

I don't know how long we stood there. All I knew, was that I didn't want to let go. My arms had always wrapped around him easily, as if his body was made to fit perfectly with mine. And from the feel of it, Justin didn't want to let me go either. 

He just kept whispering 'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry'

By the time I pulled away, he had a big wet spot on his shirt, and his cheeks were stained with new tears.

"In answer to your question, I do need a ride home. But first, you have a stadium full of fans all chanting your name to attend to" I said, my voice coming out as a hushed whisper. His brown eyes glistened with more tears as he stared down at me, shaking his head ever so slightly.

"I can't" he whispered, the new batch of tears over flowing. He looked so innocent, and so broken... Watching him fight his own self was killing me.

"You can." I insisted. He just continued to shake his head.

"You're wrong Tash. I can't do it, I'm not leaving you again" he said.

I wasn't sure what he meant, but at the time it didn't matter.

"I'll be there with you Justin. I'll stand on the sidelines and scream louder than any of those sad excuses for Beliebers" I said, a smile forming as his full lips curved upwards.

"Promise?" he whispered, his soft brown hair blowing gently as the breeze picked up.

My smile grew, and I reached out, intertwining my small fingers with his, his warm hands sending shivers all throughout my body.

"I promise"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo, that took way too effing long. And I know it's short, but that seemed like a good place to stop.

Anyway, I know I say this everytime... And normally I lie, but lots of comments make me update faster.

In my defense; I was REALLY busy this past week.

Yeah, so comment and subscribe. We're three stars away from 10, and halfway to 100 subscribers. I love you guys (: