Status: slow updates

Call on Me

i won't hurt you

Josh and John arrived not too long after Connor called. By the time they showed up I’d wrapped my hand, Connor had convinced Lana to come join the group and Cameron had successfully burnt two pancakes and was on his way to a third. John saved it before they could get any further to a deep color of black. Apparently Cameron didn’t believe me when I told him to flip the pancake and had taken things into his own hands. I was never going to trust him in the kitchen again. Josh took notice of my hand almost immediately and started a game of twenty questions that turned into ‘tell me which brother I have to pound’ pretty quickly. After confusion and a few good laughs though we finally had enough pancakes for every Montgomery boy to enjoy at least eight.

“Josh, will you grab this,” I asked looping my finger through two syrup bottles and starting towards the table. He looked back at the plate of pancakes I was pointing to and nodded before heading over to grab them. “Lan, sweetie you can’t take up that much seating space. You forget I’m not that small,” I joked.

“Hey, you’re beautiful,” Josh said coming up behind me and kissing my cheek. “Cam, move over,” he said sliding the plate onto the table. For whatever reason our parents had put this huge booth like table in our kitchen instead of like an actual table. It was times like these I was glad for such a table. I followed Josh in and leaned against his side as he shoved Cameron into John while Connor and Lana sat happily on the other side.

“Josh, get your fat ass of my hand,” Cameron said with a scowl. I laughed softly and shook my head at both of them. “Hey missy, I don’t see your hand under his ass,” he pointed.

“Your hand is also not throbbing from a burn, Cameron,” I returned.

“This is why you shouldn’t get distracted when you cook.”

“At least I didn’t burn any pancakes.”

“Children, children,” Lana said with a grin. “Do I need to separate you?”

“Jeez, one argument and we’re children again,” Cameron said as he shook his head. “I never thought I’d see that day.”

John shook his head before everyone actually started eating. The conversation dwindled while each brother munched on whatever they pleased while Lana and I finished and sat there watching them. When they finally finished what they wanted we started the pretty routine act of cleaning up.

We had this part down to a complete science. After breakfast we’d pile the dishes in the sink to be washed later before Josh and I would make our way into the living room. We were usually followed by at least one other Montgomery. It was inevitable that we’d watch some cartoons. Lana would run to take a shower before joining us and the remaining Montgomery brothers either fell in line and joined the cartoon watching or headed home. Today it was switched just a little.

Instead of heading to the living room I pulled Josh towards the stairs. I really just wanted to be alone with him. I figured everyone else would understand this to mean he was getting lucky but it wasn’t like that. Josh knew I wasn’t like that and, as far as I could tell, he was respectful of that. That didn’t stop the rumors from everyone else we knew. I saw Lana roll her eyes as we started up the stairs. She took this cue to turn the volume up as she slumped next to Connor on the couch.

“What’s up?” Josh asked when we finally entered my room. He turned to look at me pulling me close to him and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused. He smiled before leaning in to kiss me. “Dear, dear, boyfriend,” I said kissing him back, “I love kissing you,” I said kissing him again. I could feel the smile as he kissed me back.

“I have to tell you something,” he said pulling me to the bed. He sat down and I curled into his lap before I waited to hear what he needed to tell me. “We’re going on tour.”

“We, as in the band, are going?”

“Um, the band and Cameron are going,” he said softly.

“So I get to be alone, the summer before my senior year?”

“Not fully…”

“What do you mean not fully? Josh, I wanted to spend the summer with you. I mean, next year I’m going to be starting college and I really just wanted to see you every day for a summer. I realize it’s a good opportunity for your band but what about me?”

“Kim,” he said when I finally hushed my worries. “I kind of wanted you to join us. I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it would be pretty cool,” he said pressing his lips gently against my neck.

“Are you serious?” I asked whipping my head around to see him. With a smile and a nod he gave me my answer. “Oh my God, Josh!” I said pressing my lips against his as we leaned back against the bed.

The worst part of my personality is that I think things over twenty times over. It was so that I started thinking about what would happen if I went on tour with him. Josh would probably get sick and tired of being around me. We’d fight and most likely break up, something I didn’t even want to think about. I knew he loved me and I loved him but eventually people got bored and I just knew that Josh would get tired of me by the end of tour. It was easier for him to be away. At least if he was away I didn’t have to see him cheat.

“Josh, I…I can’t,” I stuttered softly.

“What? Why not?”

“What about Lana? I can’t leave her behind,” I said. He didn’t know it was because I was afraid of what would happen if she was here alone with the fighting. I didn’t want him to know my history and my fears. I was guarded, he knew that, but he had no idea why.

“What about her? She’s the same age as Connor and I have no problem leaving him home. Kim, baby, I want you to come with us. I want to keep you with me over summer. I want to see you every day and get to tell you how beautiful you are when you wake up. Lana and Connor can have the summer to talk about how much they hate that they get left behind,” he said as he cracked his cocky smile. “Please?”

I sighed softly and thought. If I went with him, I ran the risk of finding out a lot about him that I didn’t want to know. It was a chance for him to find out more about me than necessary and it gave us both ample amount of time to start hating each other. All in all, it wasn’t a good idea from start to finish. I wasn’t sure how to answer him. I sighed against before pressing my lips against his.

“Is that a yes?”

“I’ll talk to my parents,” I said. It was my compromise to buy some time. He nodded before letting his lips rest against mine. “Josh,” I said pushing him away. “You…I mean, you know, if I don’t go, you’ll…”

“Babe, if you don’t go, then I’ll be sad. But,” he said kissing my neck, “I’ll call,” he said moving up my neck a little, “and text,” he said continuing his way up, “and visit when possible,” he said now reaching my chin. He cupped my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes. “Ask your parents, and then pack your bags and come with me. I love you, Kim, and I’m going to love you until forever.”

I felt myself smile as he kissed my lips. Leave it to Josh to make me forget about the fight and the apprehension I might have. I hated that I couldn’t be as adventurous as he was. It always made me feel as if I wasn’t meant to be with him. But I loved him, and so far that he said he loved me. It never kept me from thinking of my parents.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really want pancakes now.
This is from sleep deprivation and caffeine.

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p.s Happy birthday Kim