Secrets Can Only Be Secrets For So Long

Secrets Can Only Be Secrets For So Long

The way the bodies moved amongst each other, against one another, was always an interesting sight. It was something you wished you could enjoy with your company, with him, but the knowledge of yourself kept you away from the dance floor and bound to the booth. The man you watched was oblivious to your actions, to your staring, as he moved his body in sync to the woman that danced against him. They looked happy and that made you happy.

But you couldn’t hold the feeling of despair back from taking a hold of you as well though…

Oh, what you wouldn’t give to be like that with your boyfriend!

But no.

With him here you wouldn’t even go near him, not unless it was away from his sight.

A sigh escapes you as you take your eyes from him and glance around the club again for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight. The lights began to flicker different colors as a new song began to play. It was then that you decided to get another drink, thinking that tonight was not a night to be sober. You make your way to the bar, managing to get through the hoard of people.

Does the crowd annoy you? Of course.

That just means another smoke was in order.

Once at the bar you ordered your third drink of the night, definitely not enough to intoxicate you, but a start in the right direction. Probably not the best train of thought, but that obviously didn’t matter as soon as the drink landed in your hands and made its way down your throat. As the contents of your glass disappeared into your system a hand slid down your back and making itself comfortable at its final destination of your backside.

“You’re looking good tonight, babe.”

You roll your eyes and shove him away, turning to make sure that the couple you came with didn’t see what had just transpired. Relief flooded you when you saw that they hadn’t…Then you glared at the new member in your bubble. “Raul, go away. We’ve talked about this.”

“They didn’t see anything. Besides, I couldn’t help it. I can never see you in public and since your brother is busy smacking lips with his girlfriend I figured it’d be okay.” He leaned against the bar counter, a smirk plastered on his lips as you took a good look at him.

Compared to him you looked like trash, that’s for sure. The outfit was snug in all the right places, showing off the assets, and his hair was perfect to where it had not a hair out of place. He was looking absolutely gorgeous as usual. He smirk broadened when he saw you lick your lips hungrily.

He was tempting to you and he knew it. The thought of getting drunk up your ass no longer held any appeal as your mind changed routes to the other thoughts that were more pleasurable to the body. Getting a piece of him sounded much better than being drunk and having a hangover in the morning.

Unsurprisingly, it seemed he read your mind as he gave you a wink and sauntered away towards the back exit. Your eyes watched him as he made his way out, thoughts of the events that were going to happen playing with your mind and rushing blood to where it might make your thoughts obvious. After making sure that the couple you came with were with were preoccupied, you downed your drink and quietly followed the same route that your boyfriend took.

It doesn’t take you long to get to the destination and it doesn’t take long for you to be shoved against the brick wall and have your lips preoccupied with the other’s. His tongue beckoned for your mouth to open and when you gave permission your tongues played. Your arms instantly wrapped themselves around Raul’s strong neck, your fingers entangling in his dark hair in a hold. The passion and enticing tongue elicited a moan from you and this only caused him to crush himself against you.

Raul tasted of cigarettes and liquor.

You loved that taste.

Air became a necessary thing as the two of you pulled apart. But that didn’t stop him. He made his way down your jaw to your neck and down the rest of your torso with heated butterfly kisses until he made it to the destination that he wanted to be at.

You gasped when cold air breezed against your manhood.

That was when the paranoia kicked in.

You began to pant as you were engulfed by the talented mouth.

The paranoia turned to fear.

You bite your lip to hold back the strangled moan.

Oh, god…

Those eyes were looking at you.

You knew that if your twin saw this that his eyes would look like what you had just imagined. An unnoticeable whimper escaped you as you thought about it.





Those things you wouldn’t be able to handle from your twin. That’s the only reason why you’ve been keeping Raul and yourself a secret for so long. If you were to get treatment like that from your own twin you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself.

As you felt your climax come ever closer the door opened.

It was as if time was in slow motion.

Your heart stopped.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
Comments would be awesome.

Link to contest: here