Status: NEW!

Tearing Love Apart

Chapter Nine.

I balled my fists it was obvious that Alex wasn't going to leave me alone; I turned off the engine and got out of my car slamming the door behind me. I walked to the front of my car and pushed Alex, and all he could do was smirk.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"Chill, Gracey"

"Don't call me THAT!" I screamed in his face.

"Wow, you're angry aren't cha?" he chuckled.

"Why wouldn't I be? You keep annoying me!"

He just stood there with a sly smile plastered on his face; he obviously didn't care how much he bothered me. I stood there, letting my frustration out this was what he wanted to get to me, and well I wasn't just going to stay there.

I sighed and walked over to where my water hose was and I turned the knob and walked back to where Alex was; he was leaning against my car now. I mumbled and pointed the hose to his back and got him all wet.

"GRACE! What the fuck?!"

"GET OUT!" I shouted.

He finally moved after I got him completely soaked, I turned off my hose and got back into my car, I turned it on and started to drive out of my house, but before I left, I rolled down my window.

"Please leave me alone Alex, I WANT nothing to do with you, I just want you to leave me alone, I may be friends with Zack and Rian but you and Jack are on my hate list for ever so stop trying to talk to me like I'm your fucking buddy! I'm not “I sighed.

I drove off to go see Emily again, I felt so calm when I walked through the cemetery some may call me crazy but it was really quiet.

"Hey again Em" I sighed, sitting next to her grave.

"You won't believe the day I've had, well, mainly Alex god I hate him so much and I know I used to have a crush on him, but he broke my heart you know? And ridiculed me I don't appreciate that," I sighed.

I wrapped my arms around my legs that were now against my chest, I shut my eyes and thought about all the good times Emily and I had when we we're younger. When Alex was nice to me, but that was way back in grade school before he became a total whore and jackass.

"I've been thinking about our past Em, how many slumber parties we'd go to and hosted our own, remember?"

"When Brittney "Star" ha-ha we'd used to say that was such a porn star name! Ha! She’d always talk about how she got laid before any of us, and we we're only 13! What a whore!" I laughed.

I closed my eyes and tried to picture Emily in front of me, talking to me about what we would do in the future. I was studying to become an actress or model, I've always been told I've had a knack for it and that I was really pretty, but Alex thought otherwise I had glasses and braces at the time. As for Emily she wanted to become an amazing chef! She would always experiment in the kitchen while I posed and made funny faces.

How I miss you Emily, I wish you could be here right now, I had a small shoot two days ago and it went great!

"I miss you girl, you have no idea and I know it's been a year but one can't forget their loved ones and you were like a sister to me,"


I stood up when I heard someone call out my name, I turned around and looked around the cemetery was empty.

"Who's out there? Show yourself!"

I shook my head I must have been hearing things, it wouldn't be the first time that I would have heard things.


I turned again, the voice was getting closer I wanted to stick around and found out who it was but that would be stupid. Wouldn't it?

I ran back to my car and got in I put the key in the ignition but it wouldn't start, I was breathing hard. I kept thinking to myself that I wasn't crazy that I was just imagining things, but then I saw her again. My body started shaking as I struggled to put my seatbelt on and finally got the ignition to start. I drove off, I was scared that this thing might come after me, it couldn't have been her. There was no way!

"Wow, adrenaline rush,"

I parked my car in the drive way and got off and noticed that Alex was sitting on my porch with dry clothes. He looked serious, I just rolled my eyes and was going to open my mouth to speak but he stopped me.

"Wait, can you please just hear me out, I promise I'll leave you alone if you just hear me out”

I sighed, "If it'll get you to leave me alone I'm all ears,"

So this is it, Alex was going to talk to me and I had to actually listen to him I sat down and waited for him to speak.

Let's get this over with...
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Hope you enjoy. X]
Comments are always appreciated.
Grace's car