Status: NEW!

Tearing Love Apart

Chapter Eleven.

Zack left after an hour of talking about Emily, how much we missed her and how much we had to move on no matter what. After he left I was stuck with Alex and I had forgotten why he was inside my home in the first place.

"Remind me why you're here again?" I said, turning to Alex.

"You were going to let me talk to you," he replied.

"Right, well, start talking before I change my mind" I sighed.

"Listen, I'm really sorry I treated you so shitty"

I blinked, "I thought we went over--"

"Please, just listen"

I sighed and took a sit in front of him, I waited for him to say something but he seemed to be thinking of how to word what he was going to say.

"I know high school wasn't easy for you, and that me being a total dick made it even worse, I really am sorry,"

I watched him, he really did mean what he was saying I was so surprised I was at a loss for words, he doesn't usually apologize, or so I've heard. Yet, I was still skeptical, was this another joke he was trying to pull?

"Why should I believe you?" I shot at him.

"Because, if I wasn't sorry do you really think I'd be here apologizing?"

I thought about it for a minute, I guess he was right, I sighed and nodded. Why would he apologize? Why now? It's late.

Better late than never I suppose.

"I-I don't understand Alex,"

"I've always had this thing for you" he whispered.


"I've always kind of had a crush on you,"

Did I just hear, Alex Gaskarth say he has a crush on me? He must be joking.

"Quit pulling my leg, Alex I'm serious"

"I'm not!"

I looked at him, "Why... are you being so nice to me?"

He breathed, "Because, you didn't deserve what I did to you,"

I was totally confused by his words what was he getting at and why would he stop looking at me with those... eyes.

"You're acting funny..."

He stood up and walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders, I had to admit I was taken back by this.

"I won't ever do it again I promise"

I blinked, "Do what?"

"Humiliate you, make you cry," he whispered, he cupped my face.

"Uh... Alex"

His thumbs were gently rubbing my cheeks and I couldn't help but blush from his touch, he's never touched me like that. It was a little strange for me, I stepped back and watched him, and his eyes said he was truly sorry.

"Grace I'm so sorry, can you ever forgive me?"

"Alex... I... I mean,... yes"

His eyes closed I could feel relief washing over him by the way he was standing; I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. I don't know why but I felt like giving him a hug, his arms draped around me and he pulled me closer.

Alex looked down at me a smile playing on his lips and I was curious to know why he had changed his mind. All he had told me was that he felt terrible and that he shouldn't have done it, and maybe that was it, but I feel like there was more to it than that.

I kept staring at his big brown chocolate eyes and my heart was racing, my hands were cold and clammy and my face was hot. What was happening to me?

I felt Alex breathing in my face I looked up and saw him leaning down at first I thought he was going to whisper something in my ear. Next thing I know his lips were on mine.

His lips were so warm and soft I touched his face for a moment then kissed him back, it felt so warm.

"Wow,"I breathed.

He smirked "Wow is right, you're such a good kisser"

I blushed "Thanks"


"Well, this changed things" I noted.

He nodded, ,I wasn't sure where to go from here it was so much awkward as it was sweet, but I had no idea what to say.

I had no idea where this was going to go but I liked his kisses and I liked him, wonder what Emily would say if she saw me now.
♠ ♠ ♠
kind of short?
sorry ran out of ideas
but yess! he kissed her .
thanks for reading.