Promise the Stars

We the kings had everything. Videos playing regularly on MTV, a platinum single, headlining tours across the US. They were living the dream. They had all the money a few twenty somethings that had the mental capacity of fourteen year olds could dream of. Did they party it up in the Hollywood Hills? Hell no. When they said 941 for life, they meant it. So everytime they have the chance, it's straight back to B-Town for a far too short hangout session before the next farewell.

It's always hard. They see the kids that they've grown up with, kids that are family. And they only have a few weeks before they have to go off again, leaving their friends and the local scene to grow without them.

That's how it is right here, right now. They're on a brief homecoming mission, hiding out at a few local shows while working out the kinks for their latest tour. By now, their friends are all back from college. Either graduated or on break. It makes the goodbye even harder. But what they don't know, is that it's not all goodbye. Someone's going with them. Someone who's going to bring the hometown on the road with them.