Gerard The Ripper


The four of you were still on the couch.
"I'm gonna check on Gerard..." You said.
You quietly walked into te bunk room.
You looked over at Gerard.
His sheets were gone.
He'd used the knife to cut them up, and his legs were neatly bandaged.
"Hello dear Thomas..." He said.
"Gerard, It's me, Mikey. Your little brother...."
A tear fell down your cheek.
Gerard winced in pain.
"Oh, so that's you? I thought Mikey died ten years ago...."
"No, I'm alive Gerard..."
"Carry on."
"I... I love you Gerard..." You managed to say.
Gerard looked at you. He nodded.
"Why did you kill Olivia Gerard...?" You asked.
Gerard didn't answer.
"Sweeeeet Home Alabamaaaaaa....." He mumbled.
You hung your head low and walked back over to the rest of the gang.
"hey guys, he Bandaged his legs!" You said.
"Wow really?" Bob asked.
"Perfect!" He said.
"He seems calm..." You said.
"It's the pain..." Bob said.
Ray then chimed in, "I hate to see him suffer, but mabye we should keep him off painkillers... He's more calm like this... still insane... but he's obviously not going anywhere..."
"How's he gonna go to the bathroom?" Frank asked.
You sighed. That's something only FRANK would worry about....
"We gotta pick him up and take him there I guess..." Bob said.
Ray had his head resting on his hand. "Damn guys... this is tough..."
"I'm gonna take that knife away from Gerard..." You decided.
You walked back into his room.
You looked over at him, and he was listening to his I-pod.
"Yes brother?"
"How'd you get your I-pod, if it was in your dresser drawer?"
You asked.
Gerard stared hard at a hat of yours sitting on the dresser. His eyes turned a deep, opaque red color and the hat slowly drifted acorss the room, onto your head.
"Well, how'd I do that?"
He asked, smiling insanely.
You nearly passed out.
"Gerard.... you have TELEKINESIS?!" You exclaimed.
"No, Christopher Hale does. Gerard isn't here any longer..."
Gerard replied.
"Thomas, my son go fetch me a fresh cup of ale! I'm parched!"
He said to you.
You took the knife and ran.
"GUYS!" You shouted to the gang.
All was quiet.
"He's posessed..." Frank said.
"He's gotta be!"