In The Not-So Safe Arms Of Itachi

Chapter Two

Naruto woke up to the shaking of the tree and far away bird songs; he looked up the shaking tree and found Itachi just about to jump down, ready to leave.

“Where you going Itachi?” Naruto asked

“Away from you”

“Your really mean, you know that?”

“That I do”

“Fine be like that” Naruto sticks out his tongue

“Stick your tongue out at me again and I’ll cut it out”

“It’s not like I swore at you” Naruto grumbled unhappily standing up and stretching.

“Still I keep my warning” with that Itachi started to walk of into the clearing.

“Hey! Wait up!”

“And why should I do that? I agreed you could stay with me the night then you said you would leave. Or are you now going back on that? If you are I will have to get rid of you by force as I’m sure I’ve said.”

“Aw come on Itachi! Don’t be so harsh, at least be a little nice”

“Nice is not what I am, dobe”

“I bet you could be though, think if you had a girl you liked would you be nasty to her? I don’t think you would be.”

“I don’t think their would ever be a girl I liked and even if there was I wouldn’t care if I was horrible or not, I can have anyone I want, its just a matter if there willing or have to be forced.”

“That’s horrible! How could you do that? You sick bastard!” Naruto yelled furiously, summoning up his courage and rage towards the older Uchiha.

Naruto suddenly found himself pinned to the ground with Itachi staring down on him, forcing all his weight on top of him, almost crushing him.

“Do you want to call me that again?”

Naruto shook his head silently willing himself not to speak.

“That’s what I thought, dobe” Itachi got off Naruto. “Get up!”

Naruto stayed where he was until he felt a sharp kick in his stomach then he ever so slowly got up into a standing position, Itachi following his every move.

“Now come here.”

“Why?” Naruto said with caution.

“Because Naruto, you’ve just sparked my interest again”

“What have I done now?”

“You honestly don’t know?” Naruto shook his head.

“You truly are more stupid than I first thought, it’s quite unbelievable really”

“I am not stupid!”

“Yes you are. Have you not realised all the stuff that I’ve done? How many people I’ve killed? And yet – Itachi laughs menacingly- you still are begging me to let you be around me, still throwing insults as if I’m harmless and not going to hurt you if you offend me, if you wasn’t so stupid you would know not to mess with me, because you would know almost instantly I would hurt you if you even looked like you were going to do some of the things you just have been”
“Heh, uhhh does that mean your going to hurt me now?”

“No like I said you’ve sparked my interest. What I’m going to do is make a deal with you. If you can win against me in a battle properly then I will see you worthy of you coming along with me and you may stay with me and I will not harm you.”

“And if you win?”

“Oh yes, if I win you must die, if you cannot beat me you are not worthy enough to keep alive.”

“What! That’s not fair! You can’t kill me!” Naruto yells. “Not like you’re going to win anyway.” Naruto then mumbled under his breath. But Itachi still managed to here it.

“Ah we will see wont we? So do we have a deal, Naruto-kun?”

“I accept your deal, and don’t call me Naruto-kun, it’s creepy”

“So I see, so shall we begin?”

“Yeah! Ready to get your butt kicked Itachi?!”

“Oh no Naruto I’m the one who is going to lose, not to anyone, especially a baka like you.”

Naruto gets an evil look in his eyes and grins.

“I hope you’re ready.” With that Naruto lunges at Itachi ready to kick him. But Itachi calmly dodges and takes a hit at Naruto in which Naruto only just dodges, this carries on for a while, Naruto and Itachi throwing punches and kicks at each other and only just missing or occasionally getting hit. Until Naruto suddenly uses his shadow clone jutsu and makes him and all his clones attack Itachi all at the same time, which one actually managed to hit Itachi, which caused his eyes to narrow his eyes in anger and then just went mad with his attacks and his sharigan used to full power.

After a couple of hours with Naruto panting on the floor and Itachi leaning against a nearby tree.

“Do you give up, Naruto-kun, and admit defeat?”

“You haven’t won yet Itachi, and stop calling me that!”

Naruto started to slowly get up, forcing himself into an upright fighting position.

“Ah Naruto can’t you see that you’ve lost? You can’t win against me, no one can.”

“I will not be defeat by you, I will win, and I am Uzumaki Naruto best ninja in Konoha!”

“You surely do not believe that do you, Naruto? From what I’d heard you where the worst ninja in Konoha, have you suddenly got stronger and become the best without me knowing? If so then Konohas’ strongest ninjas are pathetic”

Naruto with his last ounces of strength ran at Itachi again and started doing various attacks at Itachi, with Itachi doing the same while both dodging each others attacks.

“Give up Naruto! You’re not going to win!”

“I’m not going to lose to you!”

Itachi suddenly hit Naruto in the stomach with a very swift kick, causing Naruto to be winded and fall to the floor, breathless and hurt.

“You lose, Naruto-kun.” Itachi inched closer to Naruto didn’t say anything but Itachi proceeded in making him back away fearfully, knowing he couldn’t win anymore, couldn’t fight. “But I have to say, you are strong, you came close to winning, if you held up a little longer, you could have possibly won, you have a lot of stamina, Naruto-kun.”

“Please Itachi, just kill me and get it over with, just please make it quick”

“Ahh Naruto-kun that is where you’re wrong, it seems as if I have changed my mind, I don’t think I will kill you at all now, but let you come with me and make you build your strength and then see what use you are to me, if you are of no use then I will kill you.”

“I was wrong about you Itachi”

“Oh, and what were you wrong about?”

“You’re not like Sasuke; Sasuke would never use me the way you are planning to.”

“Ah I’m so glad you’ve realised I’m not like my weak little brother, you know, he couldn’t even come this close to beating me, -Itachi crouched down leaning closer to narutos face- not like you did today”

Itachi pulled away from the frightened Naruto and stood up.

“Come on Naruto-kun lets go”

“Go where?”

“Home of course, dobe”

“Only Sasuke can call me dobe” Naruto whispered to himself, but like the rest of the times Itachi still heard him.

“I can call you what I wish, now get up and let’s go!”

Naruto stood up on shaky legs and made his way over to Itachi, who grabbed his elbow, ensuring Naruto couldn’t get way.

“And another thing, Naruto-kun is that from now on you must call me ‘Master Itachi’ or “Master Uchiha’ got it?”

“I’m not some slave!”

“If that’s what you wish to call this, then I must say you are.”

“And what if I refuse to call you those names!?”

“That’s simple, you will by punished”
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that’s the 2nd chapter done, hope you liked it, if you dont tell me and ill see if i can improve it ^^ i would really appreciate some comments bye xx