Status: In progress

Diary of a Broken Poet

September 9Th, 2004

It's been almost two years since I've seen you diary!I'm sorry that I've neglected you for so long:( I just now finished unpacking my very last box from moving in my new home. Mommy, Tally, Tj, and I all live with a new man named Tony.
He's nice I guess. He treats me like his little princess. Which I hate because I cant get away with anything these days!! I still hate mommy for making me move away from Josh, although I've made some new friends, particularly guys;).
But today is a special day diary! Guess what day it is??? My 10th birthday! Finally double digits! I feel soooo grown up and more...Well, cool. I invited all my best friends to come to my party! We're gonna have cake, balloons, pizza, and a bouncey! Im very excited!!!
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P.S. No one showed up on my tenth birthday that day