In The Not-So Safe Arms Of Itachi

Chapter Four

Naruto woke up the next morning with Itachi sleeping next to him, his hand tangled in Narutos hair. He goes to sit up, without waking Itachi up, to find he can’t, Itachi has made sure his head is stuck on the ground.

“Where are you going?” Itachi growled out without opening his eyes.
“I was just going to stretch my legs Master Uchiha, and make us breakfast.” Naruto explained uncertainly.

“Is that so? Well next time wake me up, before you try to get up, otherwise I might think you are trying to escape, and you don’t want me to think that now do you?”

“Sorry Master Uchiha, I will know better next time.”

“Good, we’re not getting up yet, so lay back down”

“Yes Master”

“What no Uchiha at the end?”

“Yeah about that, I was wondering, would it be okay if I just called you master?”

“And why is that?”

“’Cause Master Uchiha is so long”

“I’ll accept that, you may call me master, but around certain people, who I will tell you before hand, I will want you to call me Master Uchiha... Understood?

“Yes Master”

“Good, now then, time to get up. We have to carry on walking home.” Itachi said getting up and stretching unnoticeably.

Naruto got up as well and stretched but unlike Itachi he was very obvious about it.
So there they stood side by side

“Okay lets go, we are already behind schedule.”

Itachi goes to walk in front as Naruto silently nods his head, and follows obediently watching Itachi slyly while walking. Heh Itachi must have forgotten about my punishment.

“Come on Naruto-kun, you need to keep up. Oh and another thing I haven’t forgotten about your punishment, you will still receive it when we arrive home.”

“What?!? That’s so mean; I've been good all day!”

“Its 1:30 in the afternoon Naruto-kun, we got up at 11:30. So you haven’t had time to play up. Now come on, or I’ll double the punishment”

Naruto, slightly irritated, carries on following Itachi.

Two hours later.

“We’re home.” Itachi said rather loudly.

*Damn, wish we went slower. Damn Itachi and his fast pace. Grr.*

Itachi walked up to his front door and got out his key from his trouser pocket and swiftly opened the door and walked inside, Naruto still stood outside thinking.

“Naruto-kun” Naruto was broken from his thoughts by Itachi.

“Y-Yes Master?” Naruto stuttered.

“Come Here”

Naruto moved slowly and cautiously over to where Itachi was standing in the house and began to look around curiously, amazed at how big it was. Itachi grabbed Narutos chin gently and turned Narutos head so he was facing his ‘Master’.

“I hope you’re ready.” Itachi murmured quietly.

“I’m as ready as I can be Master, but before I get punished may I ask you a question?”
“You just did, but carry on; I wish to know what you would like to ask.”

“Why aren’t you wearing your akatsuki cloak? Have you left the organization?”

“I’m not wearing the akatsuki cloak as I am on a break from missions, and I do not want to be recognised as an akatsuki member while I am on a break, I haven’t left the organization and I highly doubt I will, I am happy where I am.”

“So this is your house right? The one you stay at when you are on a ‘break’”

“That would be correct Naruto-kun, aren’t you clever?”

Naruto bowed his head, hiding his grin of accomplishment.

“Naruto-kun, I'm afraid to say it is time, follow me.”

Itachi moved through the living room into the kitchen and then stopped outside an old wooden door. Naruto followed slowly behind and waited fearfully for Itachi to open the door and begin his punishment.

“When I open this door, you are not to run understand? If you do it will be a lot worse than you shall get now, remember I am going to go easy on you, Naruto.”

“Yes Master, I understand fully. I will not run. I thank you for going easy on me as I'm sure I do deserve all that you give me for disobeying.”

Hmm Naruto is being far too obedient, I have watched him before, with that younger brother of mine and he was never this... obedient and... submissive, is this boy trying to trick me, it will not work, I can assure that, but then again maybe he knows how powerful I am and is just terrified so he feels he must obey me. I shall soon find out.

Itachi looked at Naruto slyly, watching the uncomfortable stance he was in, moving from one foot to the next, waiting for that door to open nervously. Itachi looked back at the door and put his hand on the door knob, turning again to look at Naruto, who is now watching intensely. He twisted the knob and opened the door.

Naruto stood there, horror stricken. Inside that room was like a torture chamber, filled with chains and various weapons and torturing devices. Naruto slowly turned his head to look at Itachi, who was not showing any emotion to what he had just shown Naruto, Naruto then looked back to the room and just stood there. He wanted to run as fast as he could, away from this horrible place, but he knew he could not, Itachi would surely catch him and then the punishment would be worse, he did not want that, he didn’t want any punishment, but it was inevitable, and Itachi said he would go easy on him, for that he was glad, however he was also uncertain as how gentle would Itachi call ‘easy’

“In you go Naruto-kun” Itachi urged, realising Narutos reluctance to step into that room.
Naruto still stood there, immobilised with fear. He soon felt a hand at the small of his back, urging him to move forward, he stumbled a bit and moving slowly towards the room, the hand at his back still there, pushing him forward gently.

Once he and Itachi were in the room, Itachi shut and locked the door. Naruto turned around quickly at the sound of the door closing and whimpered quietly.

“Naruto go stand over by that far wall” Itachi said with no emotion in his voice.

“Yes Master” Naruto slowly began to walk over to the far wall, where he noticed connected to the wall, there were four lockable chains, and Naruto could only guess what was going to happen to him. Itachi followed him swiftly and once they got there Itachi began locking Narutos wrists and ankles into place.

Naruto again whimpered rather noticeably.

“Hush my kitsune, it won’t be that bad, it will be over soon, but it’s just to teach you a lesson, to teach you not to disobey.” Itachi said while stroking Narutos cheek soothingly.
Naruto nodded his head shakily, letting a few frightened tears out.

Itachi stepped away from Narutos chain up form and walked over to a wall full of ‘devices’ and picked a rather painful whip.

“See this Naruto-kun? If I wanted to ruin your beauty to hurt you I would use this, but I cannot mark you like that. Instead I have a different approach to use; all you have to do kit is look at me.”

“Then why are you looking me up?”

“You will be staying down here for a while; till I see you have learnt your lesson.”
Naruto just bowed his head, refusing to speak.

“Let’s begin this punishment.” Itachi tilted Narutos head up and made him look directly into the Uchihas’ eyes.

And then the Tsukuyomi was triggered, and the punishment has begun.

Naruto spent hours going through his worst nightmares and phobias, unable to stop them flowing through his mind. He felt completely helpless to stop it; images of Sasuke dying and hating him for it came across his mind, Kyuubi getting taken out of him, and killing everyone he loves, his whole village hating him and not wanting him, banishing him and eventually killing him, all these things and more ran across his mind, draining him to the point where he thought if this carries on he just might die. And then it stopped. Itachi tiredly looked over to Narutos slumped form and sighed.

*Maybe I was a bit harsh with that punishment.* Itachi thought. *What the hell am I thinking! I'm Uchiha Itachi, nobody disobeys me, and he got what he deserved! *

With that last thought he left the room, leaving a drained and sobbing Naruto slumped chained to the wall.

Itachi went to his room, trying not to feel guilt which was trying to make itself known, and he fell asleep after a while.
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here’s chapter four for everyone, hoped you liked it ^^