything was fine.

I sighed and got up. I had to go to the studio because QVX was recording and my job as A&R required me to be there, well at least “over see” the process.

As I began to leave my cell phone had gone off. “Hello?” I asked since I saw the house number come up.

“She won’t stop crying.” Jack said worried over Marley who was crying to the top of her lungs.

“Did you feed her?”

“Yes, she just spit the bottle back out.”

“Did you burp her? Change her? What are you doing?” I panicked a little.

“Yes, Yes and she’s sitting in the swing. Calm down.” He tried to ease.

“Pick her up.”

“Jerry, she screamed more.

“Try the pacifier or a toy.” I suggested more as I began to walk.

The screaming continued and I heard Jack look around as the crying eased to small sobs.

“She’s quiet.” He said stating the obvious.

“Just let her sit there, turn the swing on low and she will fall asleep.” I said knowing the swing was her favorite place.

“Ok, that’s all.” He whispered meaning she must have begun to drift off to sleep.

“Ok, just don’t make a lot of- noise.” I said as I heard the crying begin again and Jack groaning.
“What happened?” I asked.

“Alex rung the doorbell.” He said emphasizing Alex’s name.

“Sorry.” He said in the background.

I felt helpless as I heard Marley’s small sobs because Jack was most likely holding her. I had to tell myself to drive to the studio and not to go home.

I sighed as I pulled into the parking lot. “I have to go.” I said wanting to go back home.

If Alex was there then anything was possible. Like I had said I trusted Jack with my heart but to me Marley was the most precious thing on earth (of course she’s my daughter).

“Jerry, I know that this is hard for you but trust me, I can do it.”

“I know.”


I was anxious to get home. Before I had left the studio and was going back to my office I had gotten a call from Jack with Marley screaming louder than she had last time in the background.

I quickly got all of my stuff together as Terry walked in.

“What’s wrong with you today?” Terry asked.

“I need to go home.” I said.

“I take it this is the first time you left Jack and Marley together.” She laughed a little.

“Yes, and he just called and she was screaming like she was going to cough up her vocal box. I will see you tomorrow.” I said cutting my computer off and walking out.

“Bye.” She said.


When I got home I dropped everything by the door and went into the nursery.

“Is she.” My sentence faded as I saw Jack signaling me to be quiet and also because I had just seen my husband sitting shirtless in the rocking chair with a sheet he used as a cape and some self made head dress. I studied his costume for a second and realized it was the infamous Indian Superhero costume.

“What are you… what?” I asked confused as he got up to put her in the crib.

“This is the story.” I sighed shaking my head since he had said this is the story. “I hit my toe on the fridge which made her laugh a little, and then after I had called you she would stop crying so I just put this on.” He said somewhat embarrassed.

“So you have to look like an idiot to get her to stop crying?” I guessed.

“I guess, but hey, it’s not that big of a problem.” He shrugged making me laugh.

“All that matters is that you both are still alive.” I said giving him a kiss.
“I told you I could do it.” He scoffed walking into our room proudly.

All I could do was shake my head and laugh.
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