Status: A story I write a while back. Not much to it yet...


Surprise! : Tour Time

Chapter 2 : Tour Time

“Nikkol Listing!!! Get your lazy butt up!!!” Bill yelled into a megaphone, right in my ear.
I screamed and fell out of my bed.
“Jesus Bill!!” He was just laughing, along with the others at the door. I blushed a deep red when I saw Tom fall over he was laughing so much.
I covered my green eyes with my hands and began to fake cry. Did I mention, I majored in acting?
“Nikki, are you crying?” Georg asked, putting a hand on my back. I ‘cried’ harder.
“AU MEIN GOTT! SHE’S CRYING!! I’m so sorry Nikki!! They made me do it! It was Tom’s idea!!” Bill rambled, hugging my curled body. He continued to ramble.
I busted out laughing after about 3 minutes. Bill pulled me to arms length, and gave me a weird stare.
“What the?”
“You…are…so…GULLABLE!!” I squeaked between giggle fits.
“Wow, she must’ve had a lot of practice acting. It sounds so real!” Gustav laughed. I shrugged, a smirk playing on my lips.
“Yeah, but all the less reason to trust her. As 3OH!3 says, don’t trust a ho!” Tom sneered, obviously still pissed about yesterday. I stopped smirking, and stared at my hands. Which were toying with the shag rug I was sitting on.
“Stop being a baby, Tom.” Bill scolded his twin.
“But, she hurt my butt…” He mumbled as he walked away. Bill turned to me as Georg and Gustav left the room.
“You ok, Nikki?” Bill asked, squatting beside me. I shook my head.
“Bill, can I tell you something?” I looked into his eyes.
“Anything Nikki.” He said simply, staring right back into my eyes.
“I like Tom. A lot…” I saw Bill’s face drop before he turned away. “ I’ve tried and tried to get him to like me, but each try, usually puts me back ten steps. I just…” I sighed.
“Well, maybe its time to give up then…” He said hollowly. I shrugged, then remembered he was facing the other wall and couldn’t see me.
“I don’t know. I’ve been chasing after him for as long as I can remember. I don’t know if I can just drop it.” I sighed again.
“Come on you two!! The bus is here!” Georg yelled from down the hall. I looked at Bill, and he was starting to get up.
“Can you help me up?” I asked in a pleading voice. He nodded solemnly, and offered a hand.
I took his hand, and felt a slight shock. Well that was the understatement of the century. It was a ‘slight shock’ that shook me to the core.
Bill must’ve felt it too, because when I looked at him. His eyes were wide and there was a slight blush creeping onto his sharp cheekbones.
“Uhm… L-lets go… t-the others a-are waiting.” He said shakily, taking two of my bags. I nodded, still unable to speak.
I picked up the last two bags, and walked out of my bedroom door.
Bill and I walked down the hall slowly, staying as far away as the walls would allow, but not wanting to leave each others presence.
When we finally made it onto the bus, the other 3 were lounged in the living area. I took the other two bags from Bill, careful not to touch his hands, and then tumbled into the bunk area.
I unpacked my clothes in silence, aware of the low chatter in the living area. Once I had finished, I picked up my iPod and climbed into my bed. Hoping to clarify my conversation with Bill.
I pressed shuffle, and the song ‘Alien’ came up. The music started and I soon drifted to an eventful sleep.
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Here's chappie two! hope ya liked it :D chapter three should be here soon...ish