Status: progressing somewhat slowly

I Set My Clocks Early Because I Know I'm Always Late

He Makes Those Good Girls Go Bad

Walking down the bare streets of downtown Chicago, 2009; I never expected to be here. I never expected I, Elsie Carden, would be here along-side with my brother Mike, and my beloved William. I should have been in my 90's let alone dead but here I was.

'Elsie, I need to tell you something.'
"Yes, what is it William?"
'How would you like to be with me forever?'
"But, William we already are my dear, we're married."
'I know Els, I mean what if we could live forever. Just you and me.'
"I'd love to William, however we both know we cannot do that."
"Yes William?"
'I'm not who you think I am.'
"What do you mean?"
He pulled back from me, 'Elsie, I'm a vampire.'
~End flashback~

I glanced up at William and meet his eyes, his loving eyes long gone, replaced by some bored expression.
"Are we to meet the hunters tonight Master?"
'It's always a possibility my dear, they seem to always know when you're around. You just attract all the men don't you?'
*insert blush here* "I honestly don't try master, I only have eyes for you."
'& that's how it always will be, correct?'
"Yes, master Beckett."

We continued to walk til we saw a group of people leaving a club.
'MEN! Let the hunting begin!'
The men suddenly scrambled to go catch their prey.
"Yes sir?"
'Go and fetch something for our dear Elsie too would you?'
"Yes Master."
'Yes, Elsie?'
"I thought you said I could hunt tonight too."
'Not tonight my dear, as you see here comes our dear friends the hunters!'

'Ah if it isn't my dear friend Peter. Care to join us yet?'
"Never would I join such fucking filth."
'Now now Peter, can't you see we have a lady in our presence.'
"There's a difference between lady & a common whore."
I'll admit that hurt my feelings a bit, however, I've been trained to fight back with not only my body but my words.
"Well master, I do believe these are the most uncordinated neadrathols I've ever did see. Reminds me of that television program, oh what is it called. Oh! Planet of the apes."
"Clever choice Beckett."

I slowly began to walk up to him, I saw his little group of hunter get their weapons ready along with the dandies getting ready to attack.
'Boys put your weapons down, she can't hurt me, she's just a twig, a nobody, a fashion faux puw, a common street walker. Nothing of true danger.'

"Listen up dumbass, nobody and I mean NOBODY, says anything about my family whether it be as a joke or a disrespectful comment. I will hunt you down and kill you if you ever say something about them again. And trust me, I may look unintimidating, however I can be very presawsive when need be, and I will take you and your little friends down." I slowly began to turn around and walk back to William.

'See boys. No threat at all.'
I quickly flashed back in front of him.
"Honey, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole, but I know plenty of people who wouldn't mind get their hands on your throat."
I flashed back to William's side and gave him a kiss on the cheek. William didn't even glance back at me.
I glanced at William to see if he'd say something. He didn't even look bothered by the comment.

"Honestly Peter, have you ever had soemone that loved you?"
I quickly made eye contact and could see the hurt flash in his eyes. How come he can show emotions through his eyes and not William?
'Whatever you say Elsie, whatever you say. One day you'll be running to us when he finally realizes you're no use to him.'
I glanced up at William and saw him prepare to take off his left glove. A smirk quickly washed over my face.
"Have a nice night Peter."

Suddenly the dandies scattered and started attacking. I began to walk over with William to a near by vehicle. Quickly placing ourselves on the hood watching my friends attack the enemies. Suddenly I realized Peter was running towards us. I quickly took William's hand and felt us flash to another area. Turning around and catching Peter landing on the hood of the car. Suddenly there were blue and red lights flashing.

The police had arrived....

Elsie's outfit