

The next morning was one of the most difficult things to endure. It was raining again, matching my mood once again. And it was one of those days, where I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed.

All. Day. Long.

I had called Andrea multiple times. She refused to answer my calls, and whenever I called her house, it would go straight to the machine. It actually saddened me a little, to know that she wanted to not talk to me so bad, that she was actually screening calls to ensure that no one in her family spoke to me.

However, being angry with Andrea about ignoring my calls was a bit hypocritical, which was why I was trying not to be angry. I was, in fact, ignoring all of Justin’s calls and texts. Not because I didn’t want to talk to him, but because… Well, I wanted him to know that I was calling all the shots.

Of course, it made me feel incredibly bitchy, wanting to be in complete control over the rekindling of mine and Bieber’s friendship, but… Well, I was more hurt than him. And I wanted to see how far he was really willing to go to make things better between us. Part of me was afraid though. Afraid that if I was too hard on him, he would leave again. And then it would be up to me to fix things. And honestly, I had too much pride to go crawling to him.

It kind of made me feel bad, since he was actually crawling to me

“Natasha! Door!” I heard my mom call about five minutes later, instantly making me sit up in bed. Perhaps it was Andrea? I sincerely hoped it was, and I mean, who else could it be? Justin was super busy, or at least I assumed since he had stopped calling. And because I was so sure that it was Andrea, I hopped right out of bed and grabbed a sweater, pulling it on over my tank top, not even bothering to put pants on over my short shorts. It wasn’t like Andrea hadn’t seen them before.

But when I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw an absolutely soaked Justin standing at the front door, my mom’s eyebrow raised, I suddenly felt self conscious of my messy blonde hair, and sleepy eyes. Not to mention the fact that I was lacking in pants.

“Um…” I started as I instantly slowed my pace and strode towards the door.

“Hey” Justin said happily, despite the fact that he was shivering, and his hair was dripping into his eyes. I looked up at my mom, and she just shrugged and walked off, leaving me to deal with Justin on my own.

“What are you doing here? And… Why are you soaked?” I asked awkwardly, only slightly aware of the fact that I should have probably invited him in, rather than forcing him to continue getting rained on.

“Well, I wanted to see you. And I don’t have anything planned until like, tomorrow or something. But I didn’t know where you lived, so I was walking around the areas I knew your mom would like, searching for your car” He said. His persistence was both cute, and creepy. Either way, it was touching.

“Why would you walk around in the rain?” I asked stupidly, even more aware of the fact that I should probably get him some dry clothes or something, before he got sick.

“It wasn’t raining when I left the hotel. And I was too determined to go back, or even to call for a ride. Plus, rain is nice to a certain extent” He rambled. I laughed quietly and then grabbed his arm, pulling him in and reaching behind him to close the door.

“Stay here while I find you some towels.” I said, then skipped up the stairs, going straight past the linen closet and into my room, where I brushed my hair and pulled it into a pony tail, put some lotion on my face to wake my skin up a bit, and popped a piece of candy off my desk into my mouth. Then I grabbed a good couple towels and went back downstairs, dropping them on the floor next to the ever-obedient Justin, who hadn’t moved an inch.

“Are you staying Justin?” My mom asked while Justin peeled off his wet sweater and dropped it in a heap on the floor. Justin instantly looked at me and I rolled my eyes before tugging on his t-shirt, signaling for him to take it off.

“Yeah, he’s saying” I muttered, making the boy smile. My mom just nodded and walked back to the kitchen, mumbling something about making us hot chocolate.

When I turned back to Justin, I gasped to see that he had taken his shirt off while I was talking to my mom, and I blushed as he smirked, realizing that I was staring.

“You got abs” I said as casually as I could. He just laughed quietly and dried off his torso while I attempted to dry his hair.

“Yeah. But hey Nat, do you have anything I can change into?” He asked. I bit my lip and then nodded.

“Yeah, I think my mom has some of my dad’s old sweatpants and a t-shirt still. Let me go check” I said, running off when he nodded.

It didn’t take too long, and when I got back, I giggled. Justin’s hair was sticking up everywhere, and his pants were still dripping.

“Shoes off, socks off, and lift up your pant bottoms as you walk through the house. I’ll show you the bathroom” I said. He nodded and did what I said before following me through the house. When we reached the bathroom, I handed him the pants, shirt, sweat shirt and socks I had found, then twirled the ends of my hair around my fingers.

“I’ll be in my room. Just come upstairs when you’re done. And um… My door has my name on it” I said. He smiled faintly and leaned against the frame of the door.

“Just like in Stratford.” He said.

“Yeah… Just like in Stratford.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I need to update faster, and I promise I will. Like, at least one more time this weekend, just because... Well, I love them.

And um... Yeah, Justin is sexy. I think that's all I have to say... Other than