Gerard The Ripper

Kill All Your Friends.

You still embraced gerard's trembling body but the two of you couldn't help but notice Bob's tears.
"B-Bob..." You said, your voice trailed off.
Bob slowly walked over to you and gerard and joined your hug.
The three of you sobbed, and finally picked up Frank's cold body and placed him in his bunk.
"That God-Damn Christopher Hale... " Gerard said. "Frank's strong, he'll get through this.... probaly alot better than I did..." You hugged your brother.
"This is gonna end up okay. Eventually." You said, teary eyed.
"Hy guys, what do we do with Ray?" Bob asked.
You didn't want to look at Ray. His body was covered in blood, and his scalp was torn off.
Bob, being the strongest emotionally, carried ray and his scalp outside.
You and Gerard grabbed shovels and dug a big hole.
Bob set Ray into the hole, and the three of you, tears flowing, buried your best friend.
Eventually, he was covered. You patted the dirt down.
Bob hauled over a giant rock and placed it on ray's burial ground.
The three of you wrote messages for him.
You knew he'd never be forgotten. He WAS after all one of the best guitarists in history.
The three of you sobbed around his grave for a while.
Your mournig was then broken by a loud crash.
The three of you ran inside, just to see frank, red-eyed with a deep English accent as Gerard had been. He had knocked over ray's bunk, and was destroying all of Ray's belongings.
"No!" Gerard screamed. "Frank don't do this! Don't let him control you!"
Frank paused and looked up at Gerard.
"You're stupid, boy!" Frank's posessed body bellowed.
Frank put his hands on his hips.
"My, and I thought you were the wussy of the group...."
Gerard was just staring at him.
Gerard's voice trailed off.
"You heard me." the voie of Christopher Hale bellowed.
You were so scared you couldn't bare to hide it. You burst into tears n the corner.
"Micheal...." Frank hissed, approaching you.
"Wha-What?" You stuttered.
"Mabye I was wrong about you... I thought you were emotionally strong compared to your jackass brother..."
Gerard had to stop himself from smacking Frank in the face.
You cringed.
"G-get away from me!" You warned.
"DONT TOUCH HIM!" You heard gerard scream.
"I'm not going to touch you dear boy... I'm going to... BECOME YOU!"
You started shaking, and eventually blacked out.
You knew you were laying on the floor.
You couldn't speak or see, but you could hear and feel.
You felt Gerard hugging you tight and Bob yelling for you to wake up.
That was then drowned out by the voice of christopher Hale.
It rung in your head.
His words were,
"You're mine, Micheal.... MINE.... I'm going to kill you.... I'll kill your brother.... I'll KILL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!"
You wanted to move, to fight back, but you were paralyzed.
You wouldn't kill them.
You couldn't.
You'd rather kill yourself.