Phallic Acid


The whereabouts of Philip Silverfern was never disclosed to anybody. He just disappeared one day in the middle of the night. They found just a pile of salt in his piss-stained sheets, the crystallised grit glittering in the ochre sheets. Nobody saw him leave the flat. Mrs Jones, the old dear under the stairs never heard a floorboard creak. The graffitied CCTV camera never spotted his grubby Mac or his leather shoes with a hole in the left sole on the way to the soup kitchen or to church on Sunday.

The lab can't believe it when they analyse the salt.

"Acid and alkaline combination makes salt, yes?" the teacher says. "We all know that."

"Yes, Miss-ese Fool-mun." chirrup a few mouths.

"Miss, miss, but what about the Silverman case?" Class swot. Snigger snicker gossip chitter chatter.

"Silverman dissolved, it seems." the confident air of ignorance. Sits down. "The urea in his sheets seems to have reacted intensely with his biology. Perhaps with some sort of venereal disease, his semen became highly acidic. Medical science has no knowledge how but the semen and the urea reacted against each other and he was...dissolved and the solution crystallised."

Mrs Jones always did say, Philip Silverfern was the salt of the earth.