Status: Slow updates but comments speed everythign up.

Raised by Barakat

Nothing Changes

“Happy birthday dear Marley, happy birthday to you.” We continued to sing even though she had already stuck her fingers into the cake and started to lick the purple icing off of her small hands.

Even though Marley was only turning one, Jack insisted that we invited the guys, Casey, Janice and Sean (the same Sean we had met at the release concert had asked Janice asked her to marry him, now they are engaged). We all cheered and Marley smiled and clapped even though she still had some cake on her hands.

“She’s so adorable.” Casey laughed.

“I’d take credit but she gets most of it from Jerry.” Jack said as Casey rolled her eyes.

“Well it doesn’t matter we all love her.” I laughed.

Another reason everybody was over here was because Alex, Zack and Rian thought it would be a good idea to have a sleepover for Marley’s birthday. This meant all of the guys (even Sean who fit in perfectly because he had the same personality) planning to wear footie pajamas.

After me giving Marley a bath and getting her to bed, there were five men in pink, purple, green, blue and yellow footie pajamas. Meanwhile the only sane people wore regular pajamas.

“What gave you this idea?” Janice asked.

There we shrugs and I have no ideas along with no clue that came from the guys. These answers showed that this was nothing out of the norm for them. Getting a dumb idea and having no idea where they had gotten it.

One time Alex painted Jack’s car pink, of course we never found out why. Another time Zack skateboarded around in a pizza suit, why? No idea.

Even though we were more cautious about what we did around Marley, we didn’t fully changed our ways. We were still the random people we were one year ago.

Nothing changed.
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Short chapter sorry for not updating, I haven't written in a while.