Sequel: Eclat
Status: finished.



“Is it possible to feel too dressed up in a tank top and skirt?” I whispered, linking arms with Gavin, who shrugged, eyebrow arched, moving so he was closer to me as we began to walk through the woods. I heard voices and music in the distance; Christofer and his friends were leading the way to the party. I had never been to a party in the woods before.

“I told you to wear the strapless silver dress but you didn’t want to,” Gavin responded, suddenly nudging me with his elbow, “hey, I think that Chris guy is jealous.”

“Why would he be jealous?” I was confused at this point.

“You didn’t tell him I was gay, didn’t you?”

“Well, um, I thought I did.”

“You’re doing it again,” he said, letting go of my arm, “I won’t allow you to do this to him.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, Gavin?” I asked, trying not to yell.

Christofer glanced at me, unsure, before smiling nervously. I smiled back and turned to face Gavin, who was shaking his head. “Oh my god, you do like him. I have to talk to Chris once we get there.”

“You are not going to talk to Chris. You are going to traumatize him!”

“Watch me, bitch.” Gavin winked. “Hey, Christofer!”

“Yeah? What’s up?” Christofer slowed down so we could catch up with him. He seemed hopeful and his cheeks were flushed. I couldn’t help but think that I’d embarrassed him again. No, it was Gavin who embarrassed him. Ugh. I hope that Gavin tells Christofer that he’s gay so I don’t have to. Oh no. What if he thinks Gavin and I are dating?!

“Let’s walk together for awhile. I need to discuss some things with ya,” Gavin slung an arm around Christofer’s shoulders, leading him in another direction.

I stopped in my tracks, watching the two disappear, their silhouettes fading away like a whispered breath in the air. I was beginning to crave a cigarette at that moment but the pack I’d bought was finished. What could I do? Helpless, I tried to focus on Christofer’s friends, who were thankfully still standing close by. One of them who I recalled to be Carter gave me a plastic cup of beer which I drank in two sips just to be polite. I asked him for a cigarette but he said he didn’t have any. My shoulders slumped in defeat. Where the fuck did Gavin and Christofer go?

I made my way around the party, which was a clearing in the woods, dodging couples who were drunk and god knows what else, promising myself that I wouldn’t get lost.

It’s such a shame that I broke that self-proclaimed promise.

“Christofer? Carter? Gavin? Anybody?”

If this were a horror film, I would be the dumb girl who the serial killer would eliminate first. The sounds of conversation from the party seemed too far away and the moon wasn’t providing enough light to be considered useful. I contemplated retracing my steps to find a route back to the party but decided against it. I couldn’t see my hands if I were to hold them out in front of me. Gavin had stolen my phone for tonight in case I was going to play Tetris on it instead of talking to Christofer. Long story short, I was lost in the woods, alone.

“Fuck this shit,” I muttered, groaning.

I was about to turn around when something touched my shoulder.

I screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Getting lost, especially in the woods at night, is scary.
Not that I've ever experienced it, but just the fact that it's dark. . .
Yeah, no thank you! |:

And before you get too excited, it's not Christofer who finds her.