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Don't Waste Your Time On Me

Mixtape Of Her Favorite Bands


After I got home from school, Mom decided to take me to this music store on the corner and then for us to go get dinner. She keeps telling me that she's sorry for everything that has happened these past 3 months, but I don't see the point. It wasn't her fault, it was mine.

When we get there, my eyes immediatly spot a Blink-182 CD. My Dad use to love them, they are-were- his favorite band.

I pick up the Cd and keep looking around. That's when I hear the door open. A familar, annoying voice fills my ears.

"Yo, Phily, got anything new."

"Sorry Gaskarth, nope."

Are you fucking kidding me!! Everywhere I go!!

I tie my hair back and put my red hood over my head. All I have to do is pay for this CD and meet Mom at the dinner without him seeing me. But of course, nothing goes as planed for.

As I walk up to the counter, I trip over a crate of old CDs, taking a wall of them down with me. once I hit the ground I hear people gaspin shock all around me. When I finally look up, I see Alex standing infront of me with that stupid grin on his face.

"Hmm, Pkil said there wasn't anything new today, I guess he missed something, and I and very interested in purchasing it" he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut it." i tell him. i stand up and start picking up the CDs. Once I'm done, I go and pay for my CD.

"Hold it, you like Blink?" Alex asks from behind me.

"Yea, I'm guessing your a fan?" I ask.

"Um, duh! Who do you think All Time Low models their band after."

That's when an idea pops into my head.

"You know I could burn the CD for you and give it to you tommorow." I tell him


"Yep just meet me in the parking lot before school tommorow ok? 7:20."

When I leave the store, I pull out my cell and call up Steph.

" Hey Steph, remember how I said that I wanted to show Alex that 2 can play a this game..."

The next day, Steph, Stacey, Christina, Kate and I all meet in the parking loot 5 minutes before I'm suppose to meet Alex.

"Ok, every got their eggs." I ask

"Yep, but, are you sure this is gonna work." Kate asks me.

"Yes now everyone hid I see his car."

Everyone runs to where they're suppsoed to be. Alex walks up towards me.

"Here you go, one Blink-182 CD on the house." I tell him. He takes the CD out of my hand and puts it into his backpack.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" ha asks me.

"I felt bad for being a jerk to you without knowing you, so I was wondering, can we be friends?" i ask. I open my arms up to hudd him. He steps closer to me and as I'm about to nail him in the back, he grabs both of my wrists and lifts them above my head. i'm so shocked by this that I let go of the egg, watching it break as it hits the black-top. I look at him with shocked eyes.

"Nice try, but egging is so last year. Now it's my turn." he drops my wrists and as he walks away, 3 things pop into my mind.

1) How much shit I was in
2) The fact that his eyes weren't just brown,but that they were infact the color of chocolate
3) The butterflies I got in my stomach when he grabbed me
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This isnt my best work but i had such a BAD case of writers block :( I hope you guys still like it thou