Status: Updated when possible

Nine Months

Chaper 2

The blank look remained unchanged on Wes’ face, but he didn’t argue. Instead he just got up and made his way into my master bathroom. I smiled to myself as I watched him disappear. It was a damn shame that he had to put clothes back on that body. In my time I had slept with some pretty men but Wes - Wes was by far the best ever.

Damien’s voice suddenly shattered my thoughts once more. “Ally! Don’t bother hiding your new flavor of the month Boy-toy! I’m gay! I can smell a sexy ass man like a hungry bear can smell a Salmon Fila!”

I couldn’t help but laugh as I rolled my eyes. Swiftly I wrapped up in my comforter once more and made my way to the front door.

Damien’s bright smile greeted me as soon as I swung open the entrance. “Good morning Butterfly.” He said in a sweet tone. Before he said another word, he let his dark eyes wander over my makeshift gown. “Damn. I gotta say, you totally rock the ‘fresh-sex’ look. I mean I am gayer then a two dollar bill but I would have to be blind to say that you do not look damn fine right now.”

I laughed and stepped aside so he could walk in. “Thanks. That means so much to me.”

Damien turned back to me as I shut the door, a serious look on his face. “It should. I’m a critical bitch. I don’t had out compliments like the government hands out welfare”

I chuckled and shook my head. It may have sounded cross to anyone else but He was telling the truth. “So what’s your crisis Dame?” I asked adjusting the blanket around my body and moving toward the living area.

“Now, now,” He said fiddling idly with a piece of decretive foliage as we passed. “Don’t rush me. I’ll get to that in a moment, but first I want to see him.” A mischievous grin played out over his flawless face. “Or if your worried, you could just tell me his name.”

“Worried?” I repeated as we plopped down on the sleek black sofa. I let a smile paint my face and raised a questioning eyebrow as if to challenge.

Suddenly a look of seriousness crossed him. “Girl do not even insult me.” He said holding up a ring adorned pointer finger. “This,” He made an exaggerated motion to his sweater-vested chest. “Has been turning ‘Straights’ gay since the sandbox.”

“Mhm.” I said once more rolling my eyes and chuckling to myself. I knew he was only kidding but I had other reasons for not answering him right away.

“Well?” He asked after a moment of silence. “Are you gonna tell me?”

I bit my bottom lip and averted my gaze off to the side avoiding his eye contact. I knew he was going to kill me. “His name is…. Wes Sullivan.” It was silent again for about two seconds then I braced myself for his reaction, and I was smart to do so.

“WES SULLIVAN?!” Damien almost shouted. “Ally! What have I told you about sleeping with my models? Do you know how hard it is to conduct a photo shoot with a male model that thinks he is god because he slept with the editor of the magazine that he is being photographed for?! Its ridiculous!” I grimaced as he continued fuming. “As if their egos were not big enough already! Ugh! Al, you promised that you wouldn’t do this again!”

I have to admit, I did feel kind of bad. I was always taking sexy models and using them for my own personal entertainment. Poor Dame was left to handle the monsters that I created, being the head photographer of Velocity. But every time I started to feel truly guilty an image of Wes’s bare… naked… beautiful ass would flash in my mind and allow me to feel no other emotion except that of my lust. I bit my tongue trying my best not to giggle at myself.

He most have caught wind of my smile because he stopped mid rant. “Ally are you even listening?”

I quickly whipped the smile off my face and forced a look of a somewhat considerate nature over my features. “Yes, yes.” I confirmed clearing my throat and nodding deeply.

Damien scoffed. “Sure you are.” He let out an exasperated, rather girly, sigh. “ I suppose my attempts at trying to make you understand are void anyways. Sometimes I wonder why I even try.”

This time I didn’t hold back my amusement and let out a laugh. “Oh Dame, come on.” I said getting up from my spot on the couch to sit on the cushion closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and cast my dark doe eyes up to his face innocently. “I was just having a little fun. What’s the big deal? Your Best friends with the editor remember? I have the power to fire anyone I please, no questions asked.”

A smile broke over his face and he chuckled a bit. “Yeah yeah yeah.” He said with a roll of his eyes. “But its not just me that I’m worried about. As far as I’m concerned anyone that gives me an attitude better be able to match mine. I can take care of that, what really worries me is you. One of theses days Al your gonna end up fertilized. And I aint talking about growin’ flowers baby cakes.”

“Ugh!” I groaned grimacing at the very idea of being pregnant. “Don’t even think about that possibility!” I shook my head causing my mess of brown hair to move with the jester. “No sir. I am not mommy material. Not this bitch.”

I could tell the shock that his words had inspired gave him obvious pleasure. His smile had turned into an evil grin as he pondered the worst. “Its just reality my dear. You must learn to consider every circumstance no matter how horrifying.”

I shook my head once more the thoughts of babies and pregnant swollen bellies leaving a wretched taste in my mouth. “That’s not reality That’s evil.”

Damien laughed. For a moment the silence sank back in between us as if we were still thinking about the latter presented thought. The only thing breaking the quiet was the faint sound of running water while Wes showered. Mmm I let my mind wander over that tantalizing picture as a distraction from Damien’s awful words. Heat began to bloom in my chest and I had to change the subject of my attention before I began to drool.

“So what’s the huge issue Dame?” I asked Moving my gaze to his once more.

He sucked in a big gasp of air before he continued. I think in the mist of all the drama he had forgotten about his said crisis. I laughed to myself. “A couple of the costumes for the shoot today have not came in yet.” He answered suddenly his eyes were wide and bright with anxiety. Damien was funny that way. He could be the most dramatic person at times but he took his job as photographer very seriously. Some would say he was somewhat of a perfectionist. Maybe that was true but it made him the best and in turn that made our magazine the best.

“Was that all?” I asked giggling. “You interrupted probably the most phenomenal sex in the history of ever, because of the damn costumes?”

Damien’s eyes grew yet wider. “Of course I did! This peacock shoot is going to be ground breaking! If the color scheme isn’t right in the outfits it will throw off the whole artistic vision that I had!”

“Dame!” I said still laughing even though I had obviously offended him a little. “Its not that I don’t care but I told you that those costumes had come in last Tuesday. I got things straightened out with the designers that sent them and they fixed the problem for us. They are hanging in the closet of my office! I reminded you last night before you left work yesterday.”

He looked up at the ceiling in thought for a second or two. It finally clicked. The light bulb went off and I could see him recalling the instance. ”Righhhht…. Sorry I forgot.”

I giggled again and pushed him on the shoulder playfully. “The best sex ever I’m never going to forgive you for this one!”

Damien rolled his eyes. “I’m sure it wasn’t that big of a loss. I mean what makes this hottie different from all the rest?”

As if on que Wes, in all of his freshly showered sexy glory came strutting into our presence with nothing but one of my white towels wrapped around his waist. “Are you coming babe or do you want me to go a head and get ready?”

I had to let a moment pass as I tried to form words in my mouth. He had literally stunned me. “Uh.. Yeah sorry. You should probably go get ready I didn’t know I was going to be this long.”

Wes nodded his soaked shaggy dark hair glistening under the lights. I watched in awe as turned and walked back into my room. My god. He was just so beautiful!

When I glanced back over at Damien He was picking his jaw up off of the floor. “Okay.” He said honestly looking me right in the eye. “I give you official permission to hate me forever for interrupting sex with that.”

I nodded and laughed.