

A tear drop fell from my eye as I tapped the repeat button on my iPod touch, making the song that I had been listening to for the past three hours continue its loop. I had thought I was done listening to it, but I wasn’t. The song? Goodbye, by Miley Cyrus. Now, in no way was I a fan of hers. But the minute I heard the song, it reminded me of something, of someone. It reminded me of the most painful goodbye I had ever experienced.

The one with Justin Bieber.

We had been childhood friends. He always hung out with me on the down-low, and just like his singing talent; his other friends knew nothing about me. They knew that me and him smiled at each other in the hall way, but that was it. In reality? We hung out by the lake every weekend, talked on the phone, had sleep over’s when his mom was away.

He was my best friend, and my first love. And the day he left, off to pursue a dream that he had never really thought of, my heart broke. Into a million tiny pieces, that he still carried around with him; without even the slightest inclination that he had them. To him, I had always just been a friend. To me, he was everything. And he still was.

“Nat, guess what?!” My best friend Andrea burst through the door. I quickly wiped off my cheek and pulled out my headphones, looking up at her with a big, fake smile on my face.

“What?” I asked quietly, as I stood up and walked across my room to put my iPod on my desk.

“I got us two, front row seats for a… drum roll please…. JUSTIN BIEBER CONCERT. I won them over the radio, by being the twenty-fifth caller, so we get front row seats as well as back stage passes to meet him after. How awesome is that?! Natasha, why do you look so… unhappy?” Andrea blabbed on, stopping when she finally noticed my face; which closely resembled shocked out of my fucking mind.

See, here’s the deal. Andrea didn’t know about my old friendship with the pop star. No one did. After he left, my mom and me moved because Stratford held too many memories; and I couldn’t even walk into my bedroom without bursting into tears. We ended up moving to Toronto, because it was so busy and unfamiliar to me; not to mention, my mom wanted to stay in Canada.

“No, no I’m excited… Woo hoo!” I said, the end a little unenthusiastic. Andrea rolled her eyes and plopped down on my bed, before she busied herself with flipping through a magazine.

“They tickets and passes are being mailed out tonight, and the concert is at the end of the week. Can you believe it?” She asked, not even looking at me.

“Nope” I muttered, as I ran my brush through my long, blonde hair.

“Nat, why do you seem so… unexcited? I mean, you adore him, yet the thought of meeting him is making you green in the face” She said, cocking her head to the side.

“Just nervous, I guess” I said with a sigh, then walked from the room; going downstairs to grab a snack for me and my friend.

Just like I used to for me and Justin.
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Yay, new story!

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